Chapter 241

“There must be an ambush in the city!”

Shadow had a scrutiny in his heart.

The two Jue Deng who stayed behind in the city disappeared,

Although Shadow is good at sneaking and hiding,


Let him pay the price of his own life,

Go and explore the reality of the city.

That is absolutely impossible!


I’d rather die with tens of millions,

Don’t let yourself hurt!


It is the biggest difference between them and the Federation Warriors!

The nine lines of defense of the human race,

An average of 2 top players in each place,

The Demon Race is full of 3!

Even with this huge advantage,

The demons were still unable to break through the human line of defense.

It explains a lot of problems in itself.

“Change the wall!”

Shadow ordered,

The 100,000 monsters below moved with it,

Try to see some fiction and reality from other city walls.

Just when the magic wave moves,

Liu Wanlou took a few celebrities with Master Ao Shi,

Fell on the walls of the City of Souls.

“Su Bai asked you to do this?”

Who stayed behind the walls,

It is Bawang et al.

Facing the problem of Liu Wanlou,

The Overlord said honestly,

“Yes, it was all arranged by Su Bai.

It’s just that Su Bai didn’t know where he went. ”

“That kid must be fine,

Talk about business first!

How dangerous to sit here,

Shen Xiu, get up! ”

Liu Wanlou urged,

With an eager look on his face,

I am afraid that Shen Xiu will have some accident.

The skin that was playing the piano on the southern city wall broke his leg,

Reluctantly stood up.

Standing on the empty city and playing the piano,

How majestic!

Such a great opportunity to fill a cup,

Shen Xiu gave up his old efforts,

Only won!

He has two lives again,

Don’t worry about danger at all.

Pi broke his leg just standing up,

Liu Wanlou rushed to sit down,

As if welded on a chair, no one would want to take him away!

Just listen to Liu Wanlou speaking seriously,

160 “Such a dangerous thing,

Just let me do it!

I am the strongest, there is no danger! ”


You obviously want to make a cup…

The broken leg was heartbroken,

Why did you believe what the old fox said!

“Father, look, Liu Wanlou!”

Shadow always thinks this is a bit familiar,

The southern city wall,

Exactly the same scene,

Appeared in front of the shadow again!


The person sitting this time is Liu Wanlou!

Looking at a familiar opponent,

Shadow said in doubt.

“Why doesn’t this guy play the piano?”

“Lao Liu, play the piano!”

A broken leg pretending to be a book boy,

Reminded in a low voice,

“Su Bai said,

To sing an empty city plan, you have to play the piano!

The more leisurely the sound of the piano, the greater the pressure on the enemy! ”

“Ahem, the old man has a rough tune…”

Liu Wanlou’s face blushed.

As a martial artist, he can only dance with knives and guns.

Playing the piano? Fuck!

Pi’s broken leg is still urging.

Liu Wanlou had to bite the bullet,

“It’s ugly!”

He flicked it casually.


The piano exploded.

Leaving two faces blinded by the skin, the broken leg, the overlord.

If you don’t know how to play the piano, just say it!

What do you mean by bombing!

I have to pay for this piano!

On the battlefield, after a blast,

Guqin turned into countless pieces!

Shadow was shocked,

“It’s so murderous in the sound of the piano!”

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Liu Wanlou

Simply use the fragments as a weapon,

Turned into countless darts hidden weapon, rushing towards the magic tide.

Caused a lot of casualties to the monster.

Shadow is too lazy to even make a move!

Seeing Liu Wanlou’s performance,

The shadow brain is spinning fast,

“No, Liu Wanlou, the old man,

If you are really confident, you would have clamored for a singles with me!

How could it be possible that the gates of the city were wide open, so the suspicion array? ”

I think I have seen through the enemy’s tactics,

Shadow ordered,

“The soldiers are divided into three groups, each with 30,000 monsters,

Enter the city of Reaper! ”

Liu Wanlou and others, he will come to check and balance!

In fact,

On the warrior battlefield in units of ten thousand,

The ultimate masters contain each other,

It is the low-to-medium martial artist who really decides the outcome!

Just like in front of me,(Read more @

Liu Wanlou alone, even if he knocks down the City of Souls,

There is no way to hold it!

If Liu Wanlou insists on staying here,

After the demons can slowly mobilize two super heroes,

Find a way to besiege him here!

Four walls,

Three waves of troops entered the city recklessly,

Even if there are 10,000 Federation warriors who guard the city,

The shadows are not afraid!

not to mention,

He had long received news that Human Race had only sent 3,000 warriors!

90,000 to 3,000, how to lose?

“Liu Wanlou, we’ve been here before!”

The demons divided their troops,

Shadow yelled, trying to get rid of the unstable factor Liu Wanlou.

Absolutely, proud of the world without making a move.

Humans are weak and have no masters,

Undoubtedly defeated!

On the city wall,

The figure of Liu Wanlou rose from the ground,

All the proud masters he brought,

They also found their opponents.

The two sides chose to contain each other without an appointment,

The victory or defeat of this battle, the ownership of the City of Souls,

It is left to the low- and medium-grade warrior army to decide!

“Notify Gongsun Qi and follow the plan!”

