If this scene was seen by the beings below the saint realm, it would definitely be terrified.

Even if it was the entire Saint Realm, I was afraid that I would be extremely frightened!

Only to see a black angry dragon, suddenly plunging out of the tide and sweeping towards the Lord, and everywhere it passed, countless black wind blades swept through, like a fierce storm to the Lord.

This black dragon can be described as lifelike, and there is a faint dragon power sweeping out of its body, constantly stirring towards the side of the Lord, and there is a faint feeling of suppressing the spirit of the Lord.

But in Jehovah’s eyes, there was a surge of war, a long roar, a gentle wave of his fingers, and in a flash, hundreds of golden stars rose from the endless chaotic void around him, turning into a sharp sword blade and shooting towards the black angry dragon in front of him.

Rumble! Rumble!

These golden swords first collided with the black wind blades that shot at them, only to see that the black wind blades seemed to crash into an invisible wall, annihilating and dissipating, and finally all collapsed into the void.

At the same time, the golden sword also slammed into the body of the black dragon, but this golden dragon was extremely strong, and it was able to continue to move forward under the constant bombardment of the golden sword.

The scales on its body were constantly collapsing and flying out, and one crack after another was also spreading on the body of the black dragon, but the speed of dissipation of these golden swords was even faster, and the golden swords transformed by hundreds of stars, after a few moments, had been completely smashed into pieces by the black dragon.

Although this dragon was already covered with cracks, it continued to rush towards the Lord, and even its remnants of power could not be resisted by ordinary saints.

However, Jehovah is not an ordinary saint, but a great creation saint.

Moreover, its true combat strength, even among the Creator Saints, was an extremely powerful being.

Therefore, Ronan did not think that one of his own black dragons could cause any harm to Jehovah.

Sure enough, after the black dragon broke through the golden blade and sprinted in front of the Lord’s body.

Jehovah’s fingers moved forward: “Let there be light!” ”

Suddenly, the originally dark and endless chaotic void was illuminated transparently.

And the black dragon also seemed to have encountered its own nemesis, and it was directly dissolved!

No more!

Despite this, Jehovah already felt Ronan’s strength.

“Sure enough, it was unexpectedly powerful, and if it was just that, there was no way to defeat me!”

Jehovah’s voice was flat and his expression was cold.

Luo Nan looked up at the Lord, but his look did not change in the slightest, he waved his backhand, directly in front of him to draw a whirlpool of nine stars, his body was even more blooming with dark golden light, layer after layer of scale armor continued to spread out, instantly completely covering him, making him look like wearing a dark golden demonic heavy armor.

This is a secret art that Ronan has only recently learned!

Using divine power to forge armor, and then combined with the super power bonus and the Battle Holy Law, can make Lonan’s melee combat ability unimaginably strong!

Previously, even the Great Brahma had not been able to force Lonan to this point.

But Jehovah, did it!


With a soft breath in his mouth, Ronan’s gaze quickly locked on Jehovah’s body.

Jehovah shook his head lightly and sighed, “It seems that you are going to continue to struggle, or not!” Let me break all of your current obsession, you are just a saint, and I will let you know how big the gap between the saint and the creation saint really is! ”

Before the words could be heard, a white bird bathed in holy light had already rushed into the black light around Luo Nan, and then continued to move forward, passing through this heavy whirlpool of shining black light, which could be said to be overwhelming.

However, every time this white bird passed through a heavy black glow, its power would be weakened a little, and a series of fine cracks would appear on its body.

And with the sprint of the white bird, this fine rift will also be even more vicious and terrifying, as if the white bird may completely collapse at any time.

However, at the moment when the white bird was about to collapse, a holy light gushed out from its body, directly recovering the white bird’s injuries, and also shouting that the white bird’s breath became more powerful than before!

This scene made a look of surprise appear in Ronan’s eyes.

And just when Luo Nan was surprised, the white bird had already appeared in front of Luo Nan, issued a silent roar, and slammed down at Luo Nan.

“Break it for me!”

Luo Nan roared in anger, and the golden light rippled on his body, all condensed on his right fist, and then a punch exploded, smashing into the head of the white bird.


The moment Ronan’s fist covered with dark golden armor collided with the white bird, it was as if the space shook violently, only to see those cracks in the white bird’s body suddenly burst open, and then the black ghost light rippled out of these cracks and spread towards the surrounding areas.

It was the Endless Chaos Void, all of which had cracks in this blow!

The white bird was right in front of Ronan, and under the bombardment of his punch, it began to collapse continuously, and finally collapsed completely, dissipating into the void.

At the same time, Luo Nan was as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and his body suddenly flew out towards the rear, and finally flew out fiercely!

With such a degree of impact, if there was no resistance from this dark golden armor, Luo Nan would inevitably be beaten and spit blood.

However, the dark golden armor that now covered Ronan’s body had resisted a large amount of impact damage for Ronan!

“This is what you call the gap, and it doesn’t seem to hurt me at all!”

Lonan fixed his eyes on the Lord and said.

Jehovah shook his head lightly and said in a deep voice, “Even if you block this white bird, this is far from my most powerful magic secret method, but the next blow will let you see what the strongest combat power that the Creator Saint can explode is!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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