Chapter 236

“well said!”

Everyone present,

All support Su Bai’s decision.

Wouldn’t it be a waste of such a good thing to hand it over to the Federation?

“In fact, within the Federation,

There are also factions. ”

Ye Su briefly mentioned,

“Some people respect academics and believe that everyone is equal.

Some people esteem the chosen sons, and think that a few people shoulder the responsibility of saving the world. ”

Su Bai knew,

In their environment,

Going to college for the college entrance examination is a way to cultivate genius.

It is also recognized by the society as the fairest method.

in fact,

Grandmasters generally have family power.

My own elite children,

Will be cultivated by the family,

As for whether to send to school, it is of secondary importance.

The teachers in the school,

Maybe not as good as their personal education.

This is just closing the door to make up classes.

in the West,

There is a concept called ‘Tian Xuan Pai’,

Very popular among masters,

The families that have been passed down in the West for many years unite,

Some huge forces have been established.

Such as the Secret Order, Fort Solomon and the like.

These forces are extremely powerful.

Fort Solomon, the biggest power,

You can even guard a crypt alone!

They are concerned about the method of selecting talents from ordinary people,

Very disapproved.

These people agree more with the Chosen Sons,

Think that some people are born with the mission of saving the world.

Advocating that limited resources,

Used to concentrate 157 to cultivate elite bloodlines.

strictly speaking,

The descendants of the elite bloodline and the chosen ones are the descendants of the grandmaster and the strongest!

And ordinary people,

It’s best not to even enter the eternal game,

Deprive them of the right to awaken their talents and log in to eternity.

So as not to affect them to plunder eternal resources!

Academic and Tianxuan,

Two different development concepts,

Collision is indispensable on weekdays.


Although the strongest are all from the academy,

But guarding the catacombs is also inseparable from the forces of Heavenly Selection.

For certain behaviors, only acquiescence.


Even in the west,

Everyone also has the right to awakening talent.

There are a large number of people every year,

Came over from the West to take the college entrance examination.

In the area controlled by Tianxuan faction,

They can’t get the ascending channel at all!

If Su Bai surrendered the power of war,

In case it falls into the hands of Tianxuanpai.

Is the result that no one wants to see,

“What about the power of war?”

Su Bai is only level 399 now,

There is no time to grasp authority at all.

Forcibly accommodate authority,

The consequences are simple: Su Bai directly becomes a demigod creature, completely losing his mind.

“There was no good way.”

Ye Su smiled.

“But now, the World Tree is here.

You can use the world tree to nurture the power of war.

The power of war will feed back the world tree,

There should be some subtle changes. ”

Su Bai until today,

Only then did I know the existence of authority.

Since the crown tree brother suggested so,

Su Bai is kind and good.

Holding the unyielding gun directly,

Came to a tree hole somewhere in the World Tree.

Put the power of war slowly,

In the tree hole,(Read more @

Countless vines grow,

Envelop the power of war completely.


The whole world tree shook for a while.

Just tolerate the unyielding gun,

Let the world tree change it!

The effect of the fire of wisdom,

Changed to only comprehend harmful skills!


The little tree told Su Bai,

“The power of war is full of violence,

Must find a way to solve it!

Otherwise, the whole world tree will be affected by one time! ”

Su Bai imagined it.

If the little tree becomes a grumpy little tree,

Every time Su Bai comes,

She speaks Northeast Dialect,

“Come on, brother! What’s the whole point this time?”



“Any good ideas?”

Among the several options given by Xiaoshu,

Su Bai chooses the one he is most satisfied with.

“The seeds of the ancient war tree!”

“It will affect the power of war,

After being deprived, poured into the seeds of ancient trees,

After the seeds are planted,

Can quickly grow into a powerful old war tree! ”

According to Xiaoshu’s introduction,

This kind of old war tree,

His own strength does not lose to the sixth rank martial artist.

After rooting in the earth, the output ability is comparable to the master!

The disadvantage is,

Bulk, slow moving, unable to accept complex instructions.

After the ancient war tree was planted,

You can also feed wood and eternal gold coins,

Produce an elf archer composed of elements!

This kind of archer,

Possess the strength of a third-rank martial artist,

Can exist for 12 hours.

In terms of output,

Each ancient tree of war can produce 240 elemental elf archers in 1 hour!

“These are 10 seeds of the ancient war tree,

So much will be produced every day in the future! ”

Harvest the seeds,

Su Bai said silently, “A good man lives in peace”.

The matter of war authority,

Come to an end.

This line,

Su Bai is in addition to harvesting conquerors, the plague of blood, and the power of war.

Also hit the Eleventh Cthulhu.


The Cthulhu statue in Su Bai’s hand,

There is only one opportunity to use it.

Use and cherish.


Baichuan City,

Su Bai is dealing with matters of war authority.

An office worker walked out of the teleportation array.

He used another paid vacation slip.

In other words,

He is on vacation today and can get twice his salary!

Why didn’t you expect it before!

Office workers did not go directly to the interview location.

Instead, I took a taxi and came to the Wuzhe Cemetery in Baichuan City.

“You are here to check in, too.

That place is always lively! ”

The taxi driver is very enthusiastic.

The office worker shook his head and denied,

“Go to someone else’s site, come to say hello,

This is the rule. ”


Office workers came outside the cemetery,

But he refused to go in.

An old man looked at him across the fence,

Luo Cheng sneered.

“Why don’t you come in?”

“fear death.”

Office workers are very honest,

“I have a list here,

Go somewhere,

You have to find local people to report, so I came. ”

Treat the demons,

Even the former demons,

Luo Cheng also didn’t have any good expressions.

“get out.”

As long as the other party dares to walk into the cemetery,

Luo Cheng will kill him immediately.

The office worker turned and left,

While walking,


“Invincible hands are not good-looking…”

Luo Cheng: ….

“Qin Lin, which hand cream do you use?”

“Master, who uses hand cream for a big man!”

“I bought a bottle for you, try it for you first.”

“Master, really don’t need it, I will return the goods for you, this is not a waste of money!”


Baichuan City,

The company called “The Cornucopia”,

The office worker found it according to the address.

“Hello there.”

This time, there is no need for office workers to mention,

Pi Broken leg took the initiative to invite each other,

“Please come in, please come in.”

“Here is a form, please fill it out.”

The office worker quickly filled out the form,

Pi’s broken leg took it over,

Just glanced,

Just surprised,

“Blood elves?”

“Why are you not a human?”


(The fifth update is sent, and there are three more.).

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