Heaven and earth oven, sacrifice heaven and earth, this is definitely not a joke!

Although Brahma proclaimed himself a heaven, it was already difficult to get out of the oven of this heaven and earth.

All the power he blasted out, without exception, became the source of power in this heaven and earth oven.

And with the continuous explosion of the power of the Great Brahma, the Heaven and Earth Oven made by Luonan was also becoming more and more powerful.

In just a few moments, it had grown to the point where even the Great Brahma was terrified

Although this Heaven and Earth Oven was not enough to pose any threat to him, if he was trapped by this Heaven and Earth Oven, it would not be a big trouble.

Moreover, it was obviously impossible for this heaven and earth oven to disappear automatically, unless everything inside was sacrificed.

Great Brahma, there is absolutely no way to tolerate being trapped in it!

“Well, I must admit that you did surprise me, but that’s all!”

As the words fell, a loud cry came from the mouth of the great Brahma, and then the body of the great Brahma continued to expand and expand.

In the blink of an eye, he has become a giant who stands tall in the sky!

Unlike the Hongjun Daoist who received the fruits of Pangu’s labor, the Great Brahma was a true creation saint!

If you can open up a world in chaos, how can your strength be weak?

In other words, the Great Brahma and Pangu are essentially the same kind of existence, and may be slightly weaker than Pangu, but the gap will not be too much!

At this moment, the Great Brahma is also manifesting his own body, and his body length is constantly increasing.

This change in body shape is not a magic power, but an manifestation of the body.

Therefore, with the continuous enlargement of the body of the Great Brahma, the heaven and earth oven that trapped the Great Brahma must also continue to grow with it!

However, the energy that constitutes the Heaven and Earth Oven is limited, and with its continuous increase, the edge of the Heaven and Earth Oven is bound to become weaker and weaker! 、

In the blink of an eye, Brahma became a giant of more than ten million meters, waving his six arms and directly supporting the edge of the Heaven and Earth Oven!

At this moment, the edge of the Heaven and Earth Oven had become extremely weak.

If the Great Brahma uses divine power, then the Heaven and Earth Oven can absorb the divine power of the Great Brahma to strengthen itself.

However, Brahma did not have the idea of using any magic at all, but completely used his physical strength to forcibly open the oven of this heaven and earth.

Seeing this scene, Luo Nan’s eyes also flashed a touch of helplessness.

This is also a completely helpless thing, relying on the heaven and earth oven to trap the Great Brahma, it is too difficult to do a thing.

You know, what Brahma is doing now is exactly equivalent to reopening up a heaven and earth in this heaven and earth!

The Great Brahma was able to split through the endless chaotic void back then, but now it was not so difficult to split a heaven and earth oven with the power of his body.

Ronan would not be so mad as to think that the Heaven and Earth Oven he had made would be tougher than the Endless Chaos Void. 、

If that’s the case, what else are you afraid of?


With a muffled sound, the Heaven and Earth Oven made by Luo Nan finally shattered into fragments!

After shattering the Heaven and Earth Oven, the Great Brahma also stepped directly towards Luonan!

At this moment, the power possessed by the Great Brahma, who had revealed his original form, was far from being comparable to before.

Therefore, in the face of this foot of the Great Brahma, Luo Nan did not dare to directly resist it, but directly fled into the void and avoided the attack of the Great Brahma.

Unable to strike a single blow, the terrifying divine thoughts of the Great Brahma spread directly in all directions, and soon found the traces of Lonan hidden in the void, followed by a blow that came again.

“Hide the little mouse with its head and tail, give me death!”

A roar resounded across the sky accompanied by the attack of the Great Brahma.

And Luo Nan, who was hidden in the void, did not change his face in the slightest, because he would let the action let the Great Brahma know what was really difficult!

In a flash of his body, Ronan once again avoided the attack of the Great Brahma.

However, Luo Nan did not dodge for a moment, while avoiding the attack of the Great Brahma, Luo Nan’s figure also appeared directly behind the Great Brahma, and then there was an extra spear of the god of the underworld in each of his hands!

At the same time that the spear of Hades appeared in Ronan’s hand, a shadow of hell was also projected in the world of Great Brahma.

However, this projection did not last long, and it was absorbed by the Spear of Hades thrown out of Ronan’s hand and pierced towards the body of the Great Brahma!


There was no expected piercing, and the two spears of the god of the underworld seemed to be somewhat weak when facing the huge Great Brahma!

Just halfway through the piercing, it was blocked by the flesh and blood of the Great Brahma!

However, there was no hint of disappointment on Ronan’s face.

Because the most terrifying thing about the Spear of Hades is not its piercing power, but the Nether Breath attached to it.

The Nether Breath of Zhejiang West can easily swallow and dispatch any life force, and it is extremely difficult to expel it from the body, which can be said to be like a trick of the tarsal bone.

Now, although the spear of Hades had not pierced the body of the Great Brahma, it had already pierced into a head.

This one head is enough to infuse the Nether Breath contained in the Spear of the Underworld into the body of the Great Brahma!

Of course, just the Nether Breath contained in the two spears of the Dark God was not enough to cause any damage to such a huge Brahma.

Therefore, after throwing out two spears of Hades, Lonan’s movements did not stop, and after flashing to avoid another attack of the Great Brahma, the backhand was two more spears of the Dark God, and once again stabbed into the arm of the Great Brahma!

The flexibility of the Great Brahma was not bad originally, but after it showed the body, this body of up to ten million meters was bound to greatly reduce its flexibility.

This is also the disadvantage of the huge size, although it has been enhanced countless times in the strength level, but it has also sacrificed a lot of flexibility!

In this way, Luo Nan gave full play to his advantages against the disadvantages of Great Brahma at this moment, and while avoiding the attack of Great Brahma, the spear of Hades in his hand continued to attack Great Brahma!

Not long after, the body of the Great Brahma was already covered with dense spears of the gods of the underworld!

And a huge amount of Nether Qi was also poured into all corners of the Great Brahma Body from these thousands of spears of the Dark God! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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