However, Luo Nan also had doubts in his heart, since the Jade Emperor was the spokesperson personally elected by the Hongjun Daoists.

So why was this spokesperson bullied by himself, and even robbed of a flower on the top, and the two qi in the xiong, but this Hongjun Daoist did not react at all?

Luo Nan didn’t think that he was good-looking, so Hongjun Dao looked at himself differently.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Nan also asked directly to the Hongjun Daoist, “Why didn’t Daozu take a shot at me in the first place?” Indulgence instead? ”

Hongjun Daoist shook his head and smiled lightly, “Everything in this time has its own rules of operation, and when I was in harmony with the Tao, it was the Heavenly Dao.” The way of heaven is not kind, and all things are dogs. Me too! ”

Heaven is not kind, take all things as a dog!

Hearing these words, Luo Nan’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a glimmer of clarity.

This sentence is not a ruthless way of heaven, and it is a chicken dog for life.

Rather, it means that in the eyes of the Heavenly Dao, all beings are equal.

Whether it is a powerful Ya Sheng, or an ordinary person without the power of a chicken.

Whether it was the powerful Jade Emperor or the rural village women, it was the same in the eyes of Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, Luo Nan’s struggle with the Jade Emperor at that time had no meaning at all in the eyes of the Hongjun Daoists.

Even if Luo Nan really killed the Jade Emperor, Hongjun would definitely not have any idea of revenge.

Because in Hongjun, or in the eyes of Heavenly Dao, there is no difference between Luo Nan and the Jade Emperor!

After hearing Hongjun Daoist’s answer, Luo Nan understood this.

I also understood why since ancient times, Hongjun Daoist people have basically never appeared in the world, and there is no half-syntactic will.

It is only because the Pangu world has been on the right track since then, and everything is slowly operating according to the existing laws, so there is no need for the Hongjun Daoist, the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, to come out and regulate.

“So, even if Amitabha Buddha took it with him and killed the Pangu World to kill Sanqing, in your opinion, it was just a struggle between equal beings, so he didn’t stop it?”

After one question was answered, Lowe asked the second doubt in his heart.

However, in the face of this question, the Hongjun Daoist did not nod his head as Luo Nan expected, but quickly shook his head.

“All things are equal, but under the saints.”

Once you ascend, you are equal to the Heavenly Dao, unbound by the Heavenly Dao, and not bound by the rules of the world.

The battle of the saints, I should be in charge! ”

“Then why didn’t you do it?” Ronan frowned slightly.

This Hongjun Daoist said that the dispute between the saints should be in charge of himself, but when Amitabha Buddha fought against Sanqing, he did not shoot at all.

Even when Yuan Shi Tianzun first fell, the Hongjun Daoist did not have the slightest sign of a move.

It can be said that if it were not for Luo Nan’s presence, Amitabha’s original battle plan would have been completed long ago, and Sanqing would probably have been destroyed long ago!

In the face of Luo Nan’s questioning, the expression on Hongjun Daoren’s face did not change much.

He said very calmly, “Because I have you.” ”


Luo Nan, who was originally forced to ask questions, was a little dumbfounded by this sentence of Hongjun Daoist.

Nima, what is counted to have him…

However, although he was dissatisfied with the answer of the Hongjun Daoist, Luo Nan had no reason to refute it.

It seemed to see that Luo Nan did not trust his answer, and the Hongjun Daoist also explained.

“The Dao Dao Quantity Disaster is coming, the crisis is far greater than the Heavenly Dao Measure Disaster, and at this time, the calamity of sentient beings and even saints can be successfully overcome!”

“However, whether it is the Heavenly Dao Measure Robbery or the Avenue Measure Robbery, as long as it is a Measure of Robbery, even if it is fierce, it will also give a glimmer of life!”

“The first glimmer of life that the Avenue gives this time is those of you who have been chosen and blessed.”

“However, if you are blessed by the tens of millions of people who can hope to grow up to resist the Dao Raids, you are the only one among the tens of millions of people.”

“Therefore, although I have never helped you, I have always paid attention to your growth.”

“I’m glad you’ve come to this point.” _

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