Chapter 151

“Hire me as an instructor?”

Su Bai wondered.

“I just want to study quietly, can’t I?”

Liu Wanlou spread his hands,

There is no way to signal myself.

The decision to make Su Bai an instructor,

It was done by the principal of Wudu University of Magic and Luo Cheng together.

Su Bai can think of it with his toes,

Luo Cheng’s smirk on his face.

“It’s really not worrying.”

Su Bai asked again.

“What will the martial arts instructor do?”

“Find a way to improve the students’ power mastery.”

The degree of power mastery.

Su Bai flipped through the materials,

Most students stay at 70% to 80%.

The overlord team is a bit taller per capita, between 80% and 90%.

What is surprising is:

Overlord’s power control is ninety-four percent!

Fire bug, 90%!

These are the top seedlings among the students.

“Well, I’ll say it in advance.”

Su Bai held the appointment letter in his hand and said seriously,

“Even if you don’t teach well, the salary can’t be less!”

“Indispensable for you!”

Su Bai today,

Become a veritable federal gold medalist!

During the day, Su Bai instructor, teaching summer camp students,

At night, Baichuan Crows cleared the Assassin League branch,

Being Tyrant in eternity, frustrating countless conspiracies!

“I think you should get five wages for three jobs!”

Unfortunately, Su Bai couldn’t say this.

What Su Bai didn’t know was,

His career as an instructor is far more colorful than he thought!

“Everyone stay quiet.”

Masters who should have selected students,

Discussions are in full swing now.

There is only one topic they are arguing about:

Tyrant is strong, but Su Bai is strong!

Currently 28 open,

Tyrant’s 80% approval rate is far ahead,

There is only a master of martial arts,

Choose to support Su Bai.

As we all know,

Su Bai is the apprentice of Crow!

The crow may be Tyrant’s protector!

Crow, as a contemporaneous person of Zhao Zizhen,

After many years of silence, he quietly became a master, and his reputation was not obvious.

Why did you suddenly make a move to protect Baichuan?

Even became the patron saint of Baichuan City at night!

The last few days,

The night crime rate in Baichuan is as high as 0%!


Is the reputation of the crow!

In the eyes of the masters,

They stand taller and naturally see more things!

There is a version of the statement:

“The crow asked Tyrant to help Su Bai upgrade,

In exchange,

The crow protects Tyrant in reality! ”

The style of this version is relatively normal.

There is a conspiracy theory version:

“Su Bai is an invincible assassination master specially trained by Crow.

In order to wait for Tyrant to become invincible,

The two face off!

The crow has an arrogant ambition:

He wants to build the strongest assassin in history,

Xeon Assassin 〃‖! ”

It has a nose and eyes,

It’s hard not to believe it!

In the bones,

People like conspiracy theories.

“Everyone stay quiet.”

When Liu Wanlou said this sentence for the second time,

Everyone is quiet.

A lovely willow leaf appeared in front of them,

Rong had to be quiet.

“This summer camp, I received instructions from two principals.

We made a few changes! ”

Everyone pricked their ears to listen,

Summer camp,

They have all experienced it!

When I was young, when the students participated, there was some freshness.

After becoming a master, he has no feelings for the summer camp.

“This time, the grandmaster is allowed to sign up.

Participate in summer camp training as a student! ”

What Liu Wanlou said made everyone confused.

“Is it a mistake?”

“My great master, who will teach me, are you still the invincible master?”

“If class is useful, why does Laozi still play games? Learning is impossible to become stronger!”


As expected,(Read more @

The reaction of everyone is very real.

They are dead, dead cave, dead in the hands of monsters!

Nor would I sign up for a summer camp and become a student.

“is it?”

Liu Wanlou said leisurely,

“According to reliable sources, Tyrant was hidden among the students in this summer camp.

You also know,

The rise of the Xeon is like a bright moon in the sky, and there must be stars to accompany you!

The people around Xeon,

Cases of strength breaking the upper limit of potential are everywhere!

You have also been stuck in the bottleneck for many years.

If you want to make a breakthrough, weigh it yourself. ”


Liu Wanlou added if nothing had happened,

“Anyway, I have already signed up for the martial arts class.

I participate, you are free! ”


Liu Wanlou turned and left.

