Chapter 303

“Su Bai enters the killing city, act!”

The storm that has been brewing for a long time,

Finally broke out at this moment.

Like a predator in the dark, showing its fangs!

Their goals,

It is the external benefit of Su Bai everywhere!

A group of people in black hurriedly approached a prison.

The guard scolded,

“The prison is heavy, don’t let anyone come near!”

“Xeon Souvenirs, special matters!”

The other party showed a document,

In a flash, only the words ‘cracked’ in the signature can be seen.


It’s just a dazed effort,

The man in black broke into the prison,

There is a strong manuscript,

Of course the guards would not stop each other.

It’s just a little weird to see this group of people walking in a hurry and doing things in a hurry.

After the man in black broke into the prison,

The roar echoed endlessly in the house,

“What about people!”

“Where are the Baiziying people?!”

The guard returned tremblingly,

“They… have a holiday…”

“What leave are the death row prisoners? Is there any king law?”

“Fuck, fool!”

The man in black roared impotently.

“Because the equipment has not arrived,

Baiziying has a half-day holiday. ”

Gongsun Qi made this announcement.

Of course he did not forget that these guys are death row prisoners,

Just let it go,

It may be how big a moth will be.

Therefore, one more rule is added:

“During the holidays, it is not allowed to leave Baichuan City for half a step.”


Baichuan City itself,

It’s the biggest rule!

11   If they dare to make trouble in Baichuan City,

The crow can’t let them go.

Nearly five thousand people,

They used to be guilt-rich and innumerable guys.

After the transformation of Baiziying,

Become extraordinarily well-behaved.

“Where are you going to carry the flag?”

Because of containing the authority of [Order],

The persecutor was carried the flag by Gongsun’s starting point,

In the white camp, he is also a little red man.

“I don’t want to go anywhere…”

This is Baichuan City,

The nightmare of the magic killer!

The streets are full of crows,

The persecutors took the initiative to call the Ministry of Urban Defense,

Begging the other party to get him up and go to jail.

Now revisiting the old place,

The persecutors looked at the map of Baichuan City,

Finally found a spot that has nothing to do with the crow:

Baichuan City Warrior Cemetery!

“Go to the cemetery, there are few people in this place and clean.

Rest for a long time and then come back to jail. ”

The proposal of the lawbreaker,

It got a lot of people’s response.

Everyone sat in the bus honestly,

The first team building of the Baizi Camp began.

“Check! Where did they go!”

The man in black was placed in a row,

Send someone to investigate immediately.

Before Su Bai was still there,

They dare not blatantly monitor,

This allowed Baiziying to run away!

“I found out, most of them are in the warrior cemetery.

The remaining small part also plans to go to the warrior cemetery! ”


Now that they are together,

That’s easy!

Warrior cemetery,

“Is this a cemetery or a playground?”

Dharma-killers go south and north,

I have never seen this before!

A cemetery in Nuo Da,

Repairing strange graves,

Not a duplicate!

The most weird thing is,

The atmosphere in the cemetery was completely different from what everyone imagined.

In their imagination,

The cemetery should be cold, lonely, and cold,

It’s better to add a little rain,

That would be perfect!

But the cemetery in front of me,(Read more @

Full of laughter, children ran all over the floor,

The adults’ faces are also relaxed and comfortable.

“The flag bearer, or let’s change the place.”

People are not very comfortable with this environment,

Intend to leave.

“and many more!”

The persecutors noticed,

A young man in the corner is repairing a grave,

“Why does that person look familiar?”

“Don’t tell me, isn’t that number three, five, eight, seven?”

“What is it, his name is Barbarian Bull!”

The Baiziying ranks three hundred fifty eight seven,

Barbarian, died in the last battle of the City of Souls.

Gongsun Qi’s command and dispatch are super-splendid,

After all, fighting is deadly.

Minor injuries and serious injuries of Baiziying are not counted.

Nearly two hundred people were killed in the battle.

Everyone was half curious,

Leaning over in doubt.

“It’s really a bull!”

Everyone was surprised,

How could the grave of Barbarian Bull be here? !

