Chapter 326

“Report, three hundred miles ahead, there is a magic wave appearing!”

“I expect to arrive here in thirty minutes!”

The iron cavalry camp stood still.

They are heavy cavalry,

You must charge up~ to have the lethality!

Immobile like a mountain,

That is the formation of the Baiziying pawns!

Looting like fire,

This is what the heavy cavalry should do!

Facing the coming demonic wave,

The overlord did not give an order to meet the enemy,

He didn’t even let the heavy cavalry be armored and mounted.

But standing in front of the line,

Insert the Overlord’s spear into the ground.

Overlord’s eyes swept across everyone’s faces,

High voice,

“Brothers, you must have known it a long time ago.

A bet between the Western Celestial Selection Faction and our Hundred River Warrior Legion! ”

Everyone nodded.

The invincible master fights a battle,

Mediated by the strongest,

final decision,

The victory will be determined by the heavy cavalry of both sides within 24 hours!

It is for this reason that

All talents are desperate for military merit!

This military merit,

Not only the desire for their own strength,

It is the return of the amount of resources invested in the previous period!

And right now,

They have a chance!

More than one hundred thousand magic tide,

If it can be defeated,

To encircle and suppress,

Can kill at least half of the monsters!

Facing this piece of fat,

Everyone is like a wolf who has been hungry for seven days and seven nights,

There was green light in his eyes.

“You know the cross heavy cavalry regiment,

How many monsters have you killed? ”

Overlord asked.

Everyone shook their heads, not knowing.

“Laozi doesn’t know either.”

Everyone laughed chuckles.

It can be seen from this detail,

Tieqi Camp and Baizi Camp,

The foundation of the two sides is different!

In Baiziying,

Even if it breaks through to the great happy event of Grand Master,

Also abide by the rules!

Not even a little more noise is allowed!

In the iron cavalry camp,

On the contrary, the rules will be less.

It’s more like brotherhood, fathers and villagers.

This also has something to do with the sources of troops on both sides.

The soldiers of the cavalry battalion,

Mostly related by blood,

The vast majority are from Jiangdong!

After everyone laughed,

The overlord drew his spear,

Stand up and sit on a dragon horse,

“All the iron cavalry camp obeys the order!”

“Put on armour, get on the horse!”

Five thousand people approve of heavy armor, turn on horses, and hold spears!

at last,

Is it finally their turn to charge?

There is no need for pre-war mobilization at all,

They have been suffocated long ago!

Just listen to the overlord’s words,

“Laozi doesn’t care how much the Crusaders can kill!”

“After today, the name of the federation’s number one cavalry will no longer be disputed!”

Five thousand knights are preparing to launch,

Five thousand crows fell from the sky!

The crow fell on the shoulders of heavy cavalry,

next moment,

“Collective teleportation!”

Five thousand horses,

It turned out to be four hundred miles away!

It was directly teleported to the back of the Mocha!

Overlord laughed aloud,

“Want to survive, want to go home?”

“Kill through the demonic wave in front of you, there is the direction of home!

There is no retreat in this battle! ”

He is laughing wildly!

Five thousand heavy knights who fought against the water,

Morale rose instead of falling, and climbed to the apex.

The Overlord laughed wildly,

“Everyone, charge with me!”


A torrent of steel,

Appear on the battlefield of the crypt!

Su Bai overlooked the whole battle,

It is inevitable to feel the shock of this grand scene!

“Holding a horse!”

The dragoon at the forefront,

The weapon used is not a spear,

It’s a five-meter-long special horse!

Just this horse,

It cost 50,000 contribution points to build!

This is also where they rushed to break the line,

The biggest reliance!

The heavy cavalry in front rushed sullenly,

The heavy cavalry in the rear followed them rhythmically.

Like breathing,

Too fast, it will mess up the formation.

Too slow, it will be out of touch!

Just the rhythm self-regulation in this charge,

Can be seen,

Overlord’s training of cavalry,

Excellent talent!

“Toss the gun, 45 degree angle, full strength!”

The heavy cavalry in the first row has not yet contacted the magic tide,

The overlord ordered the cavalry in the back row!(Read more @

Under his command,

Just a long-range attack when charging,

It caused a lot of casualties to the Demon Tide,

It even caused chaos locally!


Undoubtedly broke the front row of heavy cavalry,

Reduce a lot of pressure!


A short distance of a hundred miles,

Under the full charge of the dragoons,

It’s just a matter of minutes!

It is also this horrible mobility and lethality,

To let the heavy cavalry,

When attacking,

Have extremely terrifying combat power!


“One ride is a thousand!”

Overlord urges his own authority effect,

Be the first to enter the demons!

Ma Li penetrated several monsters in one breath!

Ryoma hits the monster to death one after another!

Even if it didn’t die,

If it is run over by the iron cavalry behind, it will turn into mud!

The momentum of the heavy cavalry charge has not decayed!

It’s like cutting into tofu with a scalpel,

Smoother than Dove!

Divide the magic wave in front of you directly into two!


The killing shouts around all day,

Surrounded by monsters that can’t be killed!

