Chapter 234

“Su Bai, war and plague authority, which one do you plan to choose?”

Gongsun Qi followed Su Bai.

Since Su Bai does not need to hide his identity,

All means come together, there are no taboos.

Gongsun can feel the horror of Su Bai’s true strength!

When the trinity of Su Bai, Crow, and Tyrant,

It is not as simple as 1+1+1=3!

It is simply a killing machine with no dead ends!

Gongsun Qi can even feel it,

The killing authority in his hand was slightly awakened!

While Su Bai madly occupied the debris battlefield,

Gongsun Qi followed by,

Benefited a lot!

The death of long-range and short-range monsters,

The separation will allow Gongsunqi to go further on the two roads.

Following Su Bai’s suggestion,

He maintains a fragile balance.

While maximizing their own combat power,

Also take the biggest risk!

Once the balance is broken,

Waiting for Gongsun Qi’s end is very miserable!


He didn’t care.

at the moment,

Su Bai has captured nearly a thousand pieces of battlefield,

Only one step away from the power of war!

Facing Gongsunqi’s question,

Su Bai’s answer surprised him.

“First take down the power of the plague!”

“Go back to the Overlord and them,

Let them take away the plague authority? ”

Bring one per person,

If Su Bai chooses the plague authority,

The evil gods who covet authority can wake up with a smile in their dreams!

The value of the authority of war 21 is ten times, a hundred times greater than the authority of the plague!

“No, Overlord and they all teleported back.”

The two entered the debris battlefield,

It’s been more than 10 hours!

Except for two people,

The broken leg that can last the longest,

Also left the broken kingdom of God.

of course,

If it’s not for the plague authority,

Su Bai can capture all 3,000 fragmented battlefields in 10 hours!

It won’t take so long at all.

The two went to the next battlefield,

This time,

Su Bai did not give his full output.

Instead, it relied on ravenous eating of crows, recovery of monsoons, blood red pools and so on.

Crazy brush debuff!

He is in the broken kingdom of God,

There are more debuffs created than everyone else!

The power of the plague is almost solid!

Feel the changes in the kingdom of God,

There is hope in all the evil gods,

Could it be that they really hope to take away the power of war?

At the same time they will hesitate.

Shouldn’t this,

Is it a trap of the human race again?

To know,

The last master of war authority,

It’s already cold!

Even if the power of war is placed before them,

Also weighed,

Dare to take it!

Even if the power of war is broken, everyone gets a point.

It’s better than being taken away by Tyrant!

They are still hesitating.

The whole Broken Kingdom suddenly trembled violently,

The power that supports the existence of the broken kingdom of God,

Half is stripped!

Plague authority,

It was taken away!

Cthulhu laughed heartily,

“Hahaha! My laugh is short-sighted, and I want to be far away!”

“Don’t war power, take plague power, idiot!”


In the Cthulhu, the happy air spread.


The eleventh evil god suddenly snorted,

Without saying anything,

Turn around and leave.

Go back to his kingdom of God!

Leaving behind the evil god with eight faces blinded,

“This, what’s going on again?”

“Should it have something to do with the authority of the plague?”

“Wait, I’ll do something.”

Su Bai told Gongsun to start,

The plague authority emerged in front of the two,

In an unexpected form: a rainstorm pear flower crossbow.

The concretization of killing authority is a sickle.

Su Bai originally thought,(Read more @

The plague authority should be a needle or something.

Unexpectedly, it was a crossbow.

do not care.

Su Bai held the rainstorm pear crossbow,

A statue of an evil god appeared on the right hand,


According to the method of Luo Chengjiao,

Su Bai easily entered the kingdom of “God of Blaze and Forge”!

With his strength,

Can only stay in the opponent’s kingdom of God for 60 seconds.

In the kingdom of Cthulhu,

Su Bai’s skills cannot cause any damage!

This is the absolute gap brought about by the realm.

He is like a tourist wearing a VR helmet,

Even if I see some immersive scenes,

I can only look at it, I can’t do anything.

The eleventh evil god,

I thought so at the beginning.

Tyrant went and chanted,

What can he do in 60 seconds?

Until Su Bai took out the power of the plague-Rainstorm Lihua Crossbow.


In the kingdom of the eleventh evil god,

Su Bai outputs frantically at a huge furnace!

