Chapter 188

“They set off,

Why are you still here? ”

Luo Cheng asked angrily.

Liu Wanlou stayed in the cemetery, surely he hadn’t made a good idea!

“Lao Luo, I have something to discuss with you.”

“No way!”


At last,

Liu Wanlou is soft and hard,

Luo Cheng agreed to listen.

“After the battle of geniuses in the Demon Imperial City started,

9 crypts, all enter the highest level of preparation mode!

We only have 18 top players,

Can only barely maintain defense,

There is no way to launch an offensive! ”

Luo Cheng rolled his eyes.

What’s the point of telling him this.

Even if he walked out of the cemetery,

Also the invincible master.

There is no way to enter the crypt at all!

Liu Wanlou introduced,

“All the absolute tops of the Federation must be on standby in the crypt.

These people really can’t take care of them.

Can you help me watch it for a while? ”

“You mean the 97 people who were rescued by the crow?”


Luo Cheng proudly gave a cold snort.


Liu Wanlou immediately took out an intercom,

“He nodded, come in!”

Three buses drove into the warrior cemetery,

Walking down a few people like tour guides,

Holding a small flag and megaphone in his hand.


Today, our spring outing in Chunchunhuahua Sanatorium,

It is to come to Baichuan City Martial Arts Cemetery to pay tribute to these warriors who sacrificed for Earth. ”

On the bus, dressed in the same clothes, they walked down one by one like a group of people.

They seemed to be in a bad spirit, Yazi.

Some people are immersed in physics books and have already seen physics in the second year of high school!

Someone held a wooden sword and a wooden knife in his hand, as if playing a house.

Others stand upside down and walk with their hands.

All beings are in various forms,

Monsters and ghosts.

Luo Cheng took a breath,

I want to trouble Liu Wanlou,

I found that the old boy had run away long ago!

He knew that these guys in front of him were pretending to be crazy and stupid.

The top federal level probably knows it well,

Just let them go.

Just like adults coaxing children,

It is another kind of compensation for them over the years!

“Everyone, this is Luo Cheng, Director Luo…”

Someone interrupted,

“I know him! He is the daddy of Rift Kong, Ming Deng Luo Cheng!”

Luo Cheng suddenly felt,

These people are pretty good,

It’s good to be crazy.

See, you can even say what’s in your heart,

No one blames it yet!

Who would care about a madman?

How great!

Luo Cheng laughed,

“Hahaha, everyone, you are all friends here!”

“Sit, sit down!

I have a good chat with you today,

The story of when Split Air gave us the whole group as a son! ”

Underworld’s cracked empty classroom has started again!

A few tour guides aside, sweating from the back of their heads.

On the contrary, most lunatics listened with gusto.

Not everyone is so crazy.

A middle-aged man named Ye,

Walking in the cemetery, one after another tombs looked past.

Until… he saw a cross tomb standing out from the crowd.

“this is?”

He fixed his eyes, and the name of Luo Cheng was on the tombstone!

Not only that,

Most of the tombstone was smashed, and the writing on it could not be seen clearly!

Who is so bold to smash Luo Cheng’s tombstone?

Behind the cross, a young man emerged.

Qin Lin did not expect that there would be outsiders in the cemetery, so he subconsciously greeted him.

“Hello there.”

“Hello there.”

Then, the two fell silent.

Qin Lin continued to work on his own.

“what are you doing?”

The middle-aged Ye surnamed curiously.

“My master said, give him the whole crow on this cross.

Even if he died, he wanted crows to accompany him to death. ”

The middle-aged surnamed Ye is speechless for a while.

Is the crow cut into a grave?

Make him so resentful that he will not let it go.

The middle-aged person reacted,

The boy in front of me, the master is Luo Cheng? !

It’s not like ah, so weak…

“You seem to have something on your mind?”

The middle-aged man spoke again.

“How did you tell?”

Qin Lin was shocked, is his mind so easy to guess?

Anyone can see through it!

“You carved a crow into a woodpecker…”(Read more @


Qin Lin stretched out his hand and smashed the woodpecker to pieces.

The middle-aged person was shocked again. At less than level 100, he has such a strong power? !

“I have a friend who has gone far away. I am too weak to help much.”

After speaking, Qin Lin continued to sculpt the crow.

After a while, he jumped out again.

“I believe he will bring it back alive!”


Just as Su Bai and others set off.

More information is passed on.

Terran Xeon and Demon God reached a further agreement.

Finalized the limits of this genius battle:

Centered on the Demon Imperial City,

5000 kilometers around, no great masters are allowed!

Grandmaster Invincible is forbidden to shoot,

Xeon who violates the order can be killed at will!

In the Demon Imperial City,

The Demon Race allows ten proud of the world and a hundred extraordinary masters to sit down!

Terran can only lead one proud, ten extraordinary masters.

Before the end of the genius war,

Grandmaster is not allowed to shoot!

