The nine planes of the World Tree were shrouded in a layer of fog, and very little information was revealed, after all, this was a world that had survived from the previous Huiyuan in a special way, and there were certainly many secrets in it!

And the secret of this, even the saints of other worlds, is difficult to deduce.

“If you want to find out the situation of the nine planes of the World Tree, you still have to ask Sol Odin about them!”

Ronan hadn’t forgotten that the Asa Divine Clan and the Pangu World Terrans were still solid allies, and it would not be difficult to get this news.

After making his decision, Lonan no longer stayed in the Great Brahma World, but headed for Asgard.


Asgard is still that golden and brilliant look.

Located in the very heart of Asgard, the Golden Palace exudes the majesty of the gods.

In this golden palace, there is a famous and powerful being, that is, the current leader of the Asa God Clan, the God King Odin!

Odin’s strength, of course, does not need to be said more, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the pillar of the entire Asa God Clan.

Usually, Odin sat on the supreme throne and looked at the world he ruled.

But at this moment, Odin, the supreme god king, was sitting on a flat chair on an equal footing with a young man across from him.

And this young man, of course, is Lonan!

“Last time in the endless chaotic void, I saw Xiaoyou kill Amitabha Buddha, and I also talked to the Furen Clan about heroes coming out of teenagers, but I didn’t expect to see him for a few months, Xiaoyou was actually a lot stronger than he was at the beginning, which really made people feel a lot of emotions!”

Odin said slowly, with an unconcealed sigh on his face.

After all, the young people sitting in front of them are growing up too fast!

Don’t talk about chasing, Odin has never seen such a freak in his life.

By this time, Odin could only secretly rejoice, fortunately stepping on a boat with Ronan early.

Otherwise, if you are against someone like Ronan, you feel desperate to think about!

In the face of Odin’s flattery, Ronan did not care, and after a slight smile in return, he directly opened his mouth and asked what he wanted to know most at the moment.

“The nine planes of the World Tree are hidden in the fog, and there is very little information about the outside world to the inside, and I want to know something.”

Lonan opened the door.

Odin heard this, and there was not much surprise on his face, obviously Ronan’s intention had long been expected by him.

“If you have any questions, I know them and will tell you.”

Odin said that if he had to give away his precious information and inventory before doing so, Odin still had doubts.

However, after seeing Lonan’s growth, Odin has changed his mind.

You know, in Odin’s eyes today, Ronan is an object that must not be offended.

After all, this guy grew up too strong!

“For some reason, I need to get a holy seat in the nine planes of the World Tree, but I don’t know much about the saints of the nine planes of the World Tree, can you tell me some information?”

Luo Nan said indifferently to Odin, “Of course, you can also tell me the enemies of the Asa God Clan directly, and I can help you solve it by the way!” ”

Odin was shocked when he heard this.

The indifference in Ronan’s tone made Odin swallow his spit.

Listening to Ronan’s words, it seemed that seizing a holy throne now could not be easier for him!

What Odin didn’t know was that for Ronan today, it was indeed quite easy to seize a holy throne.

In the world of the Great Brahma, if it were not for the Great Brahma to stop it, Vishnu alone would not have been able to stop Lonan.

In fact, even if the Great Brahma intervened, it could not stop Lonan in the end.

It had already allowed Ronan to get the Holy Throne, but it was just a little more effort.

“Of the nine planes of the World Tree, there are nine saints even counting me!” Odin said.

Hearing this, Luo Nan’s eyes couldn’t help but stare involuntarily, and the shock in his eyes was difficult to hide.

Previously, he knew the most about the holy thrones, namely the Olympus World and the Pangu World, but there were only seven Holy Seats.

And in the nine dimensions of the world tree, there will actually be nine holy seats!

This was too unexpected for Ronan!

You know, how many holy places the created world has, basically reflects the strength of the creation saints.

Of course, there are also some creation saints who did not do their best at the time of creation, such as the sun god Ra, the lord of the Nile God Domain, who created only one holy throne in the world, but this does not mean how weak La really is.

In addition, there are also some creation saints who use too much force when creating the world, which directly leads to exhaustion of strength and even death, such as Pangu!

But to Luonan’s astonishment, Pangu had created a world containing seven holy seats, and he had already forgotten it.

How powerful must the Founding God of this World Tree have been to create a world containing nine holy seats?!

As you can imagine, that is definitely the existence of strength cultivation far beyond the Great Brahma!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

Obviously, the difference in strength and weakness between the Creator Saints is no smaller than that between the Creator Saints!

“Who are those eight saints besides you?” After Ronan calmed his inner turmoil, he asked Odin.

Odin heard this and said, “In addition to me, there is Frey, the leader of the Warner God Clan, Noether, the goddess of the night, Delin, the god of dawn, the serpent of the atrium, Yemengard, the fire troll Shirtal, the god of death, Hela, the creator spirit Helllaug, and the goddess of destiny!” ”

“Now, Frey has taken the Warner God Clan and completely turned to God Jehovah. Notte, the goddess of the night, and her husband, Delin, the god of dawn, did not enter the war and did not know where they lived. ”

Odin explained alone, “As for Yemengarde, the serpent of the atrium, and Hela, the god of death, they are the heirs of my brother Loki. ”

Speaking of this, Odin paused slightly, looked at Ronan, and the meaning was very obvious.

That is to say, these two people are their own people and cannot be targeted.

Ronan nodded and signaled Odin to reassure him, “Of course he won’t take a shot at his own people.” ”

After Odin was relieved, Ronan asked again, “What about the flame troll Sritter, and the goddess of destiny?” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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