
[Goddess of Light Gives Mission: The First Inscription of Happiness and Expectation]

[Mission Requirements: End all wars in Posethan Nalco, and serve Helenas as the chief sacrifice of the galaxy]

[Defeat Condition: Helenas Death]

[Quest Punishment: Loss of Happiness Expectation]

Looking at the happy anticipation suspended in front of me, I don't know when, there was an extra petal, like a cherry blossom, and it seemed to be some other flower.

The color of this petal is indeed true, and it is clear that it has not been inscribed.

However, what this thing is and what it is bringing, Zhou Li still doesn't understand.

But judging from the tasks I got at the moment, this thing is very, very high-grade.

This is the first inscription, and it is required to directly cover the entire Posethan Narco system.

The second inscription, does it have to cover the entire surrounding star field?

Carefully put away the hope of happiness, and the light and fog also dissipated.

When the light was gone, Helenas finished her prayer and rose from the ground.

"Lord of Eternal Truth, you are fortunate to have been able to find the remains of the lost Holy Angel from the chaotic space, the most loyal messenger of light. "

"The Lord's brilliance has been sprinkled, congratulations, you have obtained six S-class Light Sect Shrines, one SS-rank Bright Tier Shrine plus a super-large galaxy Bright Shrine. "

"Don't underestimate the difference between big galaxies and galaxies. "

"This difference is enough to make Posethan Narco's player level catch up with other galaxies. "

"Not only that, but you've got a new bonus. "

"I think when you build it, you'll understand. "

As she spoke, she handed the eight bright light beads in her hand to Zhou Li.

These bright light beads are the seeds of the copy of the Light System Sustainable Temple, and they only need to be placed in the starry sky to automatically generate the Light System Temple.

He was very curious about the extra reward that Helenas was talking about.

However, he still had a few things to do before rushing back to the administrative ring and moving on to the temple placement.

"High Priest, I'm going to hand in the task!"

"I have completed the task of destroying the sinking sea!"

Helena smacked her cheeks, and then she reacted.

I don't seem to have given the other party an SS-class task to sink into the sea.

"If you don't say it, I'm too busy to forget!"

"I'll give it to you now!"


[You complete the SS quest "The Conspiracy of the Sunken Sea"]

[Reward: Guangguang Division points 100w. Light Energy Level Primordial Stone x10]

With the distribution of rewards, Zhou Li had one million more points and ten light level primordial stones in his hands.

This is a kind of rough stone that is different from the energy level rough, it has a bright white color, and from a distance, it looks more like a work of art.

"High Priest, what can the Light Level Primordial Stone be used for?"

"Of course, it's to learn a special practice template and use it in practice. "

"One Million Points...... It's just time to buy a low-grade practice template. "

"Open the Guangming Division column, open the points mall, and you will naturally be able to see it. "

According to Helenas's method, Zhou Li quickly found the Guangming Division Points Mall and opened it.

Guangming Division Points Mall (Level 1)

Great Heavenly Might

Radiate Gentle Light to a 100-meter radius around you, and heal the unit's own spiritual energy level x3% of the life energy level within the healing range.

Price: 1W credits

Cross-galactic light arrow strike

Prerequisite: Possess a light bow and arrow.

Push the Light Arrow to teleport the galaxy to a maximum of 1 range unit with the power of a galaxy across the galaxy.

Price: 10w points,


After reading these goods, Zhou Li was speechless.

It's either a nurse skill, or it's some weird skill.

For example, cross-galaxy light arrow strike, this thing is useful?

You have an electronic newsletter, is it far better than this?

However, existence is reasonable, and this kind of skill should be used in some special place where it cannot be connected by technological means.

Zhou Li pulled down, and soon found the special cultivation template in Helena's mouth.

The Light Cleansing Sutra

Level: 1

Attack +100,10/level,

Health level +100,1/level

Psychic level +100,1/level

Armor +10,100/level,

Stamina +1,10/level,

Attack speed +0.5, level 1/10

Movement speed +0.5, level 1/10

Use the power of light to cleanse yourself of magical scriptures

Price: 100w

Song of Light

Level: 1

Mental energy level +1000, 100/level,

The cultivation template in the eyes of the partial department, if you want to go through the spiritual law system, you may be able to gamble.

Price: 100w

In the entire points store, only these two special practice templates are peddled, and each one sells for millions of points.

If it is an ordinary player, in this case, he will generally choose the Bright Cleansing Sutra, but Zhou Li is not the same, his basic attributes are very high.

On the contrary, it is the song of light that specializes in spiritual energy, and he cares more.

Especially after experiencing various spiritual attacks from the evil god system, he paid more attention to this aspect.

Now that he had one Eternal Charge left in his hand, it was only fitting to keep it.

"High Priest, I choose the Song of Light. "

Helenas glanced at Zhou Li in surprise.

"Are you sure?"

"If you don't spend time refining and going through the magic department, its effect will be wasted. "

Zhou Li patted his chest.

