Three days later, Abura finally came to her senses from the reality of being "enslaved".

For this reason, she slapped herself in the ear more than a dozen times.

Let your mouth jian, now it's okay, pay yourself in.

And Zhou Li did not hesitate to call her.

Under the master-servant contract, it took two days for Abnura to successfully prepare a prop that could restore his ghostly energy.

Spectral Elite Ring

Ghost regeneration +10/s,

A rare item prepared from Abura's alchemy that can restore ghost energy.

Although the recovery of +10/s is very small, it is already a small artifact when there is not even a recovery prop.

Some people here will ask, why didn't Zhou Li take Erluge's fair scale, restore the spiritual energy level, and then convert it through equipment?

He tried, but unfortunately, it didn't seem to be able to do so, and it seemed that the ghost energy could only be converted through the ghost energy.

As long as he equips the Erluger Fair Libra, the ghost energy will change back to zero, and when he takes it down, the spiritual energy level will not change.

He didn't quite understand the principle.

But after wearing the Spectral Elite Ring, he somewhat understood.

After wearing, even if Zhou Li is not equipped with Erluger's fair scale, he can restore his ghost energy, but in a form that he can't see, similar to a hidden attribute.

Two more days have passed, and the second stage of the streamer's praise is getting closer and closer to the end, but Zhou Li still hasn't found the last comet.

But he wasn't in a hurry, he couldn't even find it, let alone the others.

During this time, the two daughters of Naryl Liss learned vocational abilities, Abel Nula experimented, and he did not have a sage, so he prepared low-level potions to improve the apothecary's proficiency.

In a sense, that's the main theme of the game.

It is estimated that in the later period, most of the time is like this, for a certain substance, it is necessary to fly all over the universe.



As the streamer's salute was coming to an end, and there were almost seven days to go, the little weak came with good news.

"Master, master, found!

Zhou Li excitedly put down the potion bottle in his hand and looked out the window.

A huge comet hovered in the starry sky, inexplicably slowly spinning.

"Finally found it!"

Zhou Li's face was overjoyed, and he ordered Xiao Qiao to lean over, and got off the boat alone.

"Why did you come down too?"

Looking at Abel Nula, who came down after him, Zhou Li was surprised.

Abel Nura stared at the comet and said, "Be careful, I smell dark magic." "

Zhou Li's eyes narrowed, and the word "boss" popped out of his mind.


Abel shook his head.

"No, I'm looking for something, and you can help me look at it by the way. "

"If there's a dark magic creature here, find a way to bring its heart. "

"It helps me to extract and refine the spatial energy factor. "

Regarding the space energy factor, Zhou Li asked Abala about it.

Although there has been considerable progress in the weak and powerful database and logical analysis capabilities, it is still a bit of a problem to improve the preparation.

Perhaps, dark magic is the key to solving this puzzle.

"Okay, I got it!"

"Then I'll go this way!"

After separating from Abalha, Zhou Li began to explore the truth.

With a brush, the map of the Truth Quest unfolded, and the wide area with a circle of 1 voyage above and below was enough to accommodate this seemingly large but actually small comet.

A three-dimensional view of the comet shows a large amount of chaotic-colored light coming out of its very center.

Zhou Li estimated it, but in terms of this brightness, it was twice as big as the comet he dug up.

This means that there may be 150w·

Originally, it took more than 3 days to dig 50w, but 9 days for 150w.

But now that there's an endless supply of rampage candy, the time is basically equivalent to halving.

"Let's do it, and strive to do it by hand within 6 days!"

Zhou Li grabbed the pickaxe, emptied his mind, and began digging for six days.





The boring and pleasant voice echoed in Zhou Li's ears, and then it was the start of hundreds of millions of proficiency and energy level rough stones.

One day, 30w

Two days, 58w

Three days, 93w

Four days, 118w

Five days, 148w

Zhou Li dug up the 148w energy level rough stone, and the inventory in the heart zone did not seem to have decreased too much.

"What's the situation?"

Zhou Li frowned.

Although "Universe" is a game that cancels some of the real-life settings, it is not exaggerated to the point that things are almost dug up, and it still gives people a feeling of fullness.

On the last comet, he dug almost 30w, and he could see the whole picture of the core with the naked eye. ,

And here, the energy from the energy level rough stone is still shining.

After observing for a long time, Zhou Li could not detect anomalies through the naked eye and existing skills.

Truth Quest!

Zhou Li looked around, began to explore the truth again, and then overlapped the new map with the previous one.

At this glance, the pupils shrank.

Five days ago, compared with the map at this moment, the brightest point of light has shifted, and this shift is very large, at least 3 kilometers.

This means that in the depths of the point of light, there may be something.

Thinking of what Abura said, Zhou Li speculated, could there be dark creatures in the innermost?

With such suspicions, Zhou Li continued to dig.

