Chapter 301

“Everything is ready!”

Before Su Bai left,

Did not forget to take care of his nest.

Overlord, Fireworm, Pi Broken Leg, Gongsun Qi,

Get together again to see Su Bai off.

among them,

Gongsun Qi’s feelings are the most complicated.

He may be the last master of the killing capital,

In fact,

He also has a 500-level opportunity to go to the killing ~ capital!

Gongsun Qi gave up on his own initiative.

Slaughter City is too tasteless for him,


Yan Eclipse also reminded him that it is best not to kill the city.

Gongsun Qi presents all his thoughts,

They are all placed on the training white camp.

Even as farewell to Su Bai,

Gongsun Qi was looking for Pi’s broken leg to urge to equip him.

“The equipment promised to be delivered,

It has been delayed for a long time! ”

Gongsun Qi looked serious,

“On the battlefield,

You can’t be overstated! ”

Broken leg: …..

f*ck! You have worked so hard to tear down the east wall and make up the west wall for your uncles.

A backhand for the Lord?

Can this be tolerated?

Pi broke his leg and endured it!

“I’ll urge again,

The recent delivery of equipment does seem to be a bit problematic. ”

Although the broken leg encountered a problem,

But he is not a giant baby,

There is no need to trouble Su Bai for things that can be solved by oneself.

Su Bai is also very relieved of the four,

“When I went out,

The wealth of your family is in the hands of the four of you! ”

“Foreign affairs are not determined to find Xiaohu,

I’m not determined to find a small tree,

understand? ”

Su Bai is now like an old general on the stage,

Flags were planted behind.

He said so,

Basically when I am sure I am leaving,

Someone will do things!

After all, the other party didn’t cover up,

Some rumors and rumors reached Su Bai’s ears,

It is also normal.

If it’s on the federal boundary,

Someone wants to target Su Bai,

He still had a black eye and didn’t know anything.

That’s the big problem!

Su Bai hasn’t fought back yet,

It’s because the other party’s conspiracy is still in the planning stage.

To wait for the other party to implement it,

To strike hard!

In other words,

Su Bai is obviously fishing, hooking salty bait straight.

“By the way, this is my permission card.”

Su Bai handed the permission card to Pi Broken Leg,

“Swipe my card when you encounter someone who uses authority to press someone.”

The permission card before the federation,

Under a huge world tree, three figures are standing.

Symbolizes the three strongest human races!

With the breakthrough of Ye Su and Luo Cheng,

Naturally, corresponding modifications must also be made.

Today’s permission card,

Not only did the figure become the five realms,

On the shoulders of every figure,

There is still a crow standing!

Some people have guessed,

This is the sixth strongest in the Federation-Baichuan Crow!

The Federation refutes rumors,

“The crow has nothing to do with the Baichuan crow, please don’t make too much association.”

He refuted the rumor,

Everyone knows that this is true!

Su Bai’s permission card,

It looks the same as the S-level permission card.


Already have the same level as the Xeon!

This is the Xeon’s recognition of Su Bai!

Even Shen Huayun can’t do this step!

“Okay, I hope everything will be fine when I come back.”

Su Bai set the last FLAG,

Turn around and prepare to log in for eternity.

Outside the cabin,

A burly old man sat cross-legged.

In the past Su Bai in the game,

All were guarded by the invincible master Luo Cheng.

Prevent troubles among the younger generations.

Now Luo Cheng has gone to the Forbidden Sea,(Read more @

The person who defended Su Bai’s road changed,

Or the invincible master.

The new and invincible Terran-Liu Wanlou!

With him,

No one can interfere with Su Bai!

Login forever!

Su Bai did not go to the killing city the first time.

There is still some preparatory work to be done.

He goes back to the world tree first,

The fire of wisdom ignited the skill!

“Comprehend the Forbidden Curse·【Summon·Heroes on stage】!”

Forbidden Curse: Hero debut (cannot be upgraded)

Effect: Use the powerful magic wave to attract the attention of the justice colossus!

The Colossus of Justice provides the target with a magic shield (1 million + 50% intelligence) for 1 minute.

The Colossus of Justice will center on the caster, causing a knock-up effect for 1 second after falling, as well as (1 million + 50% intelligence) magic damage.

