What NPC test, what is the implication behind the master", Zhou Li didn't know anything, even if he was noticed, he didn't notice it at all.

At this moment, he is immersed in the rapid fall of mining.

One by one, the energy level rough stones are in the account, isn't it fragrant?

Soon, two days passed in a flash.

A new group of players spotted the comet and rushed over.

"It's finally here!"

Looking at the spaceships that were densely approaching in the distance, Li Linlin wiped her sweat.

Fortunately, she worked hard, and in the past two days, she has been diligent and diligent, without distractions, just to seize the opportunity.

With her strong talent, terrifying consciousness and diligent mentality, she has gained a lot in the past two days.

But as for the energy level rough stones, she bought a full 360 pieces.

With such a harvest, she didn't dare to think about it before, you know.

But now, her dream has come true.

360, hum, who competes.

With this joy of victory, she opened the activity panel, and as she opened it, she speculated on the benefits of Zhou Li.

"His income should be 3-5 times that of mine, and I calculate it according to 5 times, it should be 170 energy level primordial stones. "

"He should still be the first and I are the second, and there is a big gap between him and the third. "

But when she saw the list, she was directly stunned.

What's the situation?

What about the identity of the Lord of Eternal Truth?


She quickly scanned the top ten, and there was no Zhou Li's ID at all.

And the income of the last one in the top ten is not as high as Zhou Li, and it is simply a fantasy to say that he fell out of the top ten.

"No, it shouldn't be! His income can't be in the top ten. "

"No, could it be that he used a vicious bug and was discovered by the game company. "

As soon as the thought sounded, she interrupted it.

"How could this game have bugs!"

"So what's going on, how can his ranking be so good ......"

The last word "lost" didn't have time to be spoken, she happened to see the power ranking below, the ID and value on the NO.1 position, and she was stunned.

What did she see?

NO., Lord of Eternal Truth, Gain 36we??,

She rubbed her eyes and looked again.

Well, that's right, it's 36we!

She rubbed her eyes again, then looked.

Well, that's right, it's 36we!,

After confirming it many times, Li Linlin reacted, first gasped, then screamed, sat on the ground, and kicked his feet in anger.


Why do you do this to her!

What about the difference of only 35 times?

You're ...... It's outrageous, okay.

I'm tired and tired 360e, can you give me a 36we?,

How does this work?

I dig to death, and I can't dig down the 36w energy level rough stone.

"This damn stinky guy!"

"It must have been the discovery of a large mine of energy-level rough stones!"

She stood up with a grimace and muttered to herself.

"In this way, there is a great possibility that there is a large ore of energy level rough stones on this comet. "

"That guy must have discovered such a vein to be able to ship it in large quantities!"

"No, I'll have to find it too. "

She glanced at the large number of players who had already begun to land, and had to suppress the unwillingness in her heart and try to find the ore veins that were very likely to exist.

A few hours later, a large number of players landed and surrounded the small comet, three layers inside and three layers outside.

From beyond the stars, you might even think it's an ant nest rather than a comet that fell from space.

And it is precisely because of this that the comet's disappearance has also occurred at an alarming speed.

On another day, this large comet was directly reduced by three circles under the excavation of the players in the inner and outer three layers.

And Zhou Li's hand turned over a little, close to 50we!,

"Damn, Lord of Eternal Truth, what the hell has you discovered, this skyrocketing speed, so fast!"

"It should be some kind of super rare resource mine. "

"I've heard that on top of the Star Stone, there is a more scarce resource called the Energy Level Primordial Stone, which is a higher level currency. "

"Energy level primordial stones, there is such a thing?"

"Yes, I've also revealed to the players of the Deception Guild that the next stage of their guild's goal is this thing. "

"You're all out, look at the forum!

"There are lucky people who have dug up the energy level rough stone, and the price exchange is 1e:1, this, an energy level rough stone can be exchanged for 1e star, stone. "

Players mining on the comet are dumbfounded.

"Damn, is it really fake?"

"Yes, you heard it right, this is outrageous. "

"I'm grass, then I'll dig TM Keton fluid, dig energy level primordial stones. "

"Pull it down, this thing is so easy to dig, can it be so expensive?"

"I guess that the Lord of Eternal Truth has discovered the great veins of energy level primordial stones, otherwise his income would not have skyrocketed so quickly. "

"In that case, it makes sense. "

Compared with the players who take a break and chat, Li Linlin perfectly interprets the meaning of the word "diligence".

No, don't think about it, work hard. ,

In this way, she found a mine that was so deep that there was no end in sight.

"This mine is obviously digging inward, is there any scarce resource inside?"

Li Linlin's heart moved, climbed into the mine, and groped into the depths.

The more she fumbled, the more shocked she became.

This mine is so deep, she doesn't know how long she has climbed, and she hasn't seen the bottom yet.

