Chapter 1126 Cao Siyuan disguised as a man? The two powers confront each other!

Chen Dabin, who was on the martial arts field, stared wide-eyed.

He didn't see Su Chen clearly. While trying to find Su Chen's traces, he felt vaguely in his heart that maybe Du Guang couldn't defeat that young man.……

"Du Guang, lost."Cao Siyuan on the side said lightly.

Chen Dabin looked at him with wide eyes, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Du Guang's move, almost in an instant, he kicked five or six times, blowing away the air around him.""Wuwu" screams, this astonishing momentum scared the surrounding Fuhuling disciples to retreat.

Zhao Kang in the crowd was first frightened, and then extremely worried when he saw this fierce move. Didn't the disappeared Su Chen encounter this terrifying move?

The moment Du Guang launched this most powerful move, his heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

He knew that this move was in vain!

And his opponent would Should we let him go when he has lost all his energy and has not yet developed any new strength?

Obviously, a person as experienced as Su Chen would never make such a stupid mistake!

The moment Du Guang finished this move, the disappeared Su Chen reappeared , at the same time, a fist as big as a sandbag appeared in front of Du Guang

"boom!"With a sound, Du Guang flew out.

Silence, silence.

Then, cheers suddenly sounded!

"Roar!"Zhao Kang and everyone roared in unison, waving their fists vigorously towards the only winner in the field, using this venting method to express the joy in their hearts at this moment.

"Su Chen! Su Chen! Su Chen……"Everyone chanted this name over and over again, wanting to use this method to wash away the frustration and humiliation they had suffered in the past half month. They also wanted to use this method to express their incomparable respect for the young man standing proudly in that scene. worship

"Su Chen actually killed Du Guang, one of the top three in Nanlong Bay, with one move!"These words not only resounded in the hearts of the people in Fuhuling, but also in the hearts of everyone in Nanlong Bay.

"Su Chen... is indeed a bit strong!"Chen Dabin squinted his eyes, looked at the young man under the stone platform, and whispered tremblingly.

Chen Dabin asked himself that he was not much better than Du Guang. Most of the fights between the two ended in draws. Although Du Guang's move just now seemed too nervous, but If it were him, he wouldn't be much better than him. In the end, he could only end up being knocked away by that young man.

Cao Siyuan looked at Su Chen with a gentle face and stared at Su Chen for a while, then smiled softly and said:"Interesting, then Su Chen The footwork used by Chen is obviously not an ordinary martial arts, and judging from his speed, he should have practiced that footwork to a small level."

"However, the Golden Snake Footwork of my Cao family in Nanlongwan is not an ordinary martial art. I have now practiced this footwork to a small level, and I just want to use it to test its power today!"

"oh?"Chen Dabin looked at him with some surprise.

Although Cao Siyuan was selected from Nanlong Bay to join the Vajra Sect with them, the Cao family is a big family in Nanlong Bay, and the family itself has some good martial arts skills, which are also different from the Vajra Sect. There are some inextricable connections.

Cao Siyuan's golden snake footwork has never been used in front of him. Today is an eye-opener!

For a moment, Chen Dabin temporarily put aside the unhappiness of Nanlong Bay's consecutive defeats, and his eyes flashed slightly He looked at Cao Siyuan walking down the stone platform with ease.

Compared with ordinary casual cultivators, Cao Siyuan learned from his elders when he was young that along the way of cultivating Taoism, martial arts are divided into four levels: heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang, and each level has lower levels. , middle and high grade.

Among the many named disciples around, most of them use low-grade yellow-grade martial arts. What is remarkable is that they are middle-grade yellow-grade martial arts.

And his Cao family’s Golden Snake Footwork is a rare top-grade yellow-grade martial skill. The existence of high-level martial arts that surpasses the Huang level!

Thinking of this, Cao Siyuan's feminine and naturally proud voice sounded among the crowd.

"I, Cao Siyuan, a descendant of the Cao family in Nanlongwan, would like to discuss with Brother Ye from Fuhuling!"

Cao Siyuan looked at Su Chen with a smile, and Su Chen looked at him with a smile.

But in Su Chen's heart, he was secretly cursing whether this guy named Cao Siyuan was a woman disguised as a man. How could things like this happen in this world? handsome man

"Easy to talk about."Su Chen nodded with a smile, while his thoughts were changing.

Su Chen, the strongest person in Fuhu Ridge, and Cao Siyuan, the strongest person in Nanlong Bay, stood face to face.

Although both of them had spring breeze on their faces and smiles on their faces, both sides There are more than a hundred companions, and they all feel that there are countless swords and swords hidden in this smile.

People from Fuhuling and Nanlongwan are now secretly worried about their boss.

People in Nanlongwan are watching this from nowhere. The young man who appeared unexpectedly picked on four of his own people one after another, and each one of them was a move in seconds. His strength was so strong that it was hard to tell.

What’s more important is that, as one of the top three in Nanlong Bay, Du Guang was actually defeated by that young man's move, which made everyone in Nanlong Bay sweat for Cao Siyuan.

But the people in Fuhuling were unsure about Su Chen's strength. I have no idea to what extent.

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