Chapter 190

“I won’t release water!”

O’Neill is determined to die,

Yelled this sentence.

He didn’t understand why the master above wanted them to release the water!

Even if Su Bai is of the blood of the Devil Emperor,

Why should I die? !

Anyway, it’s dead,

O’Neill was desperate,

It broke out beyond his normal combat power!

The battle has just begun,

He urged his whole body of demonic energy and began to overdraw the source of life!

“Su Bai, die!”


After a punch,

O’Neill became O’Neill sauce.

He didn’t understand until he died,

Release water or not release water,

Facing Su Bai,

He has no chance of winning!

“Human Su Bai, win!”

“Next person….”

On stage,

Su Bai took it for granted.

Even Zhao Zizhen saw the clue,

“The quality of this demon genius is too wide!”

Against Su Bai,

Basically it’s a second move!

Su Bai only went up for 3 minutes,

Zhao Zizhen didn’t finish a bottle,

43 monsters have been killed!

Follow this progress,

In a few minutes,

Terran can easily win the first match!

“What are the demons planning?”

The demons spent so much effort,

Get this genius battle.

Can’t it be charity?

“do not know.”

Xiaohu shook his head.

“In short, keep changing with the same!”

Zhao Zi really muttered,

“Su Bai is annoying to kill, he won’t provoke the grandmaster!”

“Old Zhao, shut up!”

Little tiger counts a thousand things,

I didn’t count Lao Zhao as a strategic weapon.

He actually poisoned his own people first!

this moment,

Xiaohu regrets it very much,

You shouldn’t bring Lao Zhao here! !

On stage,

Su Bai killed the 51st Demon Genius.

Before the next one comes on stage,

He suddenly called to stop, indicating that he had something to say.

“Long heard of the great master of the cave,

More than 200 masters chased one of my teachers,

Still dead! ”

As soon as Su Bai said this,

The expressions of all the masters present changed.

Provocation, absolute provocation!

Su Bai continued to mock,

“Anyway, my teacher Baichuan Crow, you can’t win.”

“do not know,

Does any master dare to come on stage,

Fight with me? ”

The hundreds of extraordinary masters in the crypt, ten proud grandmasters, their faces are gloomy.

Su Bai,

No matter how high the potential is,

It’s just a 299 level guy who doesn’t even have a third rank!

How dare to provoke the master so much? !


If you don’t give a response,

The master of the catacombs was so scandalous that he became the laughing stock of the world!

Su Bai’s provocation is within the rules,

Even if the master wants to do something to him,

I can only participate in the ring battle,

1 to 1!

“Magic Mountain, you go to 〃‖!”

Grandmaster Ao Shi named one person,


“The Devil Emperor has an order not to kill Su Bai.”

“Abolish him, the Human Race will be saved anyway, don’t worry.”

Moshan got up,

Grinned and said,


Su Bai was abolished in the first round.

For the Mozu, it is also a great thing!

Since Su Bai was stupid and took the initiative to deliver him,

They accepted this gift!

Under the expectation of many people,(Read more @

Magic Mountain has stepped onto the ring!

The battle of geniuses in the crypt is underway,

On the Federation side, the nine crypts are all prepared for the highest level!

Not only that,

In order to make the best use of this genius war,

The federation has also taken the initiative to open the graphic live broadcast mode!

Everything that someone on the front line will see,

Feedback to the Federation in the form of words, paintings, and photos.


The federation’s sixth-ranked magister, relying on these pictures and texts, truly restore the genius battle of the cave!

In other words,

Over tens of billions of people in the entire Federation are watching this live broadcast of the Battle of Geniuses in the Cavern!


There is a delay of a few minutes.

The Federation will also take the initiative to remove some screens,

Changed Su Bai’s appearance a bit.

The original face value of 100 points,

Only 75 points in the broadcast.

Even so,

There is also a hot search for [I am in love with Su Bai],

Soaring to the top of the hot search list!

With a delay of a few minutes,

The vast majority of people in the Federation saw Su Bai’s brave performance.

“Su Bai cut 21 people in a row!”

“Big Victory! Thirty-six rounds will kill with one blow!”

“Su Bai defeated 51 people in five minutes! More than half of the challenge!”