"Could it be that my guess is wrong, that the depths of the comet are not the core, but the great resources?"

"Hey, I'll go, then won't I blow up?"

Thinking of this possibility, Li Linlin's eyes widened and she was extremely annoyed, but at the same time, she also strengthened her determination to find out.

It took her a long day to climb and crawl through the long, deep cavern to the deepest part.

Then, she saw a faint glimmer of light.

She was ecstatic in her heart.

There is light, then there must be resources.

And she is familiar with the color of this light, a proper energy level rough stone.

It is not a dream to catch up with the Lord of Eternal Truth this time.

She quickly crawled forward, but there was nothing in front of her, and she climbed a hammer.

So, one grabbed the air and fell down from the entrance of the passage.


She rolled along the curved rock wall, within this massive, circular pit, and was blocked by a soft thing with temperature.

"Hey, friend, are you alright? "

Zhou Li saw someone rolling down and kindly stopped her.

Is it a player?

Li Linlin was clever and hurriedly got up from the ground.

"It's okay, I accidentally fell. "

Her face was cold, and she apologized in the direction of Zhou Li: "Thank you, friend." "

Seeing the other party's appearance clearly, Zhou Li was stunned.

He never expected that it would be Li Linlin, who was thinking about betting with him every day.

"It's you, long time no see. "

Li Linlin didn't react in front, but when she heard this familiar voice at this moment, her face changed instantly.

Immediately turn on the detector light on his forehead and shine it on.

The moment she saw the other party's face clearly, Li Linlin's face changed again.

"It is you, Lord of eternal truth. "

Zhou Li smiled at her.

"It's me, what, surprised?"

Li Linlin gritted her teeth and did not speak, but moved the detection light above her head to probe the surroundings.

At this glance, her face became extremely ugly.

This pit is so big, if the other party has been mining here, then his source of income ......

She shuddered, not daring to think further.

"You...... Nearly 50WE of your earnings are mined here?"

Zhou Li was flustered.

"50 We?" ·

"It seems that the resources here are very rich, and there are almost 50w"



What the hell is this digging not energy level rough stone?

Li Linlin, who understood everything, felt that her heart hurt so much and she was so tired.

She endured something she shouldn't have to bear at her age.

"You...... Excavated 50w energy level rough stones?"

There was a cry in her voice.

Zhou Li felt sorry for her when she heard it, why did this girl have to compare with him.

"That, I'm not hitting you, in the future, do you want to compare with me?"

"I think you will be better than Li Ba and I am the most handsome today. "

Nothing could be more lethal than such a kind tone.

Wow, Li Linlin couldn't suppress the pain in her heart anymore, and sat on the ground, crying like a child.

What did she work so hard for, and what did she spend so many real coins for, didn't she expect to be ranked first one day and suppress the star field?

But now?

She can't get the first place, not to mention, she can't even see the back of the first person.

This hit her self-esteem hard.

Seeing the other party crying, Zhou Li couldn't help laughing.

This girl is too cute, isn't it?

Forget it about crying once, and come back?

Such a fragile heart, who gave her the courage to take herself as a climber.

Hearing Zhou Lixiao, the grievances in her heart were even worse, and she cried louder.

"Wow, Lord of Eternal Truth, you bully!"

"Why laugh at me, if you want to be stronger and want to be more free in your future? "

Zhou Li smiled, squatted down, and looked at Li Linlin.

"I'm sorry, but I never laugh at anyone's approval, even if he's pathetic. "

"The reason why I laugh at you is that the way you cry is cute. "

Li Linlin's crying voice paused, and she looked at Zhou Li with teary eyes.

"Am I really cute?"


"Can I mess with you, then?"

Weekly Rites: ???

Is it necessarily related to me complimenting you on your cuteness and you messing around with me?

"Why are you messing with me?"

Li Linlin wiped the tears from her face, and said pitifully: "Mom said that if you can't defeat a man stronger than you, then let go of everything and be strong, and be a lovely young lady with a big thigh." "

Zhou Li gasped.

What kind of fairy mother are you, you know the social market so well.

"So you're going to slap my thigh?"

Li Linlin nodded: "Anyway, I don't want to compare with you anymore, the gap is too big, and I'm afraid of being hit." "

Zhou Li smiled: "It's a good thing to be hit, so I will be cleaner in the future." But forget about my thighs, my family has a small business, just a small person, I can't deserve it. "

With that, Zhou Li put away the mine pickaxe and walked outside.

"Well, I'm going to the next comet, so I'm going to take my leave. "

Seeing that Zhou Li was leaving, Li Linlin cried again.

Zhou Li's pace is not stopped, and his eyes are not squinted.

Beauty tricks?


First of all, he is the one who eats the set?_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, recommend, and share!,

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