Chapter 249

“The first evil god holds the authority of the dark night and scarlet,

The remaining authority is unknown. ”

The news was digested for a long time by everyone.

The battle between the strongest and the evil god,

Hold the information of authority,

Often becomes a key factor in determining the outcome of the battle.

An unexpected authority,

It may change the situation in an instant!

Separation has the authority to guard,


He dared to face the siege of the Demon God alone.

The single strength of the Devil God is indeed not as good as the Eternal Evil God,

But the Eternal Cthulhu is difficult to join forces,

Everyone is eager for other evil gods to be seriously injured,

Steal power by yourself.

The demon gods will join hands in certain situations,

Just like the previous battle in the crypt.

strictly speaking,

The pressure of guarding the demons of the crypt,

More pressure than guarding evil gods.

This is in line with everyone’s ranking expectations,

Dark Domain>Split Space>Inflammation Erosion

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility,

at the moment,

The first Cthulhu tossed out the changes of the Scarlet Moon,

Can’t tolerate everyone’s carelessness.

“Someone has collected 100 scarlet fragments,

Can achieve short-term combat strength enhancement,

At the same time, negative emotions will also be amplified. ”

Crown Tree introduced it.

“If you collect the scarlet fragments,

Don’t use it lightly. ”

Distance Su Bai and Pi Broken Leg can enter the game,

There is still more than an hour.


Take this opportunity,

The crown tree man analyzed for Tyrant,

If you want to choose a heavy cavalry mount for 11, what are the appropriate options.

“Western Cross Cavalry Regiment,

I used Earth Travelling Dragon, a subdaurus mount,

After adult, Level 399 to 599, with a little dragon power.

Upgraded earth travel dragons may even regenerate. ”

“The Xiang family, I also know better.

I always wanted to pull the iron ride out,

They are good at fighting on the ground,

You don’t have to think about the mounts that lift off…”

At last,

Under the suggestion of the crown tree man,

There are three choices in front of Su Bai:

One, like the Crusader Regiment, choose to travel to the earth.

The advantage is that it is convenient and there are ready-made templates.

There are mature hatching and taming routines,

A 399-level adult land dragon,

Federal offer 8000 contribution points,

1,500 heads can be delivered in the first quarter!

Two quarters,

Tyrant can pull the cavalry camp!

“No, it’s too long.”

Su Bai directly denied this option.

Two quarters, six months.

Could it be that before this,

Do your heavy cavalry charge with both legs?

Su Bai can’t wait so long.

There are two options:

“The Thunder Night Saber of the Elves,

Adult level 499, with 18,000 contribution points.

Advantages: strong explosive power.

Short-distance sprint speed travels far and wide.

With strong mobility and a high degree of concealment, it can be used as a surprise soldier on the battlefield.

Disadvantages: weak endurance.

Cannot wear heavy armor, can only be used as a light cavalry mount.

expensive. ”

The price of 1 Thunder Night Saber,

Enough to buy 2 Dragons!


Lei Ye Saber is in stock,

The small worlds of the big elves,

There are more than 6000 Leopard Leopards in captivity.

With the status of the crown tree man Ye Su in the elves,

Buying 3000 heads is not a problem.

“No, the Xiang family wants to ride again. This cannot be changed.”

Go it alone,

Heavy cavalry may be kite flying by light cavalry.

Once you start charging on the scale of a thousand,

The iron hoof of the heavy cavalry is a nightmare for all enemies!


Lei Ye Saber is really good.

Su Bai entrusted Crown Shuren brother to help contact,

Book 500 heads.

Heavy cavalry is not available,

Can be used by light cavalry who are scouts.

This is not Su Bai’s extravagant move.

To know,

The previous human line of defense has always been the defensive side.


The formation of the warrior corps,

Everything serves defense!

An arrangement like the cavalry is very rare.

Now the offensive and defensive trend is alien,

For Terran,

Staring at the nine cities in the crypt is a very superficial thing!

Crypt,(Read more @

There are a total of ninety-nine cities!

Hundreds of billions of monsters live in a land that seems boundless!

The range of the cave known to light,

It’s as big as a hundred Earth!

The Federation has always regarded the crypt as a confession,

There is a reason.

On war potential,

On the threat to the Earth human race,

The catacombs are obviously more terrifying!

Terrans want to attack,

Not only to go back to the siege war,

We have to fight an annihilation war with the demonic tide of the cave in the wild again!

The light and heavy cavalry,

It is the core unit of the annihilation war forever!

strictly speaking,

Su Bai took advantage.

He is now starting from scratch,

Form an invincible heavy cavalry,

There is no historical baggage at all.