Six days, 180w

Seven days, 200w


Ten days, 350w

The more he dig, the heavier Zhou Li's face became.

Cognition told him that it was impossible for there to be so many energy-level primordial stones on this comet.

In that case, where do these energy level rough stones come from?

He felt that he might be in some kind of hallucination.

As soon as the thought arose, a cold laugh sounded in his ears.

"Assert ......"

Zhou Li's heart was shocked and he looked around.

But there were glowing energy level rough stones all around, and nothing else.

He couldn't find the source of the voice.

"Who is it?"

"Get out?"

Zhou Li shouted around, but no one responded to him.

There was only the sound of laughter every three hours.

A day later, Zhou Li gave up the search.

Since you can't find it, show the enemy weakness and let the enemy take the initiative to find you.

He sat down cross-legged, turned on his mental strength, and pretended to fall asleep.

Five hours!

Ten hours!

Twenty-four hours!

Three days!

Five days!


Zhou Li made such a gesture and moved, for five days, and did not see the owner of the laughter appear.

Although the enemy did not appear, Zhou Li knew that this was a silent battle, and he couldn't hold his breath than whoever was the first.

However, he could add a little more surprise.

"Uh......h Ga ......"

Zhou Li's face changed suddenly, he covered his chest, as if he was sick, and fell to the ground, convulsing constantly.

In order to make his acting skills more realistic, he took out a full half an hour before he slowly stopped and remained motionless.

Six days!

Seven days!


Ten days!

On the tenth day when Zhou Li and the other party were more patient, the laughter of the Jie Ji did not ring at a frequency of three hours, but was more repeated.

Then, Zhou Li heard a rustling sound and finally tore it up.

The landscape in front of him was torn apart like a canvas, and a pitch-black worm-like creature gnawed at the energy level rough stones, digging a passage to him.

At this time, Zhou Li saw clearly that he was actually in the position where he had just dug into the core.

Obviously, he was doing useless work in front of him, and was pulled into the illusion by this pitch-black worm, and the real him never really started digging.

The worm moved towards Zhou Li a little, but it seemed cautious and didn't get too close to Zhou Li.

About ten meters away from Zhou Li, it stopped, opened its spiral mouthparts, and spat out something black like silk.

Then this opportunity was given to Zhou Li to examine its message through the mandatory commentary of the Truth Quest.

Vataren's Companion Larva (Epic)

Grade: 10

Attack: 1

Health level: 10/10,

Ghost: 1000W/100W,

Armor: 0


Evil Grant: Nourished by the evil of Vatalun, he has obtained a trace of the Origin Mark of Ghost Energy, and has a powerful ability to control Ghost Energy.

Skills: Silk, Dreams, Space Transfer

Special Template: Essence Sacred


After reading the attributes of the associated larvae of the Vatalun evil, Zhou Li gasped.

No wonder he fell into the other party's dream without knowing it, it turned out that the other party's special template was higher than his level, and the essence was sacred, and it was definitely a special template one level higher than the essence and divine treasure.

At present, Zhou Li is not, but next month, he must try.

The other party's current action should be spinning.

Zhou Li checks the specific effect of the opponent's skill, in which the silk is a wrapping unit, causing 1%/s mental energy level damage until the opponent dies.

Dreams are not explained much, and spatial transfer is a transfer to another place after 0.5s. ,

After reading this attribute, Zhou Li almost cursed.

How is this epic unit more difficult to kill than the teaching unit?

He could not sit still, or death would await him for the first time.

The Stellar Annihilation Light Sniper Rifle is definitely unusable.

First of all, the space here is small and difficult to operate.

With only 0.5s, he didn't think he could attack the other party in such a short period of time.

Then, he was left with only one last possibility.

A skill he never really used against his enemies - Infinite Breath.

But he was not in a hurry, waiting for an opportunity.

This moment is when the other party's spinning is completed and comes towards him, you can use the difference in sight, 0.5 of the limit of the card.

As long as it hits, the opponent's life energy level can't be carried at all.

In a few moments, the associated larvae of the Vataren evil finished spinning and hissed with some excitement.

It spun silk to connect the silk thread of Zhou Li, and flicked it violently, towards Zhou Li's cover.

It was too cautious, even so, and it never thought of getting within ten meters of Zhou Li.

At the moment when the silk thread cover was about to hit Zhou Li, he moved.

"Heavens and Heavens, Eternal and Immortal!"

Zhou Li burst into flames, meditating in his heart, and then blew a breath towards the companion larvae of the Vatalun evil.

Breath of the Boundless!


A loud and silent noise pierced through the space, shattering the threads at an inexpressible speed and rushing at each other.

The body of the Vataren's companion larvae contracted violently, emitting a high-pitched cry that opened the space to shift.

But it's fast, and the super skill "Infinite Breath" is faster than it.


That terrifying aura, just 0.1s, penetrated its body, dealing terrifying damage. _

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