Chapter 141

When the Overlord Team opens the BOSS instance.

They only found out,

Now I am so naive!

Facing BOSS,

Even after two rounds of strengthening, they have a hundred times and a thousand times stronger strength than before!

Still can’t escape the fate of being beaten…

BOSS is a huge sunflower,

Its main means of attack,

It uses sunlight to treat other units.

Due to Cthulhu’s distortion of the rules, the treatment caused a huge amount of damage!


An extremely strange scene happened:

BOSS is using skills madly, everyone in the Milk Overlord squad.

The members of the Overlord Squad are attacking each other, adding blood to each other.

At the same time, the priests and wizards in the team began to milk the boss.

The whole scene was in chaos.

“Pi broke his leg, I wanted to fight you a long time ago!”

“Bugs, on melee, Laozi hits you ten!”

“Little demon, play with my sister! Watch my sister’s new crow assassination technique!”


The Overlord team played very easily.

Except for the pastor who is in charge of milking the boss, his hands are almost soft.

Others are actually leisurely,

One-on-one catching and killing each other!

Such an opportunity is also a rare opportunity for them.

Honestly beat my teammate!

I missed this time, I don’t know when to wait next time!

It should be serious to fight the BOSS team battle,

On the contrary, it has become a bit of a play.

But they are not worried,

After all, there is Tyrant too!

The running dogs hidden by the body of the evil god,

Hiding in the shadows, observing the actions of the Overlord Squad.

They are pretty sure,

These so-called geniuses, it is impossible to knock down the BOSS.

At most it is to delay the time for the core to be taken away!

As for taking the entire world tree,

“In 4 hours, the Lord can take away the core of the World Tree!”

Everything is under control!

Seeing the powerful genius team, there is no way to get the final BOSS.

The confidence of all people is inflated,

They are looking forward to the moment when Tyrant is helpless!

“This is the last leaf space.”

Relying on Bawang and others to delay time,

Su Bai freed his hand and walked all the leaf spaces.

The efficiency of the monsoon recovery,

Higher than the natural disaster of death!

When calculating damage, defense and special passives are also deducted.

When calculating the treatment, it not only treats the full amount, but causes 200% damage.

Even some plants have the passiveness to increase healing!

This makes Su Bai’s cleanup exceptionally smooth.

“I’m going to fight the boss soon.”

Su Bai looked forward to it.

BOSS, he has killed a lot.

Relying on skills to kill the boss,

This should be the first time!

If nothing else, it will be the last time.

“Tyrant, there is something I need to tell you in advance.”

The little tree speaks,

“After the BOSS was killed, the body of the evil god remained in the world tree.

If he is allowed to continue like this, the world tree will continue to be polluted…”

Speaking of which,

The little tree hesitated.

Logically speaking, Tyrant killed the BOSS and would leave the World Tree instance.

The two sides do not owe each other.

Tyrant has no responsibility, nor is he obligated to help her solve the matter of the evil god’s body.

She couldn’t find a reason for Tyrant to do this.

At last,

Xiaoshu can only try it and use Tyrant’s thinking to persuade Tyrant!

Only magic can defeat magic!

“That… didn’t you say… you will become the owner of the world tree in the future…”

The little tree stumbled and said,

Slowly, she said more and more smoothly.

The bottom line seems to be easy as long as you throw it away.

“Your future world tree is in trouble now,

Can you help her? ”

After speaking, the tree covered his face and turned away, not daring to look at Tyrant.

Su Bai speaks to the insider!(Read more @

He is number one for the wool.

Come all the way,

He tried to get stuck with the bugs of the Crown Tree.

Unfortunately, it failed.

This is the first time that the elves of the Secret Realm stalk the wool!

Su Bai said seriously,

“That is the body of the evil god, the terrifying evil god with supreme power, the top existence in eternity!”

A hint of disappointment flashed across Xiaoshu’s face.

Even if it is Tyrant, is he unwilling to fight against Cthulhu?