Unless someone takes the initiative to provoke the master,

Surely no one would be so stupid,

Give the Mozu a chance to make trouble.

The top combat power of both sides,

Swear by your real name,

The Boulevard of Violators collapsed!

As for the specific content of the genius war,

It is completely formulated by the demons, and the human race must agree!

after all,

In the two realms of Invincible and Supreme Master,

In fact, Terran took advantage of it.

There are three competitions in the genius battle!

Three big games,

If Terran wins 1 and loses 2,

Only 1 prisoner can be taken away!

Win 2 and lose 1,

Can take 2 people away!

Terran only wins all three games,

Only to take away a total of 903 prisoners!

These 903 prisoners,

From 8 crypts,

In the past hundred years,

There are tens of thousands of human warriors captured by the demons!

After being tortured by them,

Only these 903 people are left!


The geniuses of the Federation, take practical actions to take them home!

This extremely unfair competition system,

It directly shows the attitude of the Mozu:

I’m here to pit you!

What’s the matter? !

I know it’s a pit but I still have to jump,

The anger arose in the hearts of the Federation,

But helpless!

Can only hope that a miracle will happen!

I hope Human Race can win three competitions,

With 903 people,

Not many of them survived!

But everyone knows,

This is just a faint hope!

Su Bai’s team joined 1 Aoshi and 10 Grand Masters.

They are all directed by Su Bai,

Even Master Ao Shi!

Grandmaster Ao Shi is No. 1 in the Ao Shi list-Huang Feixiong.

Interestingly, he is also a martial arts master!

The three master lists of extraordinary, proud, and outstanding,

The first place is the master of martial arts!

Huang Feixion’s profile Su Bai has read,

Good at legwork against the enemy,

Extremely fast,

Is the best candidate for this battle!

Among the super masters, there are also familiar faces of Su Bai…

Master Xiaohu, Zhao Zizhen!

As a master forging, Xiaohu went deep behind enemy lines this time.

If there is a problem with the equipment, he can solve it immediately!

Before setting off, he helped everyone to strengthen the legendary equipment to outstanding.

A penny was confiscated.

Some talented students are relatively poor,

Xiaohu took the initiative to lend them legendary equipment!

On the wealth of equipment,

The Federation Tiger is definitely number one!


Pi broke his leg to find Xiaohu, and whispered a few words.

“That’s not good?”

Xiaohu hesitated.

“Well, Su Bai agrees!”

Pi’s broken leg convinced Su Bai again.


On everyone’s equipment,

One more sign of Foggy Town.


On the bus leaving for the expedition,

One more banner:

“The Legendary Equipment of the Genius War is sponsored by the Crow Weapon Store in Misty Town!”

Pi Broken leg holding all the liquid funds in his hand,

I bought all the equipment from Xiaohu in one breath,

Give it to everyone!

Things that were originally very serious,

I was advertised by this business genius.

The atmosphere of the team instantly became more active.

Su Bai is very satisfied with this effect,

“That’s it, everyone should eat and drink!”

“Let’s go for an outing, kill a few monsters, and take the seniors home!”

The atmosphere in the bus instantly became alive.

Some people even offered to sing a song,

Master Xiaohu sang with love,

“I have had a few good friends, and I’m not alone in speaking…”

The whole car: vomit——

Zhao Zizhen, as the healer,

He shouldn’t have played, and another senior will do it for him.

who knows,

Xiaohu strongly urged Zhao Zizhen to play.

Xiaohu’s original words,

“At this time, you don’t need to use Lao Zhao’s mouth.

When is it used? ”

The federal high-level originally intended to dismiss,

How can you be superstitious when it comes to life and death?

But he was stopped by the Crown Tree.

Zhao Zizhen 5.9 is not afraid of death.

He is afraid of mistakes!

“You really killed Xiaohu this time. I rank 1378. Isn’t this a burden?

We will definitely have casualties, and I won’t be able to save it by myself…”

Hearing the phrase ‘we will definitely have casualties’,

Xiaohu’s eyes lit up and said quickly,

“Old Zhao, don’t worry, you can do your work when you arrive in the cave!”

Zhao Zizhen: …..

The fire bug turned his head and corrected it seriously.

“Master Zhao, you are not 1,378 anymore.”


Zhao Zizhen was taken aback.

Did I break through when I didn’t know it?

There is such a good thing!

I’m the master healer,

I never care about what kind of imaginary things like battle power rankings!

Zhao Zi really smiled and asked.

“How many places have I improved? 1300? Or 1200?”

He really dare to think!

Fireworm handed the phone over,

“You went backwards one place, 1379.”

Zhao Zizhen’s smile gradually solidified.

Sliding his finger up,

I saw a name that has recently broken into the list of extraordinary masters:

No. 1 on the Extraordinary List-Eternal Tyrant!

On this day,

Tyrant first entered the list of extraordinary masters,

Ranked first!


(The fifth watch is sent, and there are three more, rushing!).

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