With the experience of Kerraza, Zhou Li's search for crime was much faster.

Although it is not possible to directly issue a crime, it is not difficult to find the enemy according to the clues left by the enemy and follow the map.

Therefore, when the sky was bright and the new morning light was sprinkled, Zhou Li killed 10 people.

This kind of crime is extremely vicious, and there is no such thing as a minor crime and a serious crime.

So, kill 10 first and earn some experience.

Ten people have a total of 100e experience, which makes Zhou Li's experience bar leap a little further.

It is getting closer and closer to LV10max.

When Zhou Li's side came to an end, on the other side, after a night of searching, don't come near me, relying on his wisdom and strength, he grabbed food and took down the enemy's three pieces of evidence.

These three pieces of evidence are enough to put the enemy in prison for a month.

And she knows the inside story, as long as she wants to kill these people, what she can do is to send them to prison and survive the siege battle.

Therefore, as soon as she got the three pieces of evidence, she rushed to the Governance Division.

As soon as she walked in, she met Li Ba.

"Miss Li, have you completed your task too?"

Obviously, Li Ba knew each other.

Li Linlin glared at him.

"Am I like a young lady? Your whole family is a young lady!"

"Go away, don't stop me, I'm going to hand in the task. "

Li Ba scratched his head, smiled, and didn't stop her, letting her go first.

Soon, the two saw Dege.

At this moment, Brother De couldn't stop smiling.



The Lord of Eternal Truth is really strong, and in just one night, he has helped him deal with ten confidants.

If it weren't for the order from above, there must be 20 left, and he wanted Zhou Li to slaughter all the remaining 20 crimes.

"You're here?"

Seeing Li Ba and Li Linlin, Brother De stood up.

"Are you two here to hand in the task? I don't know how many mission props I will get?"

Li Linlin immediately stepped forward and took out her three rewards.

"CEO, this is my overnight gain, please arrest the other party. "

Brother De took the other party's evidence and looked at it carefully.

It's okay, it's not a very serious crime, and the other party will be locked up for 1 month at most.

"You're nice, don't come near me!"

"However, these task props of yours can't make the other party completely subdued, and they can only be locked up for a maximum of one month. "

"Do you want to complete the mission now, or do you want to continue the mission?"

Li Lingling immediately said: "I choose to complete the task immediately." "

"Yes, I'll take over the task for you. "

After the task was handed over, Dege took out a roll and handed it to her.

"This is a volume that belongs to you. "

Li Linlin's face was cold, but she was already happy in her heart.

Lord of Eternal Truth, do you see it?

I got the Krypton voucher, and when the siege is over, that's when you're overtaken by Princess Ben.

However, when she saw the content of the reward, her face froze.

"CEO, shouldn't my reward be a Krypton 20% off coupon?"

"Why ......"

Brother De glanced at Li Linlin and said with a smile: "It seems that the little girl knows a lot of inside stories." Yes, there are a lot of Krypton 20% off coupons, a total of ten, but unfortunately, I can't take it out as your reward. Therefore, I urgently requested the above in the early hours of this morning, and this was exchanged for ten krypton 9.8% discount coupons (small). "

Krypton 9.8% off coupon (small)

It is a more common type of activity voucher issued by the Posel company.

Kryptonite, crazy kryptonite.

Don't charge money, still want to become stronger?

Are you living in God's beautiful dreams?

Krypton times: 1

Single limit: 1e

Compared with the Krypton Gold 20% off coupon, this thing is not a grade at all.

The gap is too big.

"CEO, why can't a 20% off coupon be used as a reward?"

Li Ba in the rear was also anxious.

He spent a lot of resources in order to get a 20% discount coupon, without that coupon, how could he krypton gold?

How to get stronger?

Brother De said with a smile: "The reason is very simple. The quest rewards are set, but the quests are really massive. Someone got ahead of you and took all the 20% off coupons. "

"The lady from the Shining Guild is one step ahead of you, and she only took this 9.8% off coupon. "

The corners of Li Linlin's mouth twitched, and she wanted to cry.

Tired and tired, playing a maid and playing a grandson, in the end in exchange for reward props, that's it?

"Can you tell me who took those ten rewards?"

She actually had a voice in her heart, but she still had a fluke.

The reason is simple, she doesn't want to be that person.

Brother De smiled: "He is the Lord of Eternal Truth, and ten coupons with a discount of twenty percent are in his hands." "

Li Linlin: %...... ¥%¥

She wants to cry!

Why did God target her so much.

She secretly came to Posethan Narco, a relatively remote place in the ten regions to develop, and she could still encounter such a big change?

God is unfair!

She worked so hard, but she ...... I can only drink the soup left over by others, and it is still the kind without oil and water.


1e cash 9.8% off, save 200w?

What the hell is this for?

She asked for 2000e!!

"Okay, I got it!"

"CEO, I give up this task, there is still something to do, go first!"

Looking at Li Linlin, who was leaving in depression, Brother De sighed.

He could see that this little girl was very strong.

But alas, I met the Lord of Eternal Truth.

If he were the other party, he would never let himself be so tired, when he was a naughty beauty, wouldn't it be fragrant with his thighs?

Retracting his gaze, he looked at Li Ba.

"President of the Deception, do you hand in the task?"


Li Ba immediately said: "No matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat, don't be in vain!"

Brother De smiled, this is the right mentality, just this point, don't get close to me and lose the other party.


"I'll take a look at the quest props. "


"You're doing a good job, these are your 3 9.8% off coupons. "

After handing over the task, Li Ba asked, "I don't know if you can tell me, how many mission props did he take, big guy?"

Brother De smiled mysteriously.

"That's a matter for you players, want to know, ask him yourself. "

Li Ba nodded, said no more, said goodbye respectfully, and hurried to find Zhou Li.

"Big guy, big guy, are you there? There's an emergency, it's urgent!"

He contacted Zhou Li and roared directly, which shows how excited he is.

Zhou Li had just returned to the spaceship at this time, and received the giant pet folding space from the Bolong Empire.

Brand new and second-hand can't be compared at all, in terms of appearance, it's not a little bit worse.

Hearing Li Ba's roar, Zhou Li probably guessed something and connected the communication.

"Brother Ba, what's so urgent!"

Li Ba immediately said: "Big guy, on NB, I, Li Ba, will serve you alone! It's too domineering, and you will get ten 20% discount coupons." "

After speaking, Li Ba squeezed his eyebrows, like a flatterer.

"Look, you are a loose person, you must not be able to come up with such a huge amount of money as 10we, why don't you sell us a little?"

Even if Li Ba didn't come to him, he planned to find the other party.

Speaking of which, he himself was amazed.

I thought there was only one of these things, but who wanted to fight, after he killed ten criminals, Brother De directly sent nine more, or did it say that it was a pre-reward for the task.

This made him look forward to it, and he was curious about what reward he would give him after completing the 30-person extermination mission.

"I do plan to sell, but the ugly thing is ahead, if the price is not reasonable, I will go to the auction house. "

Li Ba immediately packed the ticket.

"Boss, you still don't think about me? What kind of person am I who are greedy for small and cheap people? 1000e a piece! We ...... all of them. I have one piece. "

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