The Colossus of Justice is particularly disgusted with magic and possesses 80% magic resistance!

The Colossus of Justice inherits 80% of the caster’s attributes, and randomly inherits 5 states of the caster, which can exist for 30 minutes.

The Colossus of Justice will undergo certain changes according to the authority possessed by the caster.

Casting consumes 50% Mana, and the cooling time is 15 minutes.

The strength of the colossus of justice is still strong,

The important thing is that you can inherit Su Bai’s status,

This has raised the fighting power of the Colossus of Justice by more than one big step.

The cooling time is 15 minutes,

After the talent has been reduced by 80%,

3 minutes left!

In other words,

Su Bai at the same time,

You can summon up to 10 justice colossus!

“It’s a good skill to clean up the creeps.”

Put away the skill introduction,

Su Bai walked towards the VIP cell,

Niederhogg lived here.

“Su Bai, you are here again!”

Niederhogg is very happy to see Su Bai.


There is something wrong with his understanding of the word “Fengfeng”.

Su Bai chatted with Niederhogg.

Seeing that everything is okay with the other party, feel relieved for now.

He said casually,

“I heard people say that there will be numbers in the authority to destroy the world.”

Niederhogg: Be alert!

Anything about the authority to destroy the world,

Will make him extremely vigilant.

“take it easy.”

Su Bai smiled.

“They all say that your authority to destroy the world says 3,

Because you are the weakest holder,

Everyone understands. ”

“Who said this!”

Nidhogg was not convinced,

Released his authority to destroy the world,

“Look, this is 1, which means I am the strongest holder!”

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

See 1 in the authority to destroy the world,

Su Bai was helpless.

If he asks Niederhogg directly,

Most of the other party refused to say.

The curve can only be deceived in this way.

How did Nidhogg’s plan to destroy the world be launched?

Obviously a problem.

Su Bai can only wait for herself to come back from Slaughter City,

Deal with this tricky thing again.

Top priority,

Or complete the journey to the killing city,

Break through your own Level upper limit!

And Xiaoshu ordered a few words,

Su Bai left,

Go to the Forbidden Sea, Shadow Island.

“This is not a Tyrant of 500!”

When you meet, you are YYGQ,

You really have you, Luo Shixin, the strongest!

Su Bai just came over to say hello,

See how the Shadow Island was built in an instant.

“Why are there two sand soldiers?”

Su Bai pointed to two huge sand soldiers outside the island,

The feeling they gave to Su Bai,

Not weaker than the invincible master!

…… …….. 0

“I don’t know where it came from,

If you don’t take the initiative to approach, the other party will not attack”

Luo Cheng didn’t know the details of the sand soldiers.

The location of the Shadow Island,

This is where Su Bai condensed [Tyrant] authority!


Maybe it has something to do with Su Bai!

“Boy, you try to command them?”

Luo Cheng encouraged Su Bai,

He didn’t expect Su Bai to really command,

Just want to see Su Bai ashamed.

“Try it!”

There is no danger to life anyway,

Su Bai approached slowly, trying to drive him.

No response.

Luo Cheng laughed, very proud.

When he and Yan Eclipse are bored,

I have interacted with the sand soldiers a long time ago.

Shattered? Will regroup!

communication? Do not reply a word!

If there is a way,

They used it long ago!

Where can I get Su Bai?

Su Bai looked at the Sand Soldier thoughtfully,


It may be related to one’s own authority,

Then try with authority?

The black scepter appeared in front of Su Bai,

The two sand soldiers immediately established a connection with Su Bai!

This connection,

It’s like commanding a crow!

“go ahead?”

Su Bai ordered casually,

The two sand soldiers immediately moved one step forward!

Luo Cheng:? ? ?


“Raise Luo Cheng high!”

Two sand soldiers rushed to Luo Cheng immediately.

They don’t understand what it means to lift high.

In their world,

The way to lift the enemy high,

Is to pierce the enemy with a spear,

Lift the body aloft!

“Boy, you are really playing!”

Sand soldiers chased Luo Cheng and started to circle.

Taboo sea and air,

Cheers and laughter rang out again.

Below sea level,

Countless Cthulhu masters shivered.

“I hope the sea monster is okay!”



The next update is before 0:45, so everyone rests early.

Have fun tomorrow on holiday! )a few.

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