And the army of warriors that existed before the Federation,

Want to transform, how to arrange the existing staff,

How to redistribute benefits.

It’s all a big problem.

Only Su Bai,

A build from scratch,

Going in the right direction from the beginning,

When you do something, you will get twice the result with less effort.

500 Thunder Night Sabres,

Which is 9 million contribution points,

It was spent in the blink of an eye!

Even if the fight hasn’t started yet,

Su Bai knew it firsthand,

War is a huge gold swallowing beast!

Two successive choices are denied,

There is only one choice left in front of Su Bai:

Go to the dragon world.

Want to find the right mount,

Because of certain characteristics, the dragon bloodline that blooms everywhere,

It is undoubtedly the best choice.

The only problem is:

Su Bai and others need to be recognized by the dragon clan.

Only possible for further cooperation.

“The Scarlet Moon,

Don’t worry for the time being, it’s useless to worry. ”

A few people set the bottom slightly,

Su Bai, Bawang and others,

Let’s go to the small world of dragons together,

Get things done with the mount.

Once the Scarlet Moon progresses,

The Crown Tree people will contact them immediately.

“Student Gongsun, the list is here.”

A list of 20,000 people on death row,

Sent in front of Gongsun Qi.

Su Bai’s side,

The formation of heavy cavalry is actively being prepared.

Gongsun Qi, who has 5000 places, is not idle either.

Crypt death row camp,

Can be sent here,

They are all wicked people.

Cthulhu running dog, federal repeat offender,

Collection of the dark side of society!

Only bad things you can’t think of,

Nothing they can’t do!

People here,

Shooting them ten times has made them cheaper!

Gongsun Qi’s document procedures are complete,

The above requires full cooperation.


The person in charge of the handover is also very strange,

“Didn’t you choose five thousand people?

Why do you transfer 20,000 people? ”

In the crypt,

On a huge clearing,

Twenty thousand death row prisoners were driven here.

Gongsun Qi’s head was squeezed in front of him,

All prisoners in the crypt!

They wear special attribute shackles on their wrists,

Suppress everyone’s strength at the same level.

As a death row prisoner,

They are wearing the same prison uniforms,

Ragged, unkempt, and mentally in a very poor condition.

Gongsun Qi only left two sentences,

He turned around and left, and handed the stage to the death row inmates.

“In an hour, I will take away five thousand people.”

“There will be more or less than five thousand people, and no one will stay.”

Two sentences, 25 words,

Contains explosive information!

Death row prisoners with a slightly slower head,

Haven’t reacted yet, what is going on.


Has been quietly opened!

32 minutes later,

The running dog of the evil god once named [Dharma Destroyer],

499 level, 34 billion bounty,

Putting it in any city is like a hero!

The persecutors entered Baichuan City by mistake,

Finally couldn’t stand the fear of the crow,

Took the initiative to report myself,

Sent to the crypt to go to jail.

The extinguisher is now covered in blood,

My legs are shaking constantly,

Standing among the countless remains of 650, a sea of ​​blood and corpses!

There seemed to be that very cruel and real hell scene in front of me!

Just now,

He experienced the cruelest fight in his life!

The persecutors are not the strongest 5,000 out of 20,000,

It was the five thousand people who stood at the end!


Luck is also part of strength.

When there were only five thousand living people in the open space,

All death row inmates stopped at the same time!

There is even a lucky guy who is dying,

I was rescued by everyone using the strength of the breastfeeding!

What the dead think,

The exterminator doesn’t know.

living people,

Still immersed in shock and fear!

The young man in white,

She will show her white teeth when she laughs,

He, he is a more evil existence than a crow!

Compared with him,

The exterminator feels as clean as a piece of white paper!

No one organized,

The five thousand people who survived,

Lined up in silence.

The strong stand in front,

The weaker stands behind.

The Dharma-killers stood in the ranks of 4,587,

and so,

His luck is really good!

The evil god running dog who loves to go to jail,

Not bad luck!

But the exterminator has heard about it,

The evil god running dogs left on the ground are all dead!

Whether it’s a grandmaster or a high-grade warrior!

It was served by bald lunatics, Tyrant, etc.!

The extinguisher is very fortunate,

The little thing of being alive.

60 minutes just passed,

A white dress appeared in front of everyone again,

The temperament of five thousand convicts,

And the earth-shaking changes happened an hour ago!

They followed the white-clothed youth in silence,

Came to a place called the City of Souls.

It is said that

Here is their nest from now on.

It is also on this day,

Gongsun Qi,

The name of the White-clothed Man Tu has begun to spread!


(The second update is sent, and there are six more.).

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