Chapter 185

“Extremely shameless!”

Luo Cheng scolded.

“Hehe, the shamelessness of the monster,

You haven’t learned anything! ”

Gao Ning contemptuously said,

“This is a conspiracy, we can’t refuse it at all!”

All those present are sensible,

This set of crypt monsters is a disgusting federation!

The 97 heroes rescued by the Federation,

Big fuss, overwhelming publicity.

The morale of the entire crypt warrior army is directly full!

While reaping countless benefits,

Also put the Federation itself in a dangerous position:

These rescued prisoners can’t go wrong!

Otherwise morale will suffer a major blow!

The Demon Race first sent the Demon Emperor’s bloodline to try to assassinate.

Once the assassination is successful,

It is equivalent to a slash on the artery of federal morale!

The assassination failed.

The blood of the Demon King can’t steal the chicken without losing the rice,

8 grand masters were folded, and 1 superb!

They couldn’t make a plan, they made another plan.

“Make an appointment with a genius to fight, and take prisoners as a bet!”

If the Federation should not fight,

The demons will brutally kill the prisoners one by one,

And advertised widely: the Federation does not save you, this is the Federation you work for!

If the Federation challenges,

Not only must there be a superb team to enter the Demon Imperial City,

Put all the geniuses in danger,

Participate in the battle carefully prepared by the enemy!

From now on, there are more ills than good luck!


There is no extra choice before the Federation,

Can only challenge!

After reporting the pros and cons,

Gao Ning said solemnly,

“This time,

All those who participated in the genius battle volunteered!

The Federation will not force anyone to join the war! ”

“However, my three strongest families have at least one member from each!”

Gao Ning looked at Gao Tian,


What the Rift Family has produced is Gao Tian.

Yan Eclipse family,

Needless to say, it must be a fire bug.

“Can I go?”

Qin Lin interrupted suddenly,

Everyone just noticed,

There is also a 45-level C-level talent desert warrior in the field.

“You… so weak.”

Gao Ning said, Qin Lin hasn’t responded yet.

Luo Cheng first became angry.

“You mean the old man’s vision is not good?”

“Second brother Luo, calm down your anger, don’t do it…”

The shoes fly again…

“Su Bai, are you going?”

Even if Qin Lin wanted to go, he had no chance to go.

Su Bai nodded.

This time I don’t have to add any money, I have to go.

After all,

This turmoil is so big,

It was also because Su Bai rescued 97 federal prisoners.

after that,

The Human Race Demon Race is playing a game of capture,

Only now has this battle!

This battle,

No one can go, but Su Bai can’t!

The cause started from him, and the result is inherited by him!

Is the genius of the demons?

Excitement flashed in Su Bai’s eyes,

The other party was dead before the force last time!

This time,

Have a good experience!

Qin Lin was a little depressed.

But he has always been heartless,

“Dabai, I recently learned a new trick, super strong.

Killing units without stopping can accumulate damage 〃‖! ”


Su Bai came with interest,

“Is that one day,

You stretched the damage infinitely, can you slash the grandmaster with one blow? ”

“I think so too.

Luo Lao said I am dreaming! Hahaha! ”

Send Qin Lin away,

Su Bai returned to the cemetery.

Even if the blood of the demons is caught out,

Su Bai is still inconvenient to play games at home.

Can only come to the cemetery,

Accompany Luo Cheng, a widowed old man.

Su Bai hasn’t entered the game pod yet,

Luo Cheng asked suddenly,(Read more @

“Boy, will the crow go to the crypt?”

“If you don’t go, you will die.

The crow is dead, who will help you beat the air? ”

Su Bai looked careless.

You can be polite to anyone,

Don’t use Luo Cheng,

This old man, it’s not once or twice to cheat himself!

Luo Cheng sneered and asked again.

“Then Tyrant is going or not?”

“About Tyrant, why are you asking me!”

Su Bai found that the old man talks a lot today.

It seems that Gao Ning’s arrival,

Touched some memories deep in the old man’s heart.

A big event that once had something to do with Rift!

Let the Invincible Underworld Light be successful,

Candidates from the strongest,

Become a crazy old grave guard.

Even if you eat the fruit of wisdom,

Still unable to step out of the cemetery,

The poor worm who can only stay here but survives.


