Chapter 203

“10 seconds, follow me behind!”

The third floor of the dungeon.

Just killed 2 super monsters,

Tyrant didn’t stay anymore,

Instead, he rushed out of the dungeon first!

There are 26 seconds left in the ancient dragon soul Buff!

Su Bai, who was at the peak of his combat power at this time,

Don’t want to waste 1 second of time,

Must take advantage of this opportunity,

Kill as many demon masters as possible!

Whether it is the guards or the master in mid-air,

All obstacles to Su Bai’s breakthrough!

According to previous observations,

The strongest cracked empty,

It should have already played against the demons!

In other words,

The rules set before are breaking down little by little!

such as:

Su Bai does not allow melee combat,

I just fought against the ultimate monster,

Su Bai was not killed by the devil!

This is the evidence!


This change of rules below the ice surface,

It’s hard to be noticed!

It was also the demons who broke the rules first,

Created two superb monsters.

Rikong wants to make a move,

Also stopped by them.

Don’t blame Su Bai for not talking about martial arts!

Countless crows flew out of the dungeon,

The Demon Emperor’s Guards frowned and realized that things were not simple.

They are a little bit naive,

Haven’t realized what the crow means!

The demon master who fought with them,

The moment I saw the crow,

Flee desperately!

“Crow! Why is the crow here!”

“Didn’t you say that you can’t make a move!!”

“help me…”

Among the crows,

A black shadow shuttled back and forth,

The cold light flashed in his hand,

Reaper’s life!

Master Ao Shi,

Not his enemy!

There are 15 seconds left in the ancient dragon soul!

Su Bai killed all the proud and extraordinary masters!

The Demon Emperor’s Guards reacted!

“Array, defend against the enemy!”

They are strong at level 699,

Many people have broken the bottleneck and become extraordinary masters!

This kind of more than a thousand demon elites,

It is even more precious than the so-called demon genius!

They are the whole crypt,

The strong of the new generation!

It’s the master of the nails!

Even the Devil Emperor,

The talents who scoured the entire crypt,

Sitting on hundreds of billions of subjects,

There are only a thousand people in front of me!


It is the backbone of the future of the Mozu!

If the demons had such a thing as a backbone.

For the next 15 seconds,

They must survive!

The black wind blows,

Su Bai shot hard!

14 seconds!

Dozens of people were killed in an instant!

13 seconds!

A corner of the formation was defeated!

12, 11, 10…..

They only persisted for 8 seconds,

The loyal guards,

More than half of the casualties,


Originally there was a formation blessing,

Su Bai will take some effort to kill it!


A pan of loose sand.

Su Bai all means,


“Jackdaw Crystal Arrow!”

“Strong hand cracked skull!”


All the demon guards will be slaughtered in a few seconds!

As a warrior of all races,

When you get out of the dungeon,

What remained in front of them were broken corpses all over the floor!

Tyrant has such a thunderous method!

Once again refreshed their knowledge of Tyrant!

“This is thousands of quasi-grand masters!”

“The mainstay of the next generation of demons!”

“Today I was killed by Tyrant, and the Demon Race’s fortune for a hundred years was greatly injured!”

Everyone is a high-grade warrior,

To compare the power and potential of the two races,

Know it!

The demons are not united,

But why still take the initiative in the catacombs?

It’s because there are so many demons!

Every monster is a first-rank martial artist when it grows up.

You can go to the battlefield and be cannon fodder!

Relying on the huge population base,

The number of quasi-masters and grandmasters of the demons,

Always higher than the human race!

Proud of the world, outstanding, and even the invincible master,

Where does this type of top combat power come from?

It’s not from the master!

Just like the structure of a pyramid,(Read more @


Tyrant slaughtered more than a thousand quasi-grandmasters!

The Pyramid of the Demon Race, there is a vacuum zone!

Until then,

Human race has waited for nearly a hundred years,

The opportunity to counterattack is here!

Everyone was so excited!

Unlike other masters,

Zhao Zizhen and Xiaohu looked at each other.

See each other’s shock!

From the corpse,

It seems that Tyrant was not killed by himself!

In other words…

Or, Baichuan Crow is lurking nearby!


Crow and Tyrant…

Recalling the previous battle with Jue Dian,

A conjecture emerged from the bottom of their hearts:

Tyrant and the crow,

Isn’t it alone? !


Eternal login and logout records will not deceive!

what is the problem?

Xiaohu speaks first,

“No matter so much!

It’s important to save people! ”

There is a fire worm lying on his back!

