Chapter 200

“The main attack of the demons, the southeast crypt!”

This urgent news flew into the warrior cemetery.

“Go to the Southeast Catacombs!”

Luo Cheng said,

Let the people who are addicted to Luo Cheng’s art of war wake up.


The middle-aged person surnamed Ye hesitated,

“Just…what are we going to do?”

With Zhenghe, with Qisheng!

These are the six words taught by Luo Cheng.

I don’t know how bad it is,

I feel that the brain has learned a lot of unpredictable truths.


When it came time to practice, I was caught blind!

They are stunners,

How to win?

Luo Cheng calmly opened a kit,

Yoyo said,

“You go to the Southeast Catacombs,

There is an army of 10,000 warriors waiting for you,

Bring the army of warriors, surprise Ye Youcheng! ”

The middle-aged man remembered the content of Luo Cheng’s Art of War,


“Could it be that this is the thirty-six strategy to encircle Wei and save Zhao?!”


Luo Chengyan is so eloquent,

Why didn’t he expect it!

The joy of middle-aged people did not last long,

Quickly frowned,

“But what does the Demon Race do regardless of Ye Youcheng?”

A city,

Compared with the anger of the Demon King,

What’s the matter? !

Most of the Demon Imperial City was demolished,

The Devil’s Palace was burned,

Even if Yeyou City is completely destroyed,

The Demon Sovereign will not give up the idea of ​​going out of the cave to avenge!

Luo Cheng’s heart was secretly refreshed.

Before Su Bai set off,

Put most of the possible problems,

He prepared a reference answer for him!

This feeling of cheating looking at the answers and answering questions,

that’s nice!

Luo Cheng chuckles.

“The real battlefield,

Never on the ground,

But in the sky! ”

A middle-aged man who understands the meaning,

No more doubts in my mind!

“Luo Yuanmou, Ye is taught!”

“You keep this kit,

Waiting to stand on the wall of Yeyou City,

After the war, open! ”

Luo Cheng handed over a kit.

The middle-aged person accepted it respectfully,

“Ye understands!”


He is going to kill 96 people to the Southeast Catacombs!

“Just leave?”

“Not even equipped,

Go to die! ”

Luo Cheng’s tone became serious.

No previous ease,

Seems to be just now,

He made a difficult decision.


I don’t know if it is intentional or unintentional,

Hand this group of people to Luo Cheng,

Let them act as a surprise soldier,

In this war,

Play a big effect.

They didn’t leave equipment for these people,


Middle-aged people don’t care,

“There are in the crypt!

Even if you are not prepared,

Just kill the monsters and grab them 〃‖! ”

He is now very proud,

I just feel blood boiled all over,

I can’t wait to fly to the crypt immediately,

Fight for three days and three nights!

“Huh, you go out like this,

Wouldn’t it be counted on the old man if he died? ”

Luo Changchang exhaled a suffocating breath.

He stomped his foot fiercely,

“Get up!”

The entire warrior cemetery,

In an instant,


Every tomb emits radiant brilliance, which is so exciting!

As if a treasure was born!

“This, this is…”

“It’s all legendary equipment!”

Luo Cheng remembered what Su Bai had said in his mind.

Growl out,

“Qi said Wuyi!”

“Same with the son!”

All the tombs split at the same time,(Read more @

A whole set of equipment flew out of each tomb and fell in front of everyone!


It turned out to be all clothing mounds! !

There was a bloody battle that year,

Where are the corpses left to be brought back? !

The only thing Luo Cheng could bury,

Only the equipment of the whole group!

He has been with these equipment for nearly a hundred years,

Think of them as your own brothers, talk with them every night, nagging…

Luo Cheng’s eyes have been closed,

The body trembled slightly,

I can only gather my mind with a low growl,

“Repair my spear, and have the same vengeance with my son!”

97 people looked solemn,

No nonsense,


Hold sharp!

Even if buried deep for nearly a hundred years,

It has not been able to damage these equipment at all!

Luo Cheng closed his eyes tightly.

Don’t dare to open your eyes.

He was afraid that he would go crazy if he opened his eyes!

“Finally give you a ride!”

“go with!”

The kerosene lamp in Luo Cheng’s hand rose against the storm,

Hang 97 people on it,

Fly towards the Southeast Catacombs!