I even said this, he…


A big hand covered her head,

Su Bai’s warm voice sounded,

“Add money!”

“it is good!”

The tree promised very simply.

Under Su Bai’s eyes, excitement flashed.

The Cthulhu Nian Nian has been killed, and the clone has also been fought.

Part of the real body?

This is the first time!

Even if he doesn’t add money, he wants to try it!

Try it and let the evil god die!

At the BOSS,

The defeat seems unstoppable.

The fire worm was beaten all over,

Pi Broken leg did not leave any hands, as the top fighting genius of the Federation.

As he said,

Just talking about fighting, ten fire worms are not as good as yourself!

“Have you played enough?”

Overlord overturned Wushuang with one hand.

If it is in daily life,

The assassin also had the opportunity to assassinate fighters like Overlord.

When it comes to the front battlefield,

The advantage of the fighters is infinitely magnified,

Not only did the assassin have no advantages, but the disadvantages were also magnified!

All over the world,

I am afraid there is only one crow,

Able to assassinate soldiers in a face-to-face confrontation!

“Pi broke his leg, are you ready?”

The fire worm lowered his voice.

Before coming,

Tyrant made everything clear to them.

The Overlord Team naturally expected that,

I might not be able to help much.


They still want to do something they can do!


They quickly developed a special battle plan!

Make full use of everyone’s talents, skills, and occupations.

Find a way to hit the boss!

In the eyes of the evil god running dog,

They may not be able to fight.

There is no threat at all!

If Tyrant does not appear today, they will definitely not be able to kill the boss!

Tyrant is someone who can create miracles.

They are just ordinary geniuses!


The Overlord Squad will let the Cthulhu lackey understand.

Genius, the reason why he is genius,

Because they can be in desperation,

Do what ordinary people can’t do!


Pi broke his leg and took a deep breath, and began to run wildly!


A white light shines on him!

The Cthulhu running dogs onlookers were taken aback.

“…” Is this silly? ”

“How did you start milking teammates?”

The priest’s treatment caused Pi’s broken leg’s blood volume to begin to drop.


BOSS also poured skills on the broken leg!

He lost more than half of his 1 billion blood in an instant!

Health remaining 40%…32%…21%…


“It’s now!”

Pi broke his leg and roared.


SS-level talent, chain link!

Effect activation:

Use the iron cable to share the health of the two targets, share the damage, and share the treatment!

Link target:

Broken leg… and BOSS! !

Fireworm, it’s not the link between the people of the team and the broken leg!

Instead, let the boss and Pi break their legs,

Share blood volume and share damage!


Among Cthulhu’s running dogs, some people interpreted the effect of talent.

Even if we share the harm,

How much damage can a broken leg cause?

“This is the so-called genius of the Federation, it’s just disappointing!”

The last white light,

Lights up on Pi Broken Leg!

He received a fatal blow.


The S-level talent Undead Body is launched!

S-level talent [immortal body]:

After receiving a fatal injury, he immediately restores 80% of his HP!

Under Cthulhu’s twisted rules,

Healing will turn into harm!

Before the blood volume of the broken leg returned to 80%,

The healing effect of the undead is not to stop!

If there is no chain link,

The moment the immortal body was activated,

Pi broke his leg and was killed by his own talent!

Under the twisted rules, his talent is no longer a help,

It’s a poison, a reminder!

Because of the existence of the chain boat,

Before the BOSS dies, the broken leg will not die!

The poison of the immortal body,

With the broken leg as the carrier and the iron cable as the transfer, the injection was successfully injected into the BOSS! !

Let’s destroy it together! !

Massive damage,

Passed the past through the chain!

The bloodline of BOSS has taken a turn for the worse!


When no one is optimistic about it, it is almost desperate,

The Overlord Team relies on the rules and the use of talents,

To turn the tide, the Jedi came back and stretched out,

About to successfully kill the BOSS! !


(Sixth sent, this anti-kill plot has been conceived for a long time.

Chong Chong Chong! ).

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