The overlord got red eyes,

Holding a spear like a dragon, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha!

His dragon horse even charged too hard,

Severely injured!

Overlord took it back to the contract space,

Get into battle with a spear!

“Boy, you’re unlucky to meet an old man!”

An invincible Mozu hidden in the Demon Tide,

Outrageously shoot to the overlord!

He clearly realized that

This is the main general of the heavy cavalry,

Kill the opponent, the morale of the heavy cavalry is doomed to frustration!

“Your opponent is me!”


A figure came out!

“Killing Realm!”

“Killing gems, urge!”

“Ancient Dragon Soul!”

Su Bai’s firepower turned on in an instant.

He has been vigilant whether there will be Mozu invincible shots!

Wandering in the void is full,

Under multiple real damage stacking,

Cooperate with the 15% slaying effect of the ancient dragon soul.

Can be cut invincible!


Mozu invincible did not even have time to resist,

Was killed by Su Bai in seconds!

Tyrant authority, 33% to accommodate progress!

Solve the Mozu Invincible,

Su Bai returned to the sky,

Continue to use the recovery monsoon to add blood to the heavy cavalry!

Everyone has their own battlefield!

I don’t know how long it took to kill,

Overlord’s eyes suddenly opened up!

There is a clearing ahead!


Bringing soldiers to kill the tide!

The first heavy cavalry to charge,

Has cut the entire demonic tide,

Just a wave of charges,

Let the one hundred thousand demonic tide show signs of defeat!

The more this time,

The more you have to do it!

Overlord changed a mount,

Gathering Qianqi, once again launched a charge against the Demon Tide!

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

charge! charge! charge!

Regardless of the cost, regardless of casualties!

Just to completely smash the demonic wave in front of you!

Five thousand to one hundred twenty thousand,

Even the heavy cavalry had a terrible battle loss ratio of 10 to 1.

The Demon Tide can survive 70,000!

The entire battlefield,

Although caught in an incomparable chaos.

But the demonic tide is like a hundred-legged worm,

Dead but not stiff!

On the contrary, it’s the overlord’s cavalry,

After three or two charges,

In the local battlefield fell into a bitter battle!

Heavy cavalry,

Once unable to charge, the lethality will be much weaker!

Just when the Demon Tide was preparing to counterattack,

A flag embroidered with the word ‘white’,

Appear on the horizon!



“Baiziying, get caught!”


The joining of nearly ten thousand new forces,

Completely reversed the entire battle!

It also gave the heavy cavalry time to relax!

Overlord rushed westward in the middle east of the magic wave,

Bring most of the heavy riders back to the team again!

Count it down,

Just charged a few times,

More than four hundred heavy knights were killed in battle!

The results achieved are extremely brilliant,

…… ……… 0

With the cooperation of Baiziying,

They are going to make dumplings for most of the demons!

This is a magic wave of 120,000! !

After a few hours,

Only living people are left on the battlefield.

There is not a living monster!

This battle,

More than five hundred dead in the Baizi camp,

Six hundred horsemen were killed in the Iron Cavalry,

Less than a hundred people were killed in the Fire Bug Department!

Paid a price of 1,200 people,

Annihilated nearly 80,000 enemies! !

Battle loss ratio: 70:1!

These are all monsters above Rank 4! !

This is the crypt war for nearly a hundred years,

In the history of the Terran Warrior Legion,

A miracle never seen before!

When the demonic wave is defeated,

The white battalion strangled, the heavy cavalry battalion divided the battlefield,

The battle loss ratio has been endlessly expanded!

Plus Su Bai is almost cheating,

Crazy use of “recovery monsoon”,

Add blood and buff to everyone.

There is such an exaggerated battle loss ratio!

Fire worms are leading people to clean the battlefield.

They have the least casualties,

Not because they are strong,

But they are simply not qualified to appear on the frontal battlefield!

Only fish in the fringe battlefield!

More than four thousand horses,

The armor is torn, the horse is bent,

The mount was limp to the ground,

Everyone has scars of horror!

Last stand,

Annihilate tens of thousands of enemies!

They did it!

A familiar figure came towards them,

Su Bai!

All the cavalry stood up together,

Straighten your chest!

Overlord stood at the forefront of the array,

“Cavalry Battalion, fortunately not insulting your life!”

The result of this battle,

Suffice it to say!

Su Bai is not nonsense,

“The cavalry battalion wiped out tens of thousands of enemies, rewards for meritorious deeds!”

“Gift name: Wushuang!”

One side embroidered with the flag of “Wushuang” in cursive script,

Sent to the overlord’s hands and raised the flagpole!

from now on,

They are Wushuang Iron Cavalry Camp!

More than 4,000 people clenched their fists,

They have their own numbers!

Su Bai held Tyrant’s scepter,


Thousands of white lights flash at the same time,

Everyone’s strength is improved!

Wushuang Iron Knight Camp,

Become a subject of Tyrant!

Side by side with Baiziying,

One of Tyrant’s strongest army!


(Ann, rested.

Ask for a flower monthly evaluation ticket. )a few.

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