97 sets of equipment are gone, so are the lights,

Luo Xang is the same as having exhausted all his strength,

Sit on the ground.

He is now an ordinary old grave guard.

Open your eyes,

Luo Cheng saw a familiar figure carrying cement.

“Boy, what are you doing?”

“Repair the grave.”

Qin Lin, a young master to repair graves, is online.

Luo Lao is too careless in his work.

When the equipment is flying, it will fly, so much movement,

The tomb was completely cracked.

Luo Cheng’s face was a little more bloody.

He suddenly became interested,

“Listen to me, start from here!”

Luo Cheng began to serve as the first to repair the grave,

“Give him a thumbs-up tombstone. This tomb is made into a cube…”

“Lao Luo, the tombstone is not cracked.”

“If you want to fix it, just fix it, why is there so much nonsense!”


Southeast Catacombs,

A huge kerosene lamp passed through the bronze door,

97 figures jumped down from above,

The kerosene lamp is in the sky and will cover their whereabouts.

A ten thousand elite army of warriors,

Wait a long time below!

“Liu Yonggui, the deputy commander of the Third Military Corps of the Imperial Capital, follow the command of Commander Ye!”

The Third Warrior Legion,

It was the warrior legion led by Head Ye!

Ye is a middle-aged person,

Like a sharp sword out of its sheath,

The whole person faded away from the dust,

Exudes countless sharp edges!

“Liangchen doesn’t like to talk nonsense with people.”

“The whole regiment, Ye Youcheng, attack!”


On this day,

Ye Liangchen reappears in the crypt,

Surprise Yeyou City!

Devil City,

Watching the raging fire burning in the Demon Palace.

Su Bai has joined Gongsun Qi,

“You hold the crystal ball,

Let everyone go to the magic palace to gather,

All the elemental creatures are scattered in the city, ready to explode at any time! ”

Gongsun started,


“Did you make the demon imperial city defense map that you made before?”

“.”Done! ”

Gongsun has not been idle for this period of time,

According to Su Bai’s instructions,

I walked around the four walls of the southeast, northwest and northwest,

Remember to be clear about the deployment of city defenses and the layout of defense facilities!

“It will be available someday!”

“go quickly!”

After Su Bai ordered,

Gongsun Qi didn’t have the first time to act,

But asked rhetorically,

“Instructor Xiaosu, how about you?”

“I’m going to the dungeon to save people!”


Su Bai’s figure disappeared in place!

Demon Imperial City, dungeon.

3 proud grandmasters, with all the remaining extraordinary grandmasters,

Besiege the dungeon defensive array!

Because of the prince’s order before his death,

The guards in the dungeon,

Without seeing the token of the prince, he refused to open the door at all!

They can only blow hard!

Find a way to blast away!

Grand Master Ao Shi shouted,

“Idiot, I told you,

There is a demon genius on the third floor,

Kill him, or we will all die! ”

The guard leader is also plausible,

“Only three human races entered the dungeon,

There is no demon genius you said! ”

“Go to the third floor and have a look!!”

“The second-tier Master Ao Shi has lost control.

No one can go down! ”


The demon master in mid-air,

An angry face was blue.

I can only shoot with all my strength,

Continue bombing!

At this moment,

A token broke the deadlock.

“Prince token!”

Before everyone had time to rejoice,

An indifferent voice,

With the token coming,

“They connect the human races,

Attempting to use this genius war to rebel,

Overthrow His Majesty the Demon King! ”

“His Royal Highness broke through their conspiracy,

I was silenced by them! ”

“The prince’s death, to kill the rebellious party, everyone will have a great reward!”

The person who speaks,

The body is full of evil spirits, and it doesn’t look like a human race at all!

He simply said a few words,

Let everyone in the room stop.

Both sides watched each other vigilantly,

The air was full of gunpowder.

The defenders of the crypt is the most loyal to the demon king!


Nor will it be sent to guard the crypt anymore!

“Don’t listen to his deceitful words…”

Masters in mid-air,

It hasn’t had time to argue.


In the dungeon,

Thousands of people were killed!

The demon master in mid-air is forced to fight!



(The first update is sent, today is still eight!) Wo.

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