"I'm a lightbringer, how can I not have magic skills!"

"Reassure the High Priest. "

Seeing that Zhou Li was unswerving, Helenas didn't say anything more, took the Song of Light and handed it to Zhou Li.


[You get a special practice template: Song of Light]

[You lose 100w Myoji points],

"Practice well, don't neglect it. "

Zhou Li smiled: "I will be attentive, and in addition, I will ask the high priest to help me palm my eyes and see what this thing is for." "

As he spoke, Zhou Li took out the crystalline prism and asked Helenas to help him palm his eyes.

Seeing this crystalline prism, Helenas was surprised again.

"You...... I don't even know what to say about you!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is supposed to be the remains of crystalline wurms, and when they die, their corpses turn into this crystalline prism. "

"Your luck is really good, I'm a little envious!"

Helenas looked at Zhou Li, and her tone was a little more lively.

"Its efficacy is basically equivalent to space crystallization. "

"Generally, an adult crystalline wurm, the corpse is equal to 10,000 spatial crystals, and yours is counted as 20 at most. "

"Although it can't be used as a Z-sky portal, the general X-star portal is basically okay. "

Zhou Li didn't notice the subtle change in Helenas's tone, what he cared about was that this thing could actually be used as a spatial crystal.

Doesn't that mean that his starry sky portal has landed again?

"Then High Priest, do you know the chief engineer of the Pan Space Department?"

Helenas shook her head.

"The chief engineer of the Pan Space Department of the Bolong Empire is all taken over by the royal family, and if you can't find it, it is impossible for the royal family to let you open a starry sky portal alone. "

"It's a conflict of interests. "

Zhou Li nodded, indicating that he took it for granted.

Once this thing is opened, it is to rob someone else's cake, and if it were you, you would not be able to agree.

"Is there no other way?"

"Yes, permission to open the Posel company. "

"Permit to open the Posel company?"

"Yes, but it's very difficult, and I don't know how. "

"Well, thank you High Priest for telling me, I'll figure it out. "

Saying goodbye to Helenas, Zhou Li returned to the Pioneer Guild, opened the portal again, and returned to the Executive Ring.

"Coming back?"

"It's been ten days!"

"The first players have arrived. "

The Pioneer Branch President was the first to find Zhou Li.

"In order to help you, I deliberately blocked all news about the copy of the Temple of the Evil God, and I am waiting for you!"

"How about it? Can you open a temple of light?"

"If I can't, I'll go and lift the lockdown and wait to be hunted down. "

Weekly Rites: ......

This branch leader, is he just thinking that he is being hunted down?

However, Zhou Li also saw the other party's help in his heart.

Reciprocal courtesy is the virtue of Zhou Li, and such a small kindness, he will naturally remember it and repay it when the other party needs it in the future.

"Thank you, branch president!"

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life, and I successfully got the opening props of the eight Light Temples. "

The head of the pioneer branch took the bright light beads taken out by Zhou Li and swept them over one by one.

When she saw the super-large galaxy Temple of Light, she froze.

"No, what did you kid worship?"

"The Goddess of Light actually descended a large galactic temple in this small galaxy?"

"The amount of resources that this thing gives out is far twice as high as that of the galaxy level!"

"With the capital of this thing, you sell 1w star stones for an admission ticket, and players are rushing to enter. "

"100 million players, 1w times, you can earn 1we in a single time!"

The Trailblazers chapter leader gasped.

"It's not like you make money, it's like picking up money!"

"And then the other small temple systems...... Hiss ......"

Zhou Li smiled: "I can't say this! Since the Bright Division side didn't reveal it, I also have to abide by the other party's rules." "

The Pioneer Branch President glanced at Zhou Li.

"It's quite trustworthy!"

"But it's very reassuring to cooperate with people like you for a win-win situation, not to mention. "

"Alright, let's go, hurry up and set it up, it's over 10% in no time, and once this threshold is passed, Posel's men will come. "

Zhou Li also stayed for a short time, said goodbye to the chairman of the Pioneer Branch, and walked towards the vicinity of the administrative ring.

These eight shrines, Zhou Li continued to calculate that the construction was too far, and they were progressed in stages, and they were arranged in turn.

This is conducive to players entering in large quantities and making money more efficient.


[Is there an S-class Light Temple dungeon here?]

[You have some permissions for the temple, do you have any restrictions on admission?]


"Admission is limited to 100 Star Stones per person. "


【Admission Restriction Successfully Set】

【The temple is under construction......】


A copy of a splendour, splendour, cleansing, and bright S-class temple towered not far from the administrative ring.

Subsequently, Zhou Li concocted the same method and built six other shrines.

The S-level is 1,000 Star Stone for a single time, while the SS Class is 5,000 Star Stone for a single time. ,

Once the establishment is complete, the last super-large copy of the Western Light Temple remains.

What exactly Helena was referring to as an additional reward would be revealed shortly. _

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