Along with the spread of the ripples, Luo Nan’s body also flew out involuntarily, and the scarlet blood poured out of his mouth, drawing a scarlet trajectory in the endless chaotic void.

Obviously, even with the use of Jehovah’s power, it was still too difficult for Lonan to confront Jehovah’s doppelganger.

However, even though he was seriously injured in this bombardment, Jehovah’s words dissipated without a trace in the impact of this energy.

And before Jehovah’s doppelganger dissipated, a will was poured into Jesus’ mind on the side.

“I’ve hit it hard, now go up and kill it!”

Receiving the news that Jehovah had broken up before his disintegration, Jesus had a twinkle in his eye and then rushed straight towards Lonan.

He was able to get the gap and that Lonan’s body was already very weak after fighting with Jehovah’s doppelganger.

And now, it’s the best time for him to strike!

Jehovah does not hesitate to sacrifice the advantages brought by a double body, and he must grasp it himself, otherwise he will not waste the power of one of the double bodies of the Lord!

“Go and die!”

Jesus gritted his teeth and mobilized the strength of his whole body to blast directly into Lonan through the Bible in his hand.

While feeling this power, Luonan’s zui corner raised a smile of satisfaction.

He killed one of Jehovah’s doppelgangers and stripped Jehovah of his power from Jesus, and that was enough.

Now all it takes is for Jesus to kill Himself and activate the Saiyan bloodline to gain a lot of experience, which will be the result he most wants to see for Ronan!

So, in the face of Jesus’ attack, Ronan had no idea of defense at all.

Of course, Ronan would not do nothing, but strike another blow at Jesus.


In the next second, the endless holy light directly hit Luo Nan’s chamber, and the hot energy made Luo Nan’s body instantly shatter, turning into a void and disappearing into the endless chaotic void.

And the blow that Ronan threw before he died also caused Jesus’ two arms to shatter at the same time, and his body was also shaky, obviously very badly injured!

“Cough cough…”

Jesus coughed up a few mouthfuls of scarlet blood from his mouth, and the holy light wrapped around him, wrapping the wound out of the broken arm and stopping the flow of blood.

“Although this guy was killed, my injuries are also very serious, and I must return to heaven immediately to heal my wounds!”

Jesus muttered in his mouth, and then scattered around to make sure that there was no longer Lonan’s breath, and then left the Endless Chaos Void!

And at the same time that Jesus left this space, in the endless chaos, a consciousness quietly awakened!

“Ding, Saiya Bloodline has been activated and is evaluating the experience…”

“Ding, the evaluation is complete, and it is being written!”

“Ding, congratulations on the player’s level increase, the current level is 1v389!”

“Ding, congratulations on the player’s level increase, the current level is 1v390!”

“Ding, congratulations on the player’s level increase, the current level is 1v391!”

“Ding, congratulations on the player’s level increase, the current level is 1v392!”


“Ding, congratulations on the player’s level increase, the current level is 1v395!”

“Ding, congratulations on the player’s level increase, the current level is 1v396!”

Along with a series of system prompts ringing in Luo Nan’s ears one after another, Luo Nan could feel that his cultivation realm was becoming more and more powerful.

This time, defeating the God Jehovah’s doppelgänger was a heavy blow to Jesus, who had been blessed by the Lord, and such a result, after experiencing the assessment of the Isaiah bloodline, directly caused Lonan’s cultivation level to reach an extremely terrifying level.

One face has been raised by as many as eight levels!

You know, at the current level of Luonan, it is very difficult for the cultivation realm to be improved.

To be able to lift so much at once is simply sensational.

If this were to be said, it would be enough to make a saint die of jealousy!

With the sound of this sound, Luo Nan’s originally shattered body was also re-condensed.

And this re-condensed body is far more powerful than before!

A few days later, Ronan’s body re-condensed and completed.

In the void, Luo Nan stood proudly, feeling the powerful power of his body, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He had not really been invincible to Jesus before, but if Ronan had wanted to, it would not have been difficult for him to kill Jesus.

After all, before he obtained the first Holy Throne, Lonan already had the ability to kill the Half-Step Creation Saint.

Amitabha Buddha is a living example.

The reason why Lonan did not choose to kill Jesus before was just to squeeze more experience out of Jesus.

And now, the purpose of extracting experience has been accomplished, and Lonan, who has greatly increased his combat power compared to before, has chosen Jesus as his next goal!

Of course, before going to the Jehovah’s world to settle accounts with Jesus, Lonan still had one more thing to do, that is, to snatch back the holy throne that originally belonged to him!

Frey was killed by him, but Michael, with the help of Jesus, stole the fruits of Lonan’s labor.

How could this make Ronan stand it?

“Since you dare to snatch something from my hands, you must be prepared to be aware of your death!”

A cold hum remained behind the Endless Chaos Void, but Luo Nan’s figure had already disappeared!


In the Golden Temple, Michael sat on a magnificent throne, with seventy-two wings swaying behind him, and the golden light of the Dao Dao was attached to it, which looked full of feelings of sacredness and majesty.

“This is the power of the saints, and it is really comforting…”

Michael felt the power surging in his body, as well as the power of heaven and earth that could be mobilized at any time, and enjoyed it with a face!

For any sub-saint, sanctification is the ultimate pursuit.

Michael always believed that only after completely conquering the nine planes of the World Tree would he be able to obtain the Holy Throne.

But I never expected that because of Frey’s death, I actually achieved the goal of ten million years in advance! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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