Chapter 131

Baichuan Warrior Cemetery.

Tonight, five grand masters will sleep here.

This is supposed to be the fiercest part of the battle.

It’s very easy.

Break into the world of the invincible master,

The five masters are like little chickens,

Luo Cheng easily choked to death.

Taking off the heads of the five masters, they brazenly shot in the sky over Baichuan,

Luo Cheng’s blood that has been silent for many years,

There is a feeling of boiling!

He looked at the outside of the warrior’s cemetery, and his heart was about to move.

“Or, try to get out of the cemetery today?”

This place is his demon and his anchor.

If you leave rashly,

Luo Cheng is easy to fall into demons and die!

It is said that Luo Cheng is a prison in the cemetery.

How many people know,

How much wind and rain did the tombstones here shelter Luo Cheng?

If it wasn’t for the brothers to accompany him silently,

Luo Cheng was either crazy or dead.

“Forget it, the time is not yet.”

Luo Cheng retracted his thoughts and walked to his grave.

The tombstone was smashed by Su Bai’s bastard.

Only the word Luo Cheng is intact.

When Su Bai persuaded him to die,

Rarely said a human word,

“You don’t keep talking, you want to go down with the brothers.

Now you die once,

Try lying down and see how the brothers have lived these years. ”

Luo Cheng lay down on the coffin.

He closed his abilities,

Use the identity of an ordinary person to lie in the coffin.

It’s cold, damp, and dark.

“Brothers, have you all come here all these years?”

Luo Cheng opened his grave again.

Open the coffin board,

Luo Cheng lay in.

He found that the coffin might be the best bed for him.

Closing the coffin board, Luo Cheng closed the six senses.

He wants a good night’s sleep.

Maybe I will meet my brothers in my dream.

Even if the world is destroyed when he wakes up, it doesn’t matter to him.

Luo Cheng slept the most practical sleep in his life.

Dreamed of the whole group of brothers.

And the annoying guy who is the second year old,

There is also the rift that has not yet achieved the strongest…

A drop of turbid tears fell into the coffin.

Warrior Cemetery.

Luo Cheng made his arrangements clearly.

A young man carried fruits and walked into the cemetery carelessly.

“Lao Luo, Lao Luo!”

“What about people?”

I searched the entire warrior cemetery,

Qin Lin didn’t find Luo Lao either.

He accidentally discovered one thing:

“Who the hell is so wicked, he has opened Lao Luo’s grave again!”

The reason for using the word ‘again’,

Because Qin Lin also planed it once.

Can two things be the same?

Qin Lin digs his grave, that is to save Luo Lao out!

This person is pure wickedness when digging his grave!

Qin Lin was extremely thankful,

“Fortunately, Luo Lao is not there, otherwise I will definitely be angry when I see it!”

“I hurried before Luo Lao came back,

Help him restore the grave as it was before, and nothing will happen! ”

Qin Lin felt that his intelligence attributes were not in vain.

A witty batch.

Pick up the shovel,

Qin Lin began to fill the soil.

He also specifically stepped on each layer of soil.

“Anyway, Mr. Luo is a cloak, don’t offend!”

Halfway through, Qin Lin reacted.(Read more @

That won’t work!

If you just fill the soil, what if someone comes to dig the grave next time?

He hurried out of the cemetery.

Half an hour later, he came back with two bags of cement.

“Put it with cement and seal it up, so no one can plan it!”

Qin Lin started mixing cement,

He didn’t notice, the coffin in the grave shook.

One minute later,

Luo Cheng carried a kerosene lamp and appeared behind Qin Lin.

There was some dirt on his clothes, and I didn’t know what he had done before.

He looked at Qin Lin who was mixing cement.

Gritting his teeth, yoyo said.

“Thief Sun, you know how to play?”

Qin Lin saw that Lao Luo was coming, and said quickly,

“Lao Luo, you can’t call me grandson!”

Luo Cheng was taken aback.

Why is this person’s focus so strange?

Luo Cheng asked subconsciously,


“Old age is my classmate’s grandfather.