As a representative, the exterminator stepped forward and asked,

“Master, I would like to ask you something.”

The man who is sculpting a portrait is a young man,

Exquisite craftsmanship and quick work.

“you said.”

“Who are you repairing the grave for?”

The Dharma Exterminator asked expectantly,

“This, this is also… the warrior who died in battle,

Eligible to enter the martial arts cemetery? ”

Everyone’s hearts are tight.

They actually have extravagant hopes in their hearts that they shouldn’t have.

What are their identities?

Scum, wicked, scum,

Death row prisoners who were shot for ten minutes.

Everyone’s hands are covered with blood.


There is no chance to look back.

Even so,

They will also have a little delusion,

If you die for the Baiziying camp,

Can you pay for all your sins with one death?

Can… be remembered after death?

The battlefield is ruthless,

The owner of my own family slaughtered Gongsun again,

The battle to be fought in Baiziying,

It must be the most dangerous and hardest bone to gnaw!

Casualties can’t be lowered!

For Baiziying, for Gongsun,

They can die generously without any complaints!

What about after death?

Can there be such an acre of land belonging to them?

at this moment,

The people of Baiziying,

Want to get an affirmative answer,

Even if the other party just lied to them,

It will also make them feel better.

“How is that possible.”

Young people don’t look very smart,

Ignoring the atmosphere of the scene, he gave a negative answer directly,

“Look at the life of Man Niu,

How bad did this guy do!

How can one be qualified to enter the Martial Arts Cemetery. ”

Everyone collapsed in an instant, red lines appeared in the eyes of some, blue veins violent, and some clenched their fists.

Young people continue to talk to themselves,

“Man Niu is a death row prisoner and later joined the Baizi Camp.

He killed 5 sixth-rank monsters before he died,

A badly wounded demon master blew himself up and died.

His life is engraved on the tombstone. ”

The voice of the extinguisher trembled slightly,

“Then this portrait?”

“A classmate asked me to stand up,

He said the bull’s sin is unpardonable

After death, a portrait should be made for him to be cast aside. ”


Their mood is very complicated.

on the one hand,

The grave of Man Niu entered the warrior cemetery.

It was still a bust, and it looked a bit fierce.

on the other hand,

This doesn’t seem to be a good thing either.

After the young man repaired the portrait of the bull,

Immediately rush to the next one.

A veteran of the White Camp,


“Laozi smashed this broken image!”


Angry, he was quickly stopped by everyone,

“You can see clearly!”

In this corner,

The portrait of more than a man is erected.

All the robes that died in the Baiziying camp,

All stand here!

I have to say that young people are good at craftsmanship,

The carving is as lifelike,

Each portrait 680 looks different.

As if they really came alive.


These are the brothers who have fought bloody battles with them.

Everyone is not a good person.

Used to be a living person,

It is dead now.

Everyone was silent.


It’s better to have something like a grave than nothing.

A little boy who has not yet enlightened,

Don’t know where it came from,

He actually climbed directly onto the bust of a bull,

Holding the two horns of the bull’s helmet in both hands,

Shook his body,

Shouted with a milky voice,

“Ride a bull! Ride a bull!”

Everyone saw this scene,

My heart suddenly softened.

It seems… not that bad?

Before the repaired portrait,

Slowly put some chrysanthemums.

Many children came to play,

They cannot see the words on the epitaph.

They only know,

The people buried here,

Once fought for Terran.

This is enough.

The extinguisher took a deep breath,

“That’s good too.”

“Indeed, look at that nasty man Niu, he is still laughing when he is dead!”

“Slow down, be careful not to fall off!”

People from Baiziying kept coming.

They stand or sit,

Some drink and sing,

Some put roast chicken and duck in front of the grave,

Then feast on yourself.

People who still laugh at the dead can’t eat it.

Someone quietly cleaned the cemetery…

More than 4,800 living people,

Surrounded by nearly two hundred graves,

Each sits on its own business.

Until the night falls,

Dressed in white,

Came with a jar of wine.


In Baiziying, five thousand people are unarmed!


(The first thing is, rice, code, red!).

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