Chapter 174

Nothing happened overnight.

Su Bai went back to school,

First, I took a master martial arts class,

Seriously jumped all four sets of radio gymnastics.


Another person jumped out from the master, yelling that he had realized it!

The master who was beaten by Su Bai and Pi with broken legs before,

Zhang Wanghai.

His results on the strength test machine showed that

No breakthrough!

The rock hanging in my heart fell to the ground,

Many masters were happy instantly.

Fortunately, this guy didn’t break through!

If it is really easy to break through,

They probably have to do radio gymnastics all day long!


Zhang Wanghai has indeed gained something!

He can hit his best results with high frequency and steadily!

In other words,

It only takes a certain amount of water milling effort,

Zhang Wanghai’s bottleneck will naturally be broken!

After the morning exercises,

The masters began to contact their families,

“Let the disciples of the clan dance the radio gymnastics three times a day!”

“If everyone else jumps and you don’t jump, don’t you fall behind, five times!”

“Dad is a grandmaster and won’t hurt you, jump!”


Not only that,

Su Bai returned to the classroom desk,

When you want to make up for sleep.

There was a sweet voice on the campus radio,

“Insert an emergency broadcast and receive a notification from the superior.

The broadcast gymnastics between classes was changed to 1 to 4 sets, twice a day…”

The classmates wailed everywhere,

Su Bai, the culprit,

He buried his head between his arms and pretended not to hear.

I can’t live this day!

Baichuan Warrior Cemetery.

Luo Cheng is still teaching Qin Lin to use hooks.

“Lao Luo, I have always had a worry…”


“You said I was absent from school every day,

Will I fail to get a high school diploma? ”

Qin Lin said seriously,

“In case I won’t be admitted to Martial Arts University.

High school degree, it’s okay to find a job.

In case it is a junior high school degree…”

Luo Cheng didn’t fight in anger.

“My invincible grandmaster teaches you,

You are here to worry about academic qualifications! ”

Qin Lin defended,

“Men have to make money on their own!”

“So much nonsense, another 10,000 hooks!”


Luo Cheng angrily turned and returned to the cabin.

When he comes out again,

Holding a piece of paper that has not dried ink in his hand.


“what is this?”

“Professor’s appointment letter from Magic Capital University of Wuhan.

With this thing, you will eat and drink forever! ”

There is a stamp of a kerosene lamp on the handwritten instrument.


Luo Cheng is still more worried about this apprentice.

So stupid,

It would be too embarrassing if you really starve to death!


Qin Lin happily put away the papers,


“Next time your grave splits again,

When I fill your grave, I will also bury this document.

I am not Luo Lao’s most shameful apprentice.

Anyway, he is also a professor at the Magic Capital University! ”

“You, ruin can’t teach!”

Luo Chengqi shook his head straight.

He can’t remember it now,

What do you think about this silly boy?

Know how to repair a grave?

Looking at the skin of his pyramid,

Look at the ordinary cemeteries around,

Every time someone passes by the pyramid, they will exclaim,

Some people even took photos with them!

Luo Cheng suddenly felt,

This tomb is well repaired!

Even if you die,

Luo Cheng is also the most beautiful boy in the whole group!

Fighting class in the afternoon.

Su Bai found that

Things started to get interesting.

Yesterday’s fighting class,

It’s the students who play the students, and the master plays the master.

After a short contact,

The two sides started to learn from each other!

Grandmasters generally limit the attributes to a lower level,

Even so,

A genius student also ends up being abused!


The reason why this genius student is called an evildoer,

It’s because of the talents of some people,

Strong enough to cross Level!

Under the same attribute,

A broken leg can easily defeat an extraordinary master,

If Grandmaster Ao Shi is not careful,

Will also suffer a big loss!

Bawang and Ye Yi formed a partner,

Challenge the extraordinary master.(Read more @

The fighting style of the two is very unique,

Overlord blocked the front,

Master of Hard Steel!

Ye Yi took the opportunity to walk around, each time he stepped forward and hit a few punches, and then stretched the distance.

After a certain period of time,

Step forward again!

Su Bai confirmed that Ye Yi’s natural fatal rhythm must be a short CD, a type that strengthens the attack speed.

The two people cooperated more and more skillfully,

You can even fight back and forth with the master!

The funniest fighting,

It is the fire worm.

He didn’t fight against the master,

After all, even if the close combat is more powerful, the fire worm is only a mage.

This time he faced his old opponent,


Gongsun got up early and was prepared and didn’t fall into the trap he had before!

This mage is amazing in melee combat!

With enough care,

Gongsun has the upper hand,

When he tried to grab the fireworm’s right arm,

The fire worm’s right arm suddenly fell off automatically!


I used too much strength,

Broke the classmate’s arm directly?

Gongsun Qi really never saw this scene!

More importantly,

Even if it is disconnected, the arm of the firefly can still move!

With Gongsun’s stupefying effort,

The fire worm uses its right arm,

Locked Gongsunqi’s hands!

One side lost an arm,

The other party was trapped with both hands,

The result of the close combat is self-evident.

Fireworm won again!

After the fight,

Fireworm took off his arm and took it back!

“What the hell is this?!”

