“Styx Ancestor, get out!”

A roar sounded underground.

And with this roar, a blood shadow soon appeared in the blood river!

“Who are you?”

The old ancestor of Styx was wearing a robe from red to black, and the robe was covered with bad deeds, obviously it had gone through endless and eternal years before it became what it is today.

After the Styx River Ancestor appeared, he did not show a look of fear, but instead stared at Luo Nan with a look of contempt in his eyes.

After all, the Styx Ancestor had been sealed for countless years and knew nothing about the changes in the outside world.

In his memory, the Pangu world was still decided by those few saints.

The little guy in front of him was obviously not any of the saints, or even a being who could attract his attention.

Therefore, at the same time as the words were exported, the attack of the Styx River Ancestor was also directly towards Luonan.

Only to see that the river of blood that could not see the edge, in the blink of an eye, suddenly rushed towards Luonan.

Suddenly, the thick and smelly blood water wrapped Ronan in its entirety!

“Hmm, it turned out to be a waste of unknown origin.”

The Styx River Ancestor saw his divine power and effortlessly trapped Luo Nan in it, and a trace of disdain flashed directly on his face, and his words were full of contempt for Luo Nan.

And just when the Styx River Ancestor was preparing to go further, quickly kill the boy in front of him, and then go to feel the holy position that suddenly appeared, a sudden change occurred!

Just listening to a roar, a stream of light suddenly appeared, and the originally dark underground world suddenly lit up like daylight.

The next second, the Styx River Ancestor saw a picture that would last a lifetime, only to see that Luo Nan’s figure seemed to descend from the heavenly gods at this moment, suddenly falling from the heavenly dome, as if the hot sun had fallen.

And the river of blood in the underworld soon rose and dried up under the blazing sun.

This river of blood itself is the body of the old ancestor of the Styx River, and at this moment, the blood river is drying up, and the flesh and blood of the old ancestor of the Styx River are also rapidly shrinking.


A terrible scream soon came from the mouth of the Styx River Ancestor.

And just in the scream of the Styx River Ancestor, a dark spear suddenly fell from the sky, directly piercing the Xiong chamber of the Styx River Old Ancestor.

The dark spear contained a large amount of nether aura.

These nether breaths were like the tricks of the tarsal bones, all pouring into the body of the Styx River Old Ancestor, devouring the few remaining life force of the Styx River Old Ancestor.

Feeling the gradual disappearance of his own vitality, the old ancestor of the Styx River, until this moment he understood that this guy with unknown origin in front of him was definitely not a weak existence, but a existence that made himself fundamentally resist.

“The adult spares his life, the trail has eyes and does not recognize Tarzan!” Lord Haiqing suffered, spare the life of Xiaodao! ”

Faced with his own inability to resist at all, the Styx River Ancestor did not have any resistance at all, and directly knelt on the ground and pleaded.

The endless years of being suppressed by the seal of Amitabha Buddha had long since left this ancient demon head without edges and corners, and even the backbone had long been broken.

“Well, since you have been underground for endless years, I will punish you for continuing to stay in the nineteenth layer of hell, and if you dare to leave half a step, I will kill you!”

Lonan’s voice was cold and devoid of emotion.

“Yes, thank you very much for sparing your life!”

The Styx River Ancestor heard about the drama, but he was only suppressed again, but he had been suppressed for so long and had long been accustomed to it.

Being suppressed is perfectly acceptable rather than death.

After that, Luo Nan’s fingers were slightly ticked, and the Nether Qi that was deep into the body of the Styx River Ancestor was removed by him.

After the invasion of the Nether Qi, the vitality of the Styx River Ancestor was finally stabilized.

However, even if it stabilized, the current Styx River Ancestor was also deeply damaged, and even the cultivation had fallen to the level of quasi-sainthood, and there was no period of time that could not be recovered at all.

After praying to Luonan for three more prayers, the figure of the Styx River Ancestor dissipated and returned to the nineteenth layer of hell.

After solving the problem of the Styx River Ancestor, Luo Nan did not change places again, and sat down on his knees in this underground world to feel the Holy Place.

Half a month, a flash away!

Half a month later, the Pangu World suddenly sounded two bells, as if the sound of the Great Avenue.

The sound of these two avenues is the sign of the saint’s promotion.

Luo Nan, Fu Xi, have become saints!


In the underground world, Luo Nan, who had closed his eyes for half a month, finally opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, a powerful feeling that was never stronger than ever filled Luo Nan’s whole body in an instant.

At this moment, Luo Nan only felt that he was more than ten times stronger than before, and this was still without mobilizing the power of heaven and earth.

If the power of heaven and earth is mobilized again, it will be much stronger than before.

“I don’t know, with the mobilization of the power of heaven and earth, can I fight with the Creator Saint now?”

Lonan murmured in a low voice, and then he couldn’t help but look up into the sky!

It is said that in the midst of the nothingness of thirty-three days above, there is a grass hut that is easily invisible.

Hongjun Daoist, right in that grass room!

“It’s time to take a look…”

For the Hongjun Daoist, Luo Nan was very curious in his heart.

In ancient times, the Hongjun Daoist took the lead in becoming holy, and then became the founding saints of the Pangu world by joining the Tao.

Later, after several robberies, the Hongjun Daoist appointed Zhang Bairen to become the lord of the Heavenly Court, and after that, he never appeared again, let alone passed down the law.

Even if Amitabha Buddha led the gods of the outer realms to invade the Pangu World, even if Yuan Shi Tianzun was killed in battle and Taishang Laojun escaped, the Hongjun Daoist still did not move a bit.

This naturally made Ronan wonder what the reason was!

Before, his strength was not enough, not enough to face the Hongjun Daoist.

But now, Luo Nan was confident, even if he was not the opponent of the Hongjun Daoist, he would not be much different!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan no longer hesitated, and as soon as his figure flashed, he directly ascended to the sky!

Thirty-three days away, a slender figure suddenly appeared! _

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