Chapter 677 Sensational!

But now he is one of the few people in the world who has a black aperture alone. He is guarding a treasure. How can he be willing to cooperate with others, let alone pay such an expensive ticket fee.

Su Chen was not in a hurry to sell the items in his backpack. Instead, he looked at the stalls one by one and asked about what they were selling and what the price was.

After doing this, an hour passed.

During this period, the ginseng that the thin black man could run was actually bought by a mysterious man for 10 million in cash plus the price of a villa.

There are still people saying that the price of ginseng is too low, but the real value is more than that.

Su Chen was shocked not only by the high price of the ginseng, but also by the reality of the transaction price. It was really confusing. If someone wasn't an extremely experienced person, it would be easy to suffer a loss.

Lanhua said that the exchange will close at four in the morning. There is not much time left before the end, but the trading hall is still crowded.

Su Chen roughly estimated the value of the items in his backpack based on everyone's items and prices, so he took off his coat and laid it on the ground. He took out the items from the backpack and placed them on his coat without saying anything, waiting for everyone to come and ask for the price.

Su Chen's judgment was correct. It was definitely a seller's market in this Orchid Index trading hall.

As long as it is something produced from another world, there is no need to worry about no one buying it, it is just a matter of high price and low price.

After a while, five or six people gathered around and came to ask questions.

"Are these two bulb-like eyes from a big snake? Come on, python, you kid won’t use things on Blue Star to fool people!"

Su Chen didn't answer.

He had already seen how to identify whether an object belonged to another world before, and his snake eyes and snake gallbladder were genuine products from another world, so naturally he didn't bother to argue with others.

Su Chen saw the people gathered around him More and more, he said calmly:

"Anyone who wants it can go over there and buy a piece of yellow paper and try it out. My little brother has always been honest and sincere in business. After trying it with yellow paper, let's sit down and talk slowly."

A yellow test paper sells for one thousand. Su Chen would not pay for it. I don't know who invented this thing. It can actually tell what is from another world and what is not from other world. It's really There is nothing impossible, only unimaginable.

These days, people who are not short of money can still survive, especially in the Orchid Finger Alien Items Trading Hall. Immediately, some good people went to the counter at the end of the hall, bought a piece of yellow paper, and put it on Su Chen gently wiped the snake eyes and gallbladder on the stall, and the yellow paper immediately emitted a faint blue light.

"With a sound of"wow", everyone cheered up.

Unexpectedly, this young man's things were actually treasures from another world. Someone immediately took out a wad of banknotes without counting them, threw them in front of Su Chen, and said,"That's all. To sell or not?"

Su Chen took a look at the banknotes and estimated that there were about four or five thousand. He was a little excited. He didn't expect the money to come out so quickly, but his reason suppressed his excitement.

Su Chen threw the pile of banknotes back and shook his head.

"Snake gallbladders are treasures. What are the special functions of snake gallbladders from otherworldly snakes that have become spirits? I am ignorant and don’t know. But there are so many of us, so naturally there are those who are more knowledgeable and knowledgeable than me. Let me put it this way, below this Count, don’t sell! Otherwise, you won’t be able to earn back the ticket fees!"

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