Chapter 114

“The eighth leaf is also emptied!”

Overlord sitting on the corpse of a potato, eating potatoes roasted on fire.

“Today’s efficiency is far beyond imagination!”

Less than two hours have passed, and we are about to break into the last level!

They thought,

Nine leaves need 5-6 hours to resolve.

As a result, the addition of Su Bai completely changed the monster spawning efficiency of the entire team!

What’s more terrifying is that people’s hearts are changing subtly!

Overlord was the team leader for five days, and his brothers were born to death,

In the killing city, he just passed the evil god, and rushed through the evil boss in the foggy forest.


Su Bai just spent 2 hours on the monsters with the team.

Everyone in the team, including Overlord,

All have formed a tacit understanding with Su Bai as the core!

They surrounded Su Bai and formed a sharp knife!

Su Bai rushed to the forefront, driving the strength of the entire team!

It stands to reason that the original Captain Overlord should be grieving.

He lost his leadership position and became Su Bai’s deputy, charging behind Su Bai!

But the overlord has only endless admiration in his heart!

What did Su Bai do?

He didn’t do anything, just silently cleaned up the monsters, and united everyone silently!

This kind of leadership is innate, and this unique personality charm is irresistible!

Overlord convinced!

He couldn’t help sighing,

“Tyrant is proud of the world and is invincible in the world!

The crow is weird and unpredictable, with a master assassin style!

Now there is one more Su Bai, with strong combat power,

Although not as good as the previous two evildoers, this unique leadership temperament is unmatched!

Human Race Daxing, here are the three! ”

When the rest of the team heard these words, they nodded in agreement.

Said Su Bai almost blushed.

Take a small book and write it down quickly, you can write it down in your introduction later!

A group of people talked and laughed, very relaxed, sorting out the harvest of this trip.

Although it only spent two hours on the monsters,

But they feel that their improvement is better than playing for 100 hours!

Su Bai is not only strong in close combat, he is also a good mage!

Everyone almost forgot, he turned out to be a mage.

Overlord and Firebug asked Su Bai for melee fighting skills,

The little demon asks some precautions from the mage from time to time,

Even Wushuang occasionally asks the assassin’s questions, Su Bai can tell the essence in one sentence.

“All-rounder! Real all-rounder!”

Overlord sighed, but it was also a pity.

Su Bai is only a B-level talent, what a pity!

Terran’s huge loss!

If Su Bai can have an S grade, no, even an A grade talent!

Su Bai can be as famous as Crow and Tyrant!

After giving instructions, Su Bai said modestly,

“I understand all these things. Tyrant taught me. I only know a little bit or two. I learned a little bit.”(Read more @

When this word came out, everyone was shocked!

Su Bai is the apprentice of the crow, and he practiced next to Tyrant.

He is so scary!

Isn’t the legendary Tyrant…

Everyone can no longer describe their feelings in words!

Overlord and Fire Worm looked at each other and nodded to each other.

“Su Bai, it’s time to tell you this secret, which is related to your teacher Crow.”

The two have a heavy tone.

The rest of the team was also very curious.

What secret?

When did the crow get involved with Overlord and Firebug?

Did they make up the lesson with us behind? ! !

The overlord took out a flower, and after lighting it, he blurred his eyes in the smoke.


“It was a dark and windy night, I will never forget it in my life…”

“After fighting the evil boss, Baichuan City fell into chaos. Although the crows took action to calm most people, small-scale riots continued…”

“We feel the call of the crow, this city needs a hero!”

“Fireworm and I, Pi broke the leg, the one you killed last time, decided to join the crow team and make a little contribution…”

When the two talked about the past, their faces were full of emotion and vicissitudes.

As if it happened the day before yesterday,

Oh, it happened the day before yesterday?

That’s all right.

“…When we were in desperation, a crow fell on our shoulders!”

The ups and downs of the story of Overlord were like writing a novel, and everyone was fascinated by it.

It was also the first time Su Bai discovered that from the perspective of the other party, he was so tall?

Ashamed not to be worthy, ashamed not to be worthy!

“…The crow rescued us, the dim lights seemed to flicker!

There seemed to be a cold voice in my ear, with a slight approval,

He says….”

The Overlord said, he almost believed…

Everyone had their appetites eaten by him, and hurriedly asked,

“What did the crow say?”

“He said, you have the shadow of me back then!”

After the king said, he looked at Su Bai with emotion.

It seems to be telling the other person that I am someone your teacher has also recognized!

I am your teacher’s little brother!

In other words, your little brother!

Su Bai almost couldn’t hold back a laugh.

He has received rigorous training…and he can’t stand such a devastation!

Facing the overlord’s gaze, Su Bai had to bite the bullet and said,

“The teacher did say that he met three interesting young people.”

Overlord’s eyes lit up, “Did you really say it?”

Wushuang was stunned for a moment.

“Are you making up a story just now?”

“I swear in the honor of a broken leg, there is absolutely no fake word!”


After the episode, everyone made the final preparations and went to the ninth leaf.

Firebug approached the Overlord and asked in a low voice.

“How did you add drama to yourself?”

“I couldn’t hold back for a while!”

The fire worm was a little bit uneven, “You can’t just add it to yourself!”

Me and me!

“Surely next time!”

Overlord said sorry, he almost forgot another SS-level teammate!

“Why are you talking so much, like writing a novel?”

Fireworm is a little curious.

“I’m looking at the author in private: Xu 5.9 I learned a lot from Mingyue’s article…”

The two whispered for a while.

Just about to start,

Su Bai said suddenly,

“You go one step ahead, Tyrant wants to meet me here, if you have something to order.”


The matter has something to do with Tyrant, and everyone nodded to indicate their understanding.

The top secret of the human race, Tyrant’s identity, must not be careless!

The six took one step first, leaving Su Bai alone on the eighth leaf.

“It’s time to entertain guests.”

Su Bai counted the time, and the enemy behind him was about to catch up!

Crows flew past him,

from now on,

This is called Crow Square!



(107 photos are released, friends who haven’t seen it can look back. The fourth one is sent, rushing!).

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