In the midst of the chaotic nothingness, Luo Nan’s figure gradually emerged.

“Ding, the Saiyan bloodline has been activated and is evaluating the experience points gained…”

“Ding, the assessment is complete, the experience is being written … Write complete! ”

“Ding, congratulations on the host level increase, the current level is 1v377!”

“Ding, congratulations on the host level increase, the current level is 1v378!”

“Ding, congratulations on the host level increase, the current level is 1v379!”


“Ding, congratulations on the host level increase, the current level 1v381!”

Along with a series of system prompts ringing in Luo Nan’s ears, Luo Nan’s body was also slowly condensing in this nothingness.

And Luo Nan could clearly feel that the power he had now mastered was even more powerful than before.

The power of Saiya’s bloodline, that’s it.

Each time you die, you will gain an unequal number of experience points depending on how intense the battle was fought and the outcome of the battle.

In the previous battle, although Lonan did not cause direct damage to the Great Brahma, he did not cause a lot of damage to Vishnu, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he wanted Vishnu to live half a life.

And more importantly, Lonan injected a large amount of nether breath into the body of the great Brahma, and although these nether breaths could not cause the life of the great Brahma, they also caused the great Brahma a headache.

The accumulation of these achievements directly increased Ronan’s experience by several levels!

You know, at the point where Ronan is now, if you want to increase your level by one level, it is quite difficult, and the experience points required are simply massive!

Now being able to improve several levels in one breath has made Ronan quite satisfied.

Resurrected again, Lonan did not stay much in this nothingness.

In fact, even if he wanted to stay longer, he couldn’t do it.

Because after the body was reconstructed, Ronan’s body was automatically discharged from this void area and returned to the world of the Great Brahma.

After returning to the world of the Great Brahma, Ronan’s figure flashed and he came directly to the supreme heaven and reappeared in front of the Great Brahma.

After killing Lonan, Brahma really felt the dark aura in his body decaying continuously.

And just when Brahma was happy, he saw that Ronan appeared in front of him again, which made Brahma directly stunned.

“How could it be! You have obviously killed the Honmei Daoist Technique, why…”

Brahma looked at Lonan and muttered in his mouth that there was no such thing as the fact that Nan was still alive.

Before that, he clearly felt that his body and soul consciousness had both been destroyed under his own True Destiny Dao Technique!

It was precisely because of this affirmation that Brahma was slightly relieved in his heart.

But what is now established is suddenly overturned.

Lonan, who believed he had died, was born again, which made it difficult for Brahma to accept!

“Why? Because you can’t kill me! ”

Lonan’s voice was flat and he looked at the Great Brahma Dao.

When Brahma heard this, his face suddenly darkened and darkened.

Previously, he used the Honmei Dao Technique and blocked the space around Lonan, which successfully killed Lonan!

Who would have thought that Ronan actually had the ability to come back from the dead!

And now, in a short period of time, it was not easy for the Great Brahma to kill Lonan again.

Because that Vital Dao Technique itself was very heavy on the body, even if the Great Brahma was a Creator Sage, he could not use it for a second time in a short period of time!

Taking a deep breath, the Great Brahma did not directly eloquent this time, but looked at Luo Nan and said coldly, “Maybe you really have the ability to come back from the dead, it is really difficult to kill you, but if you want to destroy my world, it is impossible!” ”

“I don’t intend to destroy your world either.”

Ronan shrugged and said indifferently.

He knew very well how strong he was, and although he could easily kill Amitabha, it was completely impossible to destroy a big world.

Hearing Lonan’s reply, a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Great Brahma: “Then what are you here for?” ”

“I’ll take a holy throne.”

Lonan replied.

When Brahma heard this, his brow furrowed even tighter.

This kind of thing, like other treasures, is where it is, and it cannot be taken away at all.

In other words, even if Lonan obtains the throne in the Great Brahma World, the Holy Position will always be in the Great Brahma World and cannot be taken away!

It is for this reason that when Gaia and Tartaros gave away the throne of the world of Olympus, Kaos, as the will of creation, did not speak.

“As far as I know, you have already obtained a holy throne in the ancient world, what else do you want to do?” Attaining the throne in different worlds does not improve one’s own strength. ”

Brahma said to Lonan, his eyes full of doubt, he wanted to know what was the reason for Ronan’s actions, but he couldn’t guess it.

Although he was a Creation Sage, he was a creature spontaneously derived from the chaos of this Huiyuan, and he was mostly ignorant of the secrets in this endless chaotic void.

Unlike the Hongjun Daoist who came from the outside, he could understand the principles of the Five Saints Breaking Technique.

Of course, even if the Hongjun Daoist could understand the principles of the Five Saints Breaking Technique, they would not be able to know the specific cultivation methods of the Five Sacred Breaking Techniques.

Looking at the seven great worlds now, only Luo Nan alone knew about this technique.

Therefore, the great Brahma could not understand why Lonan wanted such a holy throne.

“What I want the Holy Throne to do, it has nothing to do with you.” Lonan said coldly.

The Great Brahma heard the silence, and he saw deep attachment in Ronan’s gaze!

This made him understand that if he didn’t let Ronan get what he wanted, then the guy in front of him who could come back from the dead would definitely annoy him!

Thinking of this, the Great Brahma took a deep breath before slowly saying, “Holy Seat, I can give you a statue, but all of our previous grievances have been written off, and from now on you are not allowed to find trouble with me or the Great Brahma World, of course, I will not go to find trouble for you and the Pangu World!” How is it? “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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