You call my grandson, don’t you surrender your status? ”

Luo Cheng was speechless for a while and didn’t know how to refute.

Had to do it again,

“Grandson, you are quite good at playing?”

“This is for fun!”

Qin Lin was very wronged,

“My dad sees Mr. Luo’s performance and asked me to walk you through the grave.

As a result, as soon as I came in, I found that your grave had been planed again, and I don’t know which wicked thing did it…”

Luo Cheng: …

Listen, is there a human sentence?

Come to walk the grave for you?

The grave has been planed again?

Virtuous stuff?

It was clearly scolded,

Luo Cheng must also pretend not to be angry!

So angry!

Luo Cheng suddenly interrupted Qin Lin with a word.

“What you added to Eternity is the intellectual attribute, right?”

“How do you know Mr. Luo?”

Qin Lin was surprised,

“Have you installed a camera at my house?”

Luo Cheng: …..

Luo Cheng, who was defeated again, could only change the subject again.

“What are you going to do with cement?”

“Help you to make the grave solid.

Which style of grave bag do you want?

Flat, small round bag, pyramid? ”

Luo Cheng controlled his shaking hands,

Finally a few words popped out,


“I know this well, watch it by the side, and the grave will be repaired for you soon!

Same as new! ”

Looking at Qin Lin’s busy back,

Luo Cheng wondered, how did this child grow up like this?

Luo Cheng never, like now, hope that Su Bai will come back soon!

Only Su Bai,

Can hold Qin Lin this guy!

Su Bai actually came back long ago.

With a mask of joy and anger, he quietly touched the warrior cemetery.

As a result, he saw Luo Cheng escape from the soil next door, embarrassed.

As for the conversation between the two,

Su Bai also listened to her ears verbatim.

“.” Old stuff, you have today too! ”

In words,

Su Bai only suffered from Luo Cheng.

Luo Chengke Su Bai, Su Bai defeats Qin Lin, Qin Lin defeats Luo Cheng!

The perfect closed loop interprets the logic of stupid masters!

In order not to be killed by Luo Cheng.

Su Bai quietly withdrew from the warrior cemetery,

Then came back from the main entrance,

“Lao Luo, busy!”

“Ha ha.”

“How did you sleep at night?”


“This grave is quite trendy, you should keep up with the times.

Change your skin from time to time, it’s a trend! ”

Luo Cheng: “Su Bai, come here with the old man, and the old man will pass you a set of iron sand palms.”

“Don’t come here!!”

After a long while,

Qin Lin looked at Su Bai and asked curiously.

“Learning iron palm, why are your eyes swollen?”

“I fell down accidentally, it will be fine in a while!”

Su Bai originally planned to use life spring water to heal this injury.

The result was forcibly stopped by Luo Cheng.

Changed safflower oil.

Looking at the brand-new tomb, it looks like a pyramid.

Luo Cheng suddenly felt that the depression in his heart had been reduced a lot!

If he walks out of the cemetery now,

The assurance of not being mad is another half!

Glancing at Qin Lin, who was sweating profusely,

Luo Cheng gave up the idea of ​​slapped to death.

Luo Cheng chatted casually, seemingly unintentional,

“Su Bai, someone came to ask me before.”

“Where was the crow when Tyrant rescued Bai Chongshan?”

Su Bai didn’t care, and asked casually.

“How did you answer?”

“I said, the crow accompanies me to practice iron sand palm, hahahaha!”

The old man’s hearty laughter spread over the entire cemetery.

Su Bai’s revenge notebook has an extra touch.

After he becomes the invincible master, let the old man know,

What is military fist!

After a night of meetings, research, and discussion.

Except for the Xeon,

The top executives of the Federation,

Come to a reassuring conclusion:

“The crow can never be Tyrant!”

They breathed a sigh of relief.

And then ordered,

“Go, take advantage of what Tyrant and Crow did tonight.”

“Tell the world!!”


(Fifth more sent! Please.. No more, I will hurry up and go! Chong Chong Chong!).

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