This matter is related to the catacombs.

Get two answers in a row,

Luo Cheng was not annoyed, and asked leisurely.

“Then Su Bai will go?”

“You talk a lot today,

I heard that the Federation set a sky-high price of 2 million contribution points,

If you have money, don’t you fools? ”

Su Bai is about to log in forever,

Luo Cheng was still chirping.

“Smelly boy, no big or small.”

Luo Cheng stomped lightly.

Next second,

Su Bai appeared in front of him out of thin air.

There is no resistance!

Such means,


“Listen to Liu Wanlou,

Your boy is very good at martial arts,

Is it possible to achieve martial arts invincible in the future? ”

Luo Cheng snorted coldly.

“When the old man was still at his best,

The first person in martial arts,

It’s not his turn to Liu Wanlou! ”

Su Bai’s pupils shrank,

He felt a shocking aura erupting from Luo Cheng!

That was even more terrifying than Liu Wanlou’s full shot!

Like a big mountain,

Pressed on Su Bai’s chest, unable to move!


The old man is not big or small every day, and he is not reliable in doing things.

Only when you beat the top with your hands,

Will show up.

But it’s just showing off,

right now,

Luo Cheng is serious!

Luo Cheng’s pyramid tomb,

A silver light flew out!

Su Bai took a closer look,

A silver gun fell into Luo Cheng’s hands.

“On the way to martial arts, what kind of skill is empty-handed?”

“The gun is the king of a hundred soldiers!”

Luo Cheng held a gun in one hand, and took a shot.

“The old man passed you a set of marksmanship today,

How much you can learn depends on your kid’s talent! ”

“Look at the gun!”

A little bit cold,

Appeared in Su Bai’s pupils,

Can’t dissipate for a long time!

“Big brother, what’s the matter?”

In the hotel,

Gao Ning, who was resting,

Suddenly flying into the air with a high sky,

Looking in the direction of Baichuan Warrior Cemetery.

Gao Ning was speechless for a long time,

Finally relax all over,


“…” Lengmianhanjian has appeared again! ”


As a Xeon family,

Gao Tian knows more secrets than ordinary people.

The ambition to fall into battle,

Dead or not!

A little bit of coldness comes first,

Then the gun was shot like a dragon!

The cold spear that once smashed into the dreadful cave,

As the ultimate existence of martial arts,

Luo Cheng couldn’t get into invincibility with martial arts,

In the end, I will enter the invincible with the dark lantern,

The world only remembers his strongest dark lantern,

But forgot that he still has a peerless spear technique!


This marksmanship has a successor! !

“Who would it be, that stupid boy with the surname Qin?”

Gao Ning let out a spit of breath,

Brother Luo,

Even this gun can be picked up again!

It seems to have really recovered!

The day he walked out of the cemetery is not far away!

Gao Ning recalled the words of his eldest brother:

Luo Cheng walked out of the cemetery alive and became the strongest!

Human Race Daxing,

Maybe not in Tyrant, not in Crow,

And in Luocheng! !

This invincible master who has been silent for nearly a hundred years,

Although I don’t know why,

Suddenly the old wood is like spring, one after another to get rid of the demons!

Gao Ning was very excited,

“Fortunately for the Terran! God bless the Terran!”

Inside the warrior cemetery,

After a set of marksmanship dances,

Luo Cheng was panting and his eyes were reddish.

This gun seemed to weigh tens of thousands of kilograms, even if it was just holding it, he would have to exhaust all his energy!

“Boy, learned a bit!”

Su Bai watched with all his attention,

Was drunk by the head, and went back,

“I forgot only half of it.”

“What now?”

“I have forgotten everything.”

“Good! Good! Good!”

Luo Cheng slapped his right palm and threw the gun back to his grave.

The surging weather disappears,

He is no longer the first person in martial arts.

It’s the old man who keeps the grave like an old urchin again.

He took out the latest Xiaomi mobile phone,

A number was dialed.

“Qin Lin, bring the cement, gather the grave head!”

“Give me a cross this time…welcome”

The cold light in Su Bai’s eyes slowly disappeared.

The bit of cold light in my heart could not dissipate.

Facing Luo Cheng’s back,

Bow deeply, thank you for your kindness!

Su Bai returned to the game cabin.

Login forever!


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