Gongsun Qi found out,

He has shown himself since he was young, and he thinks he is invincible among his peers!


Entered this martial arts class,

An 18-year-old instructor of the same age did not say,

What kind of monsters and ghosts are the enemies you encounter?

Who would take off his arm as a weapon? !

at this time,

Fireworm is communicating with Su Bai.

“Instructor Su, I heard you say before, we must make full use of talent and professional advantages!”

Firebug said seriously,

“So I thought of this trick.

With talent, every part of my body can be detached.

You can maintain your mobility for a period of time after you leave, just pick it up. ”

Su Bai thought of a certain Yangko star’s teammate, and a certain red-nosed clown in the thief king.

Their method of warfare is very similar to that of Firebug!


Su Bai pointed it seriously.

“You can continue to strengthen this method.”

“For example, before slashing down, you take the initiative to separate your body to avoid slashing damage…”

If Yan Eclipse knows,

Su Bai is taking his only son to the red-nosed clown’s no return.

Even if Su Bai is Tyrant,

A beating is indispensable!

During Su Bai’s lecture,

The students around will also come around and listen carefully.

Everyone has learned a lot from it.

At the end,

Su Bai suddenly asked,

“Fireworm, if you lock the enemy with your arm.

What do you do if the enemy ran away? ”

Fire bug: …..

Gongsun Qi: “There is still this kind of operation?”

If you don’t fight or not, say another thing,

Run away and earn an arm for nothing!

Fireworm thought for a while,

“I can only give up and let my hand fly back.”

Su Bai smiled like a devil,

“Why fly back.

You can add more skills to your hands.

For example, the hand will release poisonous gas, it can explode, it can paralyze the enemy…”

“Turn every part of your body into a weapon!

Your melee can be stronger! ”

The fire worm’s eyes lit up,

Learned it!

People around also nodded frequently,

Wait…. Is it really necessary for the mage to fight melee like this?

Everyone looked at Su Bai and Firebug,

A huge question mark appeared above the head…

Did you make a mistake? !

The magic capital of Wuhan University.

Two hundred students have assembled.

They are all elite students from sophomore to senior year.

Level is generally between 280 and 400!

Have not yet entered the society,

He is already a third-rank and fourth-rank martial artist, with sturdy strength.

The leader,

It is the 499-level student union president,

Game ID [Lonely as Snow].

President Lonely is doing the final pre-war mobilization,

“Today, we are responsible for purifying the Dragon Canyon dungeon!

Everyone is familiar with each other, so I won’t say more nonsense! ”

Lonely introduces two newcomers,

“The freshman Zhao Xi, S-rank talent, the top pick in the land of three provinces.

Yesterday, I just finished the genius battle in the catacombs, S-level transfer! ”

“Jiang Wu, a freshman, S-level talent, ranked ninth in the Magic City College Entrance Examination.

Like Zhao Xi, S-level transfer! ”

“Everyone applauds and welcome!”

There was sparse applause from the audience.

Who can come to Wudu,

Everyone is a dragon and a phoenix.

The resumes of Zhao Xi and Jiang Wu may be dazzling in the eyes of others.

Put it here?

Little transparent!

No matter how powerful the freshman is,

Can’t beat the weakest sophomore!

This is the confidence of genius!

After the introduction,

Everyone makes final preparations.

Chairman Lonely called Zhao Xi and Jiang Wu to his side.

“The cave you went to with Su Bai yesterday?”

“Yes, it will be there, Su Bai…”

President Lonely interrupted roughly,

“I asked you to answer, I didn’t ask you no need to speak!”

The two people had a meal, not knowing why loneliness would grow so hostile.

“Since you know Su Bai, things will be easier!”

The lonely president said coldly,

“I don’t care what you do,

Let this kid take the initiative to withdraw from this copy! ”

He is obviously resentful,

“Everyone is stuffed into my team,

Is Crow’s apprentice amazing?

High school students can play house and play masked heroes.

We are on the battlefield and see blood!

Why do you bring a 5.9 mascot with a B-level talent?

To be a cheerleader? ”

After speaking, President Lonely turned and left.

Jiang Wu originally planned to speak up,

Tell the lonely president Su Bai’s true strength.

But Zhao Xi stopped it.

“Don’t tell me, let this kid go smug.”

“I guess he’s going to deflate before entering the dungeon!”

Regarding how strong Su Bai is,

Zhao Xi and Jiang Wu have unlimited confidence!

A drunk man who can kill more than two hundred Diku geniuses,

What is it that is not an evildoer?

More importantly,

Su Bai, is a mage!

“Su Bai, you lead the team this time, perform well!”

Liu Wanlou exhorted,

“The copy of the Dragon Canyon is not trivial. If the purification fails.

It will be troublesome. ”

Su Bai is still the same,

“Can you not go, it’s been very hard recently, I want to sleep at night…”

“Add money!”

“It’s not about money or not…”

“1 million contribution points!”

“I mainly want to contribute more to the Federation!”

Su Bai patted his chest to make sure,

“Guaranteed to complete the task!”


(Explain about the update:

The one I owed you yesterday is Chapter 165.

This is the seventh of today’s eight shifts.

Brothers can check the chapter number in the table of contents.

Chong Chong Chong! One more left! ).

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