Does the skill hurt?

Cthulhu’s authority should always be there!

Only Cthulhu can hurt Cthulhu!

Su Bai holding the authority of the plague,

Every crossbow arrow shot will corrode a large area of ​​the Kingdom of God!


The eleventh evil god rushed back as quickly as possible.

at this time,

Su Bai60S’s happy time is coming to an end.

The eleventh evil god just arrived,

Su Bai has disappeared!

“Damn it! My kingdom of God!”

The huge sheep’s head is roaring,

The scene before him made him angry!

His two great powers: flames and furnaces.

The furnace is damaged,

Don’t even think about recovering in ten years!

If you put it in the past,

The eleventh evil god will not be so angry,

Ten years is just a nap time for Him!


It’s different now!

The rise of Terran is unstoppable,

In the next ten years,

I don’t know how many gods will fall!

Injured at this critical moment,

The consequences could be disastrous!

The roar of the eleventh evil god is not over yet,

A familiar figure appeared again.

“meet again.”

Su Bai used the rainstorm pear flower crossbow to destroy everything around him,

Say hello to the Eleventh Cthulhu.

Eternal rules protect Su Bai,

The eleventh evil god could not hurt him at all.

This is as a reward for killing evil bosses.

The Eleventh Cthulhu couldn’t violate it either.


Su Bai has no chance to hurt the eleventh evil god.

After Luo Cheng pointed out,

He came to the kingdom of God with the authority of the plague to destroy it wantonly!

This feeling of stealing home in front of others,

That’s cool!


The eleventh evil god can’t bear it!

A huge phantom of a demon sheep,

Was called from a distance.

He cannot hurt Su Bai,

But it can destroy the plague authority in Su Bai’s hands!

Even if Su Bai does not have all the power of authority.

Want to destroy the power of the plague,

The Eleventh Cthulhu will also pay a huge price!

The collision between authority and authority!

No god can retreat!


The huge Yang Ying hit the rainstorm Lihua crossbow.

The crossbow shattered into countless pieces,

The biggest piece was held by Su Bai!

The horns were also broken in pieces!

Walk in the void!

Su Bai snatched the horns,

Without any hesitation, disappeared in the kingdom of the eleventh evil god!

Only a huge mess left,

Let the eleventh evil god fall into a sea of ​​anger!

In order to smash the plague authority,

He did not hesitate to damage part of the power of the furnace!

If someone takes advantage of that furnace power,

Follow the same path as Him,

In the end, maybe he will lose the power of the melting pot!

And what did the eleventh evil god get?

There is no time for a thousand years,

Don’t want to restore the authority of the plague!

Broken furnace power!

He now seems to have three powers,

But weaker than ever!

157   And the culprit of all this-Tyrant!

Turned out unscathed and left!

Also took away part of the power of the furnace! !

In the depths of the kingdom of God,

The roar continued for a long time.

“It’s done!”

“Speed ​​up, or you won’t be able to run away!”

Su Bai began to frantically capture the debris battlefield.

When the eleventh evil god reacts,

Come back to contain them, and the trouble will be big!

He didn’t even have time to check,

The effect of the fragments of the plague authority that has just been absorbed!

The biggest piece,

Brought a legendary skill called [Blood Plague] to Su Bai!

With Su Bai’s full firepower,

The battlefield of Thousand Fragments was quickly captured!

The power of war!

A golden spear,

Appeared in front of the two!

Su Bai said nothing,

Picked up the spear,

Crush the last leaf,


“Finish, take us back!”

They have 2 people and only 1 leaf.

The eleventh evil god is still on his way!

Broken god abroad,

A rushing sheep shadow went and returned,

He wants Tyrant to taste the wrath of God!

“Why are you so angry?”

A grinning man stopped in front of him,

“Look, you now have three major powers, indigestion.”

“Well, how about giving me the power of flames?”

The speed of the sheep’s shadow stopped instantly,

He suddenly realized,

Myself…unprecedented weakness!

And the eclipse,

It is the most suitable existence for flame authority!


There is no desire to fight at all,




(Didi, three-shift card.

PS: Sorry, I lost my sleep, the furnace and the flames are the eleventh evil gods, the sixth evil god was wrongly written earlier in this chapter. ).

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