Chapter 153

“I just passed by the training hall, did you see it?”

“A lot of people are doing radio gymnastics!”

“I heard that many of them are masters…”

Senior three (two) class,

The topic of everyone’s discussion has changed from Tyrant Crow to a summer camp discussion.

Due to the rush of the summer camp,

Temporarily set the location at No. 5 Middle School.

After finishing the follow-up site, we will move there collectively.

The discussion stopped abruptly,

Because a figure appeared ~ at the door of the classroom.

“Su Bai!”

The study committee member Zhao Xue recognized him-come and said in surprise,

“Aren’t you at a summer camp-, what are you doing back?”

Su Bai can go to summer camp,

Is the pride of the entire second class!

With Rong Youyan.

There are also rumors,

Su Bai is not going to be a student, but an instructor!

Such crazy talk,

Everyone will listen to it.

Su Bai explained briefly,

“Oh, my class is over in the morning, so let me come back.”

As an instructor,

Su Bai is responsible for morning exercises in the morning and fighting lessons in the afternoon.


Su Bai walked to his beloved desk.

If you don’t lie down on the desk and sleep for a while, a day will be unsatisfactory.

The students exchanged eyes,

I probably guessed the answer in my heart,

“As a B-level talent, Su Bai is still too reluctant to participate in the summer camp.”

“If you don’t have many lessons, you can understand, come on!”

They are not sympathetic, or laugh at Su Bai.

As a classmate,

Everyone knew exactly what kind of character Su Bai was.

Although handsome and cold,

But when Su Bai needed to get ahead, he never counseled.

Everyone cheered Su Bai silently,

“Come on! Su Bai!”

“You can catch up with the genius of summer camp one day!”

“You are the best in class two!”

The propaganda committee even started planning,

Make a blackboard newspaper to encourage Su Bai!

in the afternoon,

Fighting class.

Su Bai hasn’t arranged content yet,

The assistant teacher arranged the list of fighting, very considerate.

After yesterday’s interview,

The strength of the students,

The masters know it well.

Su Bai took more than one hundred students, thirty-seven masters,

If everyone wants him to stare,

Su Bai can’t finish it!

As an instructor,

Su Bai only needs to stare at the top group of students.

As for the master,

They are more like coming on vacation.

Learn from each other, or bring an attribute bracelet, and find students to learn from each other.

Rumor has it that Tyrant among the students,

What if your shit is lucky and you find Tyrant?


Break through unknowingly!

Li Huba and Humphrey,

The two went to Liu Wanlou and were brutally abused by the latter.

Zhao Zizhen was also taken care of,

Three masters seemed to have blood and blood feuds with him, and beat him violently!

Master’s fighting class,

Su Bai didn’t give pointers in the past, and there is no need to give pointers.

He pays more attention to top talented students fighting!

Fireworm’s opponent is named Gongsun Qi,

Is a 110-level giant sickle warrior, used to using a huge sickle, very deterrent.(Read more @

The two sides met for the first time, fighting empty-handed.

With a simple smile on Fireworm’s face,

“Hello, Fireworm, Mage.

Good at long-range legal attacks! ”

Hear the words of the fire worm,

Gongsun Qi didn’t care,

“Are your brains all muddy,

Like to expose your hole cards before a fight? ”

Gongsun Qi seems to have a specialty,

You can mock the enemy with words, and can’t wait to punch him in the face!

Firebug smiled embarrassedly,

“Sorry, I think everyone is classmates and should be honest with each other.”

“Stop talking nonsense, do it!”

Gongsun Qi charged up.

Master, good at long range?

Then I will teach you how to behave in close combat!

A panic flashed across Fireworm’s face,

In a hurry,

It seems that I don’t know what to do.

Gongsun put up a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth.

He had already seen the scene of himself beating the mage up close!

It’s so cruel!

Let’s start the key!

One minute later,

“This is your honesty?!”

Gongsun Qi dislocated his whole body and lay on the ground,

Only one mouth can be pulled.

He moved every joint a little bit,

Can feel severe pain!

Every time he said a word, he paused for a long time, breathing in a cold breath.

Fireworm still has a simple smile on his face,

It just fell in the eyes of Gongsun,

It turned into a black-bellied smirk.

“Su Bai and I learned two tricks to understand melee combat.”

Recalling the fight just now,

The other side’s horrible performance,

Gongsun trembles with his teeth,

Do you call this a little understanding? !

This warrior, what else is necessary to play…

Overlord’s opponent,

Ye Yi is an unknown male classmate.

As a power player, Bawang has a mastery of ninety-four percent of his power.

Ye Yi is less than 80%.

The two of them fought back and forth!

Su Bai just glanced at it and saw the clue.

Ye Yi is not as powerful as the Overlord, but his speed and combat instinct are stronger than Overlord!

More importantly,

Ye Yi’s S-level Talent: Deadly rhythm.

Seems to increase the attack speed,

The first few tricks every time you make a move are amazing!

The overlord’s talent requires residual blood to be effective.

Ye Yi couldn’t beat the Overlord with residual blood.

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

The two sides froze there,

There is nothing to do with each other.


Ye Yi gradually increased his strength by pitting against the overlord.

Overlord is in the hands,

Slowly learn how to change blood, protect yourself, and get the enemy’s greatest casualties at the least cost!

The two played extremely fiercely, and they improved each other very fast!

Su Bai patrolled in the fighting arena,

Point two sentences from time to time.

He was surprised to find,

Most people can learn independently from fighting!

He, the instructor, was a little leisurely.

If you think about it, you can understand.

Here gathers the top talents of the whole Federation,

Su Bai is like a teacher in a rocket class,

Even if you don’t give lectures, students will learn by themselves.

Some classes have good grades. It’s really not how good the teacher lectures.

Simply is good for student seedlings.

Among the students, Pi’s broken leg is as lonely as invincible.

…… …… …….

If he continues to practice with Su Bai,

It has no effect except being hit.

The skin that had just broken through broke his leg, but he didn’t want to break through for a short time.

The happy fighting class passed in the blink of an eye.

When class is over,

Liu Wanlou sent someone to inform Su Bai to come to the office.

As soon as I entered the office,

Su Bai sensed a breath of extreme disgust!

In the office, stood a humanoid creature that was more than 2 meters high and nearly 3 meters high.

Crypt monster! !

Su Bai recognized,

This is the crypt monster described in the textbook!

The whole body is full of chains and shackles, restricting the actions of the monsters in the crypt.

Su Bai looked up,

The other party’s complexion was pale, as if it hadn’t been exposed to the sun for tens of thousands of years, and the white was filled with dark red.

The pupils of the eyes are small and long, like cat pupils, glowing green.

The ears are short, sticking to the sides of the head, you can’t even find the ears if you don’t look closely.

The body structure ratio of the monsters in the crypt is not much different from that of humans.


They have no organs, and their mouths are full of canine teeth.

The hair is sparse, and every adult monster in the crypt looks like the evil god of fire cloud.

It is said that the stronger the cave monster, the less hair! !

The legendary demon god, even bald!

Their blood is green and exudes an unpleasant stench!

It was the first time Su Bai saw a monster in the cave.

Why are they here?

Liu Wanlou said,

“This is the messenger from the crypt.”

“They have agreed to the invitation of Genius Warfare, just tonight, in the crypt of the imperial capital!”

“Pack up, bring all the 199 level students”

“set off!”


(The second one is sent, rushing! The cave is open, the climax is constant, okay!

Thank you all for your flowers, nothing to report, continue to code words! )corpse.

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