Chapter 106

“This sentence must be conveyed!”

Zhao Zi is really serious.

So much paving in front of him,

Just to make Su Bai believe that he and the crow do know each other!

The words must be delivered!


At this point in the conversation, Su Bai feels like Der Spiegel.

He killed Bai Shouhe in the hospital.

The grandmaster of the Bai family, and the white father Bai Liu Yuan, can’t give up!

In order to protect the crow, Zhao Zizhen fabricated a lie.

He took the initiative to indicate to the Federation,

He made the decision to kill Bai Shouhe.

The crow just helped him and executed it.


Most of the responsibilities were shared by Zhao Zizhen.

The anger of the Grand Master Bai family was also borne by Zhao Zizhen.

Will not affect the crow.

It’s just that this lie has a BUG that a discerning person can see:

How did Zhao Zi really know the crow?

Zhao Zizhen can only “become a friend out of nothing”,

Give everyone a good science, about the history of friendship between myself and the crow.

Zhao Zizhen’s lie is very heartwarming,

Su Bai should have been very moved.


In front of him, Zhao Zizhen frantically fabricated the past of himself and the crow, sighing and sighing sometimes, his expression was in place, and his acting skills were at the pinnacle…

Su Bai is almost reaching the limit!

He couldn’t hold back a smile, only a word of effort! 18

“Well, you go first.”

Zhao Zizhen opened the door to see off the guests, and Su Bai survived the disaster.

“Recently, I asked your teacher not to contact you in the previous way, you will be targeted!”

Su Bai: … (I have endured you for a long time!)

Zhao Zizhen hesitated for a moment and handed out a business card.

“This is my new mobile phone number. When the storm passes, let your teacher contact me again.”

Good guy, I have to do a full set for the show!

Su Bai wants to give Zhao Zizhen a ‘Best Supporting Actor Award’.

Accept the phone number.

Su Bai didn’t need to take the rest of the class, so he went straight home.

Login Eternal, enter the trading secret.

Come to a familiar home——【Tyrant reception】

The Crown Tree is rarely absent.

Su Bai didn’t wait long before the Crown Tree Man appeared in front of him.

Strangely, Master Xiaohu was also with him.

“Tyrant, are you here for the crows?”

Both of them knew it.

Tyrant has a close relationship with the crow, and the crow is unjustly wronged. Tyrant can’t just sit back and watch.

Su Bai said in a slightly disgusting tone.

“Take care of the trouble you caused yourself.”

“For a mere five-rank martial artist, the crow will solve it.”

Little Tiger and Crown looked at each other. These two sentences contain a lot of information!

“The judgment of the crow’s strength is still low!”

“Tyrant is very confident in the crow, is it a sixth rank? or a master!”

The Crown Tree was frightened secretly.

There are such masters in the Federation, hidden among the people!

No, it’s not private.(Read more @

Most of the crows are from the family of the master!


Everything makes sense.

The crow has no taboos, but it adheres to the bottom line.

Said it was lawful chaos,

But this contradiction is really hard to understand.

Now it seems,

The crow’s madness comes from his character, and the bottom line is the restraint and teaching of the family!

If the crow dared to cross the line and do anything harmful to the world,

The crown tree people have no doubt,

There will be mysterious powerhouses that will wipe out the traces of the existence of crows!

The origin of the crow is bigger than they thought!

The family of the invincible master, or the family of the strongest!

“I don’t know whose family has such a good seed.”

The topic changed quickly.

“I want to entrust Master Xiaohu with something.”

Su Bai is very polite.

Xiaohu is more polite,

“Don’t call my master, you call my brother, I call your boss, we both have different opinions!”

The crown tree man looked at Xiaohu again. Since yesterday, he has been weird!

Tyrant gave the claw hammer in his hand!

Su Bai said,

“I have a friend’s apprentice, because his identity was exposed…”

“You mean Su Bai, right!”

Su Bai always feels weird when he hears his name.

Following the [Friends in Nothingness], Su Bai has unlocked a new achievement, [Athletes out of Nowhere].

“Do you want us to protect him?”

“No, I want to ask Master Xiaohu to build a set of melee equipment for the mage.

For my friend’s apprentice for self-defense! ”

The main purpose of Su Bai’s trip is to find a way to change the equipment for the status of [Raven]!

In ancient times, cultivating immortals paid attention to the land of wealth and clergy.

When playing games, you must pay attention to heavenly pretending skills!

That is: talents, props, equipment, skills.

Su Bai is about to fight the White Willow Ape. The opponent is a fifth-grade martial artist, a warrior class.

In Zhao Zizhen’s mouth, it was even more terrifying than a fifth-rank pinnacle warrior!

By changing equipment, Su Bai can solve the battle faster.

“Building equipment, no problem, what’s the requirement?”

Master Xiaohu didn’t care.

Su Bai, a B-level talent, only played games for a few days.

Level is definitely not much higher, legendary equipment below level 100 is worthless!

Today, Xiaohu lacks everything, but not money!

“Level 100, mainly melee combat, mage equipment, preferably a suit.”


Hearing Tyrant’s words, the crown tree man and Xiaohu were shocked.

Su Bai is level 100? !

The power of this heavy news made them dizzy!

When did the enchanting genius of the Federation become so worthless?

Su Bai took out the rhetoric that he had prepared a long time ago.

“My friend commissioned me to bring his apprentice with him when killing the evil boss, and he got a lot of contributions.”

After speaking, Su Bai did not forget to add,

“If it weren’t for that guy, I would have solved the boss long ago!”

Crown Tree Man, Master Little Tiger:…

I thought it was a miracle to solve BOSS in 21 seconds!

Who knows that they are still training with weights!

A pendant is hung on his leg, and it can be solved in 21 seconds. Tyrant is so strong and terrifying!

After saying this, Su Bai didn’t blush and his heart didn’t beat.

Unlock the new achievement again [I will take me to fight the BOSS]!


In reality, Su Bai is recognized as the apprentice of the crow.

In the future, there will only be more eyes focused on him!

Su Bai’s strength will become stronger and stronger.

If someone finds out that he is already level 100,

It is difficult for Su Bai to explain how he did it with a B-level talent.

Before coming, he had a plan to deal with it.

it’s good now.

Just push it all on Tyrant.


Others will only sigh Tyrant’s strength and Su Bai’s luck.

It does not associate Tyrant with Su Bai.

After all, he is just a mediocre B-level talent.

“Well, today’s surprise is a bit too much.”

“Since Tyrant appeared, every day of life has been full of surprises!”

Master Xiaohu took out a set of legendary equipment, lower-level, so-so in all aspects.

The expenses are directly deducted from Su Bai’s account.

Xiaohu was not too polite, just 10,000 points!

Today’s Tiger, Tyrant, some are money!

Su Bai accepted the legendary suit and was about to leave.

But was left by Xiaohu,

“The level 100 legendary weapon you commissioned before is ready for you.”

“After inlaid with the tears of the goddess, this weapon has two combat forms.”

“One named Demon Sect, and the other named Archangel’s Staff!”


(Fourth sent, come back after a meal to continue the code word! Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!

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