Overlord watched the demons separate outside the city,

The three-sided encirclement has become a reality,

Soon to rush into the City of Souls!

A fight is inevitable!

In the demons,

Blowed the horn of charge,

“Chong! Those who enter the City of Souls first will reward you with a ton of magic crystals!”

The demonic tide presses forward vigorously.

In the face of absolute power,

What kind of empty city plan, so the suspicion array,

All nonsense!

Break through all laws with strength,

Crush the enemy head-on,

That’s the right answer!

As the city gate was wide open,

The monsters rushed into the City of Souls easily.


“Falling off the gate!”

Gongsun gave an order,

The gates fell everywhere like tiger-headed guillotines,

Divide the demons’ tide of demons into two!

There are as many as fifty thousand monsters in the city!

The battlefield is instantly divided!

Shadow closely monitors the battlefield situation,

Yelled at this moment,

“There are only 3,000 people in the human race, so I can’t keep it!

kill! After breaking the city, a total of 100 tons of magic crystals will be rewarded! ”

Shadow’s command is like this,

Mocha did the same!

Inside the city, outside the city, the inside and the outside should be combined,

Two-sided pressure,

There are only 3,000 warriors guarding the city,

Will soon be defeated!

Until…a batch of elven archers appeared on the wall!

The number is nearly 10,000!

Produce 2400 elven archers per hour,

After the City of Souls was taken down by that,

The ancient war tree was produced for another 2 hours,

Just waiting for the shadow to return to the city!

More than 3,000 federal warriors defended the city!

There are nearly ten thousand elf archers!

“Let’s release the arrow!”

Gongsun gave an order,

Inside the city, monsters are crowded densely,

You don’t need to be able to aim at all,

Condescending, just shoot arrows!

A wave of volleys,

The rain of arrows obscures the sky,

The sky in the City of Souls was instantly dark!

Just a wave of offensive,

It caused nearly 10,000 casualties to the monsters in the city!

“Where did the archer come from!”

The shadow was furious,

The defensive formation of the City of Souls,

Innately can shield the absolute detection,

Before the war officially started,

He can also follow the movements of the Terran Warrior Legion,

Come guess the strength of the defenders!

The extra 10,000 elf archers,

Directly changed the direction of the entire siege war!

This is not an empty city plan,

This is to invite you to enter the urn!

Not only that,

There are also 10 huge ancient war trees,

The cover is finally gone, and the day is seen again!

They lifted up the huge stone in their hands,

Hit the monsters in the city fiercely!

If this is outside the city,

Rocks can’t do much damage at all,

Can be easily avoided by the demonic tide.

This kind of heavy attack, the damage is high,

But the effect is generally very poor.


After entering the city,

There are many buildings in the city,

The monsters are stuck in a small space,

The demon squeezes the demon!

When the boulder falls,

There is nowhere to hide!


10 boulders rolled over,

Thousands of casualties were caused!

Just a confrontation,

A wave of arrows rain and a wave of boulders,

The monsters in the city were completely broken up!

It’s hard to become a climate again!

at the same time,

The archer on the wall immediately turned around,

Launch an offensive against monsters outside the city!

The whole process went smoothly,

Gongsunqi’s command is not leaking,

It seems that the whole army is his five fingers,

Do whatever you want!

Relying on the empty city to lure the enemy,

Divide 100,000 monsters,

Each break!

Just a few short breaths,

Terran reversed the whole situation!

City of Souls,

I’m afraid I can’t attack it!

Shadow Qi’s heart almost vomited blood,

If you continue to attack the city,

It is no different from giving a head.

He was also at a disadvantage when facing Liu Wanlou.

For a long time,

He also has the risk of falling.

In desperation,

Can only roar in endless suffocation,

“Quickly retreat!”

There are less than 40,000 monsters outside the city,

Throwing down 60,000 casualties, ran away in a hurry!

This battle,

The Terran triumphs!

In front of Zhilan City,

Two superb team leaders,

Leading the warriors of the Ten Thousand Union Federation, hurried to the wall.

They watched the city gate wide open,

The entire Zhilan City has become a ghost town!

Not even a ghost!

The Great Master did not dare to send people into the city easily,

I’m afraid it’s the trick of the demons.

The two of them walked in the air, overlooking the entire Zhilan City,

I suddenly found out,

Ten miles away, there is indeed a trace of the magic tide!

“These monsters are not staying in Zhilan City.

Why are you running outside the city?

Want to ambush us? ”

Terran Jue Ding hesitated,

Slightly closer.

“This is not the Demon Legion of Zhilan City!”

They saw the banner of the Demon Tide clearly,

From the city deep in the crypt,

It seems to be here to support Zhilan City!


These monsters are not preparing for an ambush!

They… are running for their lives!

“what is that?!”

A Jue Dian shouted in surprise,

The two looked over,

I found out,

A blood shadow is entangled with three demons.

At the same time, Blood Shadow was running after one hundred thousand monsters! !

Every time the blood shadow falls,

All caused fragments of monster casualties!

In the surprised expressions of two great masters and a dozen masters,

A person,

Pursuing and killing a demon army!


(Two more cards, rush rush!).

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