In order to keep the last demon genius immortal,

Even if countless means come together,

The fire worm is still suffering tremendously!

On the streets of the Demon Imperial City,

Tyrant has long been gone.

Tyrant’s order came from the air,

“Go to the Demon Palace!”

“Yes, go to the Demon Palace!”

Previous experience,

Let everyone have no doubt about Tyrant’s orders!

on the way,

Xiaohu proposed,

“Firebug, you disconnected.

We acted to save the lives of the demon geniuses. ”

“You have done enough!”

The fire worm who has fallen into a semi-consciousness,

Hearing this,

The chain in his hand was finally broken.

The fire worm also passed out completely!

prior to,

They have been using this method,

To maintain the immortality of this demon genius,

I am afraid that the aura of the demon genius is too strong,

Attracting the Grand Master to chase after him!

Once the last demon genius died,

The three competitions are over,

5000 kilometers away,

The Demon Race is ready to go,

Will come to the battlefield in no time!

right now,

The demon master was killed by Tyrant alone.

The entire Demon Imperial City,

It’s an empty city!

No one can threaten the life of this demon genius.

Naturally it can be disconnected.

“Save people!”

Most of the healers took action,

Rescue the fire worms and feed him some lemon fruits from time to time.

Only Zhao Zizhen is alone,

Maintain the life of the demon genius!

Everyone is treating,

Crazy rushed to the Demon Palace!

In front of the Devil Palace,

Looking at the dog hole in the palace wall,

It seems that this is the only entrance…

Zhao Zizhen resolutely stood up,


The strongest dark domain once said,

Those who make big things don’t stick to the trivial! ”

“To survive today, even if it’s a dog hole,

Also let go of the dignity of the master. ”


Zhao Zizhen is already lying on the ground,

Half of his body got in.



The gate of the Demon Palace opened.

“Master Xiaohu,

What are you doing in a daze!

Come in quickly! ”

The talented students inside,

I’ve seen the master I’m familiar with long ago,

Greeting everyone to go in.

Only Zhao Zizhen,

Half of the body stuck in the dog hole,

The other half stayed outside.


His ass is still outside the Demon Palace,

However, his face has been lost!

“Old Zhao, get up!”

Xiaohu went up and kicked,

“Don’t be ashamed!”

Inside the Demon Palace,

Zhao Zizhen’s crying cry sounded,

“Just kill me!!”

The shouts echoed in the sky,

Everyone heard it.

Hope people are okay.

Battlefield of the Southeast Catacombs.

“Go ahead! Go ahead!”

In the shadow of the huge lantern,

Near the Ten Thousand Warrior Legion

Run wildly at all costs!

There may even be a situation where the body is weakened and left behind!

They were originally Ye Liangchen’s subordinates,


Ye Liangchen returned,

The sixth rank martial artist who was the leader of the group before,

Directly returned the power of command to Ye Liangchen!

I became a regiment deputy again,

Liu Yonggui also downgraded one level.

1 name proud,

12 extraordinary masters,

84 high-grade warriors!

The warrior legion of the human race has never fought such a wealthy battle!

They bypassed the fight on the frontal battlefield,

At the fastest speed,

Interspersed forward,

Saw the walls of Yeyou City!

“Brothers, Yeyou City is in front of you!”

Ye Liangchen never thought about it.

I can escape from the hands of the demons!

5.9  I never thought about it,

One day,

Can take the warrior army to siege the city!

The human race is weak, and the defense is already stretched.


That is a rare thing in ten years!

right now,

They came to Yeyou City,

I’m about to touch the walls of Yeyou City soon!

“Head, we didn’t bring siege equipment!”

The deputy head asked in a low voice.

“Should I take the brothers first?”

Siege war,

Especially the first wave of fighting,

The tragic degree is beyond people’s imagination!

Going out for ten, and returning one intact, it’s pretty good!

The deputy head took the initiative to ask for it,

Served as the first death squad,

Already have the ambition to die!

Ye Liangchen shook his head.

“Luo Cheng’s art of war has something to say,

Go to the army and conquer, and then conquer the hand.

Secondly, the army was attacked and the city was attacked. ”

“It’s the most stupid thing to do a brutal siege!”

The deputy commander was stunned, what Luo Cheng’s art of war?

Liu Yonggui was also taken aback.

The teacher still knows the art of war?

I do not know how!

Ye Liangchen’s winning ticket is in hand,

There has long been a way to break the city!

“Go on, Demon Cannon!”


(Fourth watch is sent! There are four more! Chong Chong Chong!).

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