The news is here,

Stopped abruptly.

Even the live broadcast was interrupted for a minute.


An explosive news made the top search list:

[Su Bai challenges the master of the cave!]


Before everyone had time to be shocked,

The new news is here again!

“Su Bai punched the demon master, and the game was suspended for 30 seconds!”

In the live broadcast room,

The crypt master who looks like a hill,

Su Bai smashed his head with a punch!

Countless people will only shout 666 in surprise!

Even more shocking is still to come! !

[The ring restarts, Su Bai continues to challenge the master of the cave! 】

[Continuously cut 11 masters, Su Bai’s winning streak continues! 】


Crazy, crazy!

Everyone can’t understand Su Bai’s operation!

It’s just 10 minutes,

He has already killed 36 crypt masters! !

This record,

More than the Federation killed in the past year!

Everyone started frantically inquiring about everything related to Su Bai!

As a result, nothing was found!

The Federation has already encrypted all SS levels!

Su Bai,

Appearing in front of everyone like a god soldier descending from the sky!

Soon someone asked:

“Will Su Bai be Tyrant?”

A professional immediately refuted the rumors:

“When Tyrant was killing the city, Su Bai followed his teacher Crow and wiped out the Night Xiao branch of Baichuan City!”

It even includes Su Bai’s login and logout time!

In Baichuan City, the Yexiao branch was annihilated.

Everyone was impressed.

Su Bai had a perfect alibi.


Everyone is even more excited!

“The Federation has Tyrant and Su Bai, so why are you afraid of the crypt!”

“The sun and the moon contend for glory, the stars are bleak, this is the era of the two of them!”


Su Bai’s madness,

Still going on.

at the same time,

The extraordinary list is also refreshed in real time!

Zhao Zizhen became 1,380 extraordinary masters!

Su Bai started at 300, and his ranking climbed like a rocket!

After cutting 47 grand masters,

Su Bai’s ranking, went straight to second!

Many people really started to discuss,

Is Tyrant strong or Su Bai strong?

This issue soon became uncontroversial.

Su Bai’s last opponent in the ring,

It’s the grandmaster of the catacombs!

This battle,

No broadcast, no text, no pictures.

After everyone waited for 5 minutes,

An exciting news came:

Su Bai is proud of the world! !

The entire Federation of human beings fell into a sluggishness…

Su Bai’s name,

Also disappeared from the extraordinary list.

Proud World Ranking NO.12-Su Bai!


Have the strength to kill Ao Shi! !

Devil City,

Countless dead bodies were lying down on the ring.

Su Bai was also inevitably stained with magic blood.

Just hammered to death a proud grandmaster,

Did not give the opponent any chance to surrender!

Su Bai stepped off the ring,


“…” Fortunately, not insulting one’s life! ”

No. 5 Su Bai,

In the first battle, 51 demon geniuses and 47 extraordinary grandmasters were killed…. 1 proud grandmaster! !

“Su Bai, great.”

Zhao Zi really praised,

“Now kill the supernatural master of the crypt by nearly half,

For us later, it couldn’t be better! ”

If afterwards, the master of the demon clan still wants to attack.

Only 9 proud of the world, 53 extraordinary!

Their pressure will naturally be much less.

Why did Su Bai provoke the master?

Just to weaken the enemy as much as possible!

Everyone is happy,

On the contrary, it is Xiaohu,

After hearing what Zhao Zizhen said,

I won’t be angry,

“Old Zhao, why can’t you control your mouth!”

“What did I say wrong?!”

Zhao Zi really argued with reason.

In full view,

A wave of demon masters quickly flew over from 5000 kilometers away!

“This… shameless!”

The Demon Race only stipulates that there can only be so many Grand Masters in the Demon Imperial City.

But the Mozu never said,

People are dead, can’t add lines!

The bug of the card rules is never the privilege of the human race!

Everyone’s eyes fell on Zhao Zizhen,

Especially his mouth.

Zhao Zizhen, who has always been elegant and easy-going,

Swearing to God, even swearing,

“Laozi doesn’t fucking speak anymore!!”


(Brothers are too fierce, 520,000 flowers!

Chong Chong Chong! One more! Today is also the author with more than 20,000 a day! ).

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