Chapter 101

2:00 in the morning,

Countless people are still playing games in eternity.

The crypt of the imperial capital.

A deputy commander passed from high above and landed on the front line.

“Grandmaster Bai, the imperial capital reports urgently!”

An old man who had just fought from the front line and was healing his brow frowned when he heard this.

He always feels uneasy at the moment, it seems that something bad has happened!

The grandmaster has a strong sixth sense, and can seek good luck and avoid evil.

Hope it’s not a big deal.

The deputy commander handed in the token and rushed to the next battlefield.

A letter from home?

After reading the letter from the family, the old man had white hair, his wound split instantly, and two lines of blood and tears flowed down his eyes!

“My grandson!”

“Who killed you?”

“Baichuan Crow!”

“Which direction is Baichuan City?”

Grandmaster Bai grabbed someone casually and asked.

“In the southeast…”

The crypt and the crypt are connected, and you can also rush directly from the crypt in the imperial capital to the nearest crypt in Baichuan City!

In this case, the time spent is the shortest.

The imperial capital caves are tightly guarded, and it takes several hours to line up every time you enter and exit.

Master Bai turned into a streamer and rose into the sky,

He ran into a lot of birds along the 18th road, and was instantly crushed into blood mist by him!

“Who dares to stop me! It will be killed!”

Even if it is capable of blocking his crypt monsters, he still has to weigh whether he wants to make a move!

The master was angry, and a million dead bodies!

A furious master can hide as far as he can!

The streamer disappeared into the sky.

3 in the morning; 45.

An old man covered in devil blood rushed out from the Southeast Demon Cave!

Then went straight to Baichuan City.

“Lao Bai, you stop!”

Behind him, two streamers followed closely.

Limited to the strength gap, unable to catch up with the opponent immediately, can only keep shouting.

“Lao Bai, the Federation will give you an explanation about your grandson!”

“What do you want to do?”

The old man surnamed Bai didn’t say a word, just rushed on his way.

do what?

He is going to Baichuan City, to get the crow out and kill it!

Who is the crow?

The old man surnamed Bai didn’t know.

In the letter from home, there was only one message related to the crow:

“There is a sentence in Shou He’s notebook: Su Bai is suspected to be Crow’s apprentice!”

“Su Bai, crow!”

Talking about these two names, the old man surnamed Bai speeded up.

Almost, Almost!

Baichuan City is just ahead!

“S-level disaster warning, a grandmaster is approaching Baichuan City at high speed!”

After Master Bai left the crypt of the imperial capital,

A text message reached Baichuan City.

Recently, the pressure in the crypt has been increasing, but the master is stretched out and is seriously understaffed.

Grandmaster Bai came all the way from the crypt again, there was no way to directly intercept it!(Read more @


The entire Baichuan City seems to have entered a miserable situation of wandering wind and rain.

That’s the master!

Don’t talk about the master in Baichuan City, you can’t even get one of the top five!

The old man who received the news tried to contact some masters.

Either he is busy with things, or he is unwilling to offend Grandmaster Bai, and refuses old age.

Face can’t be eaten as a meal.

Don’t think Grandmaster Bai has violated countless rules right now, but he is a master after all!

As long as the strength is there, the status will always be reliable!

In the face of absolute strength, the weak will even be deprived of the right to speak!

I have been busy for more than an hour, and my old age has not been able to invite anyone.


He rode in the car and came to the Wuzhe Cemetery in Baichuan City.

The old man guarding the tomb dangling around the cemetery carrying a kerosene lamp.

Elderly walked into the cemetery alone,

Standing in front of a tombstone.

“Don’t look, that’s my brother Lu’s wife!”

A long voice came from behind.

Old age corrected,

“It’s also my wife.”

“Hehe, talk to the dead!”

As if too lazy to quarrel with the old, the old man at the tomb turned around and left with a kerosene lamp.

“You have to stop someone.”

“The second year old, you have grown up!”

The old man guarding the tomb turned around, full of anger,

“You killed the whole group, and you dare to appear in front of me, do you really think I dare not kill you?!”

“You still want to beg me to shoot?

Okay, you suicide, I will help you kill a grandmaster! ”

The words of the old man guarding the grave echoed in the empty cemetery.

The old voice is slightly cold,

“I didn’t make the decision back then, it was the decision made by the whole group!”

“Saving him alone, even if the whole group is dead, it is worth it!”

“Even if I do it again, I still choose this, and Brother Lu still chooses this way!”


There was no word in the wind, and the entire cemetery was listening to the conversation between the two.

“Then you… why don’t you die there?”

After the old man guarding the grave said these words, he seemed to have taken all of his energy and turned and left.

The old body trembled slightly, if it were not urgent, he would never come here to ask for help!

If the grandmaster is allowed to commit murder, the student named Su Bai will probably be dead!

Considering that the other party is still Crow’s apprentice.

Old age can only come and try,

The result of the attempt is obvious.

The other party is unwilling to make a move.

Old age can only make the last attempt,

“Bai Chongshan is coming to kill the crow, kill the apprentice of the crow!”

“His grandson Bai Shouhe was suspected of colluding with the evil god and was killed by a crow!”

“I don’t beg you to do more, as long as you stop for 15 minutes, someone from the Federation will be able to arrive!”

No matter how old he shouted, there was no response from the cemetery.

The old man was still wandering around carrying a kerosene lamp,

Over the years, he stayed incognito and lived a life like a lonely ghost.

Life is black and white.

He felt that he was dead long ago, in that charge.

But he just survived.

The old man at the tomb held corn kernels in one hand, crushed them and threw them on the ground.

A group of crows flew down, vying for food.


These crows are the tool crows used by Su Bai to calm the riots last night.

After the incident was over, some crows left Baichuan City, and some remained in the cemetery.

Recalling what the other party did,

623 The old man guarding the tomb seemed to have seen the young brother Lu.

“It’s really like it, courageous and strategic, courageous and courageous…”

“A grandmaster bullying a student is too much, right?”

“I’m not shooting for the second child, I just can’t understand Bai Chongshan.”

Feeling a horrible breath is rapidly approaching Baichuan City,

The old man guarding the tomb raised the kerosene lamp a little higher.

The light of the kerosene lamp is getting more and more prosperous!

Finally…like the sun!

Light up everything around!

Over the city of Baichuan, a huge phantom appeared, squatting on its back, holding a light lantern in his hand.


Just a word, Bai Zhongshan seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer in the chest, and the whole person flew out!

With one move, the 715-level Bai Chongshan was seriously injured!

Looking at the huge phantom in the sky, Bai Chongshan could only split his eyes and gritted his teeth.

“Nether lantern! How could you still be alive!”

“Why do you want to shoot, who is the crow!!”

Bai Chongshan was seriously injured, and the chasing soldiers behind him immediately subdued him!


They also looked at the phantom in the sky with a little fear.


The once invincible master!

The horrible existence that competes with the strongest!

Is he still alive? !

The two masters looked at each other.

Things are getting trickier!


(I have coded more than 20,000 words a day, and the whole person is groggy.

I just wrote 1500 words back and forth to modify and delete, the state is a bit bad.

Gritting your teeth, make up the ten more for everyone! Chong Chong Chong! ).

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