Humphrey also stood up and said,

“The old man has always been weak in close combat, always being insulted by some shameless people!

The martial arts class is most suitable for elders to participate, count me as one. ”

The two seemed to be teasing each other,

Sing and Harmony.

After performing the play for all the masters, he immediately slipped away.

Leaving the house full of masters with complicated moods,

They could see the movement in each other’s eyes, or else…the whole one?

Each silently received a registration form.

After receiving it, I have to explain to others,

“I have a friend, ask me to get a copy for him to see…”

“Coincidentally, so am I!”

Get out of the house.

Humphrey overtook Liu Wanlou,

“Tyrant is at summer camp?”

Why doesn’t he know?

“Do you believe this too?”

Liu Wanlou let out a cold snort of disdain,

“You lied to those old guys!”

“There has been a lot of livelihood in the catacombs recently. They stay on the ground and make trouble easily.

It’s better to gather together and manage it better! ”

“It’s time for Su Bai and the others to arrange a genius battle. The Catacombs haven’t responded yet…”

Humphrey’s mood also became complicated.

He who knows the truth,

It’s better not to know!

At least, there is a hope in my heart, right?


I can’t live this day!

“Have you heard that there is a senior high school student who became our instructor!”

“B-level talent, Su Bai, apprentice crow!”

“How big back door do you think he walks to become this instructor?”

On the first day of the summer camp,

Some people who were familiar with it just now started to twitter and discuss.

One of the fat guys is very confident,

Speak loudly,

“Actually, I know all this routine!

They bullied us and never read a novel! ”

“What routine?”

Everyone was shouted by him,

Interest came immediately.

The fat man said triumphantly.

“This is the simplest routine.

First find a role that everyone looks down on,

Let him show great strength,

Become the target we hope to defeat!

After the whole summer camp promotion,

As the protagonist, we defeated him and the story is over! ”

Fatty didn’t let any chance to show off,

The tone is very disdainful,


Doing this is to make us more in awe,

Su Bai was mentioned as an instructor!

Tool man, harlequin!

Specifically for our protagonist.

If you believe what I say.

Soon someone will show their respect to Su Bai and help Su Bai establish his majesty! ”

The fat man’s voice did not fall,

The Overlord Team walked up to Su Bai,

Line up to him respectfully.

“…” He really hit it! ”

“666, give you the pen, you can write it!”

The fat man was immersed in the flattery of everyone.

A neat running sound interrupted everyone’s discussion.


Stepping neatly, trotting towards them,

It is a phalanx made up of masters.

Every master who helped his friend get the application form,

All magically appeared in the phalanx!

At last,

Everyone is here!

“Stand, set!”

The grand master square of nearly forty people stopped in front of Su Bai.

Liu Wanlou came out and saluted,

“Report to the instructor! The master martial arts class should have 37 people, but 37 people actually, please instruct!”

“Roll the call, report the number.”


Liu Wanlou took out the roster.



“Li Huba!”



One after another, the unadorned names sounded.

Knocking in the hearts of all talented students,

These names,

They are all big names!

Among them are their teachers, elders, cave commanders, healers, saints…

The stories behind them are endless for ten days and ten nights!

They should have been great masters,


Standing in front of Su Bai obediently,

Call, report!


No one has seen this scene!

Most people subconsciously looked at the fat man before.

Seems to be asking,

“Now, who is the clown?”

The fat man’s body began to tremble,

He realized what a big mistake he had made!


Sometimes it’s also sick!

right now,

There is only one way left for him,

Just leave decently!

He is not decent, someone helps him decent!

The summer camp has not officially opened yet, the number of people is -1.

As for Su Bai,

He didn’t even know that there was this episode.

At this moment,

Can’t imagine,

What a joy to be a martial arts instructor!

“The roll call is complete, please indicate!”

Looking at the neatly organized phalanx of Grand Master,

And some messy phalanx of talented students,

Su Bai put a smile on the corner of his mouth,

“Now, start the fourth set of broadcast gymnastics,

The young eagle takes off to live! ”

Under the high BGM,

Everyone started to dance radio gymnastics…


(The eighth is over! I’m sleepy and silly, I’m asleep.

Good night, brothers, see you tomorrow. ).

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