At this moment, Luo Nan’s palm went deep into the well water in front of him, directly grasped the largest round of crescent moon, and then forcibly dragged it out of the well!

With this tug from Lonan, Amitabha Buddha only felt that the power in his body that came from the Great Brahma had a tendency to leave his body.

This discovery made Amitabha Buddha look shocked, and it was hard to believe that such a thing could happen to him!

“It’s impossible!”

Amitabha Buddha roared so loudly that he couldn’t believe what was happening to him now.

There was no other reason why, in his understanding, the Creator Saint should be the most powerful being in this universe.

Luo Nan was now just a quasi-saint, even if there were some unknown special circumstances on his body, his combat strength was only higher than that of Yasheng, and he was still a little worse than ordinary saints.

How could such a guy take away the power given by the Creation Saints from himself?

Amitabha gritted his teeth and his eyes filled with consternation.

However, Amitabha Buddha could not have imagined that he was not the first person to be given the power of the Creator Saint by Lonan!

A few years ago, when Lonan was in the Great Brahma World, he had been hunted down and killed by the sub-saint-level Ota Shichang Medanzo sent by Heaven.

Later, Medanzo was ambushed by three sub-saints, including Emperor Shiten, Izanagi and Izanami, and summoned the power of the God Jehovah to bless him at the moment of his death, which was several times more powerful in a moment!

At that time, it was Luo Nan, who only had the Golden Immortal Realm, who performed this technique of fishing for the moon in the well and forcibly extracted the power that the Lord had given to Medanzo, which allowed Emperor Shitian and the other three to easily kill Medanzo.

However, the situation today is a little different from what it was then.

Even if the original Medanzo was placed in the sub-saint level, he could only be regarded as a low-level sub-saint, even if Jehovah, who was a creation saint, wanted to give more power, Medanzo could not accept so much power!

However, Amitabha Buddha is completely different from Medanzo, Medanzo is just a low-level sub-saint, but Amitabha’s own cultivation has already surpassed ordinary saints, reaching the point of a half-step creation saint, and can even rely on his own strength to fight one enemy and three without falling behind!

The power he could accept was simply not comparable to Medanzo’s.

That’s a pretty scary amount!

But correspondingly, today’s Luonan cannot speak the same as it did then.

When facing Medanzo, Ronan was just a small reptile at the Golden Immortal level.

But now, that little reptile of that year was already comparable to that of a saint.

Therefore, although the power of Amitabha Buddha is several times greater than that of the original Medanzo, Lonan can still draw the power that Brahma gave to Amitabha Buddha from within Amitabha!

Just as Amitabha Buddha was shocked, the speed at which Lonan fished out the moon in the well was also getting faster and faster, and that round of crescent moon had already been pumped out of the well surface by more than two-thirds.

Seeing this scene, Amitabha Buddha was not calm.

“This damn technique of fishing for the moon in the well can really draw out the power given to me by the Great Brahma, damn!!”

Amitabha Buddha gritted his teeth, and this technique of fishing for the moon in the well was a huge heart disease for him, which could be said to represent the most inexorable shame in his life.

And now, it is this art of fishing for the moon in the well, which is going to spoil his good deeds, how can he bear it?

At the moment, Amitabha Buddha roared angrily, and no longer cared about the Tongtian Sect Master who was rushing towards him, but instead focused all his attention on Lonan in the distance!

Amitabha Buddha knew very well in his heart that if he did not solve the problem of Lonan, things were likely to change incalculably!

And now that he had already won the victory, he was only one step away from the target of the Creation Saint.

Now, Ronan is the obstacle to his last step.

Amitabha Buddha must completely shatter this roadblock!

With a fierce heart, Amitabha Buddha’s palms struck out at Lonan continuously.

The power contained in these palms can be said to be quite terrifying, even if the saint is hit, he will be severely damaged without dying!

“Boy, get out of the way!”

Seeing this scene, the Ritsu Heavenly Sect Lord, who was attacking Amitabha Buddha from behind, rushed to roar at Luonan, hoping that Luonan would avoid Amitabha’s powerful attack!

However, to the surprise of the Master of the Tongtian Sect, Luo Nan had no intention of avoiding it at all, but stood still in the same place, as if he were a heroic martyr who saw death as a homecoming, waiting for the attack of Amitabha Buddha!

This scene made the Tongtian Sect Lord’s eyes widen, and he secretly wondered in his heart whether this boy was scared silly?

When Amitabha Buddha saw that Luo Nan did not shy away, he also had exactly the same doubts in his heart as the Master of the Tongtian Sect.

However, Amitabha Buddha would not think that Lonan was frightened, after all, this was not the first time Lonan had fought him!

Therefore, Amitabha Buddha also accelerated the advance of his palm at this moment, and soon crashed into the front of Luonan.

And just as the palm force was about to touch Luo Nan’s body, Luo Nan finally moved!

Only to see that one of his hands that had been hidden behind him suddenly raised and slapped at the oncoming Amitabha Buddha!

Compared to Amitabha’s huge golden palm, Lonan’s arm appeared slender and weak.

But it was this slender and weak arm that directly stopped Amitabha’s palm power, making it impossible for Amitabha Buddha to push forward another half an inch!

“How is this possible!!!”

When the Tongtian Sect Master in the distance saw this scene, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he could not have imagined that Luo Nan had actually attacked Amitabha Buddha in his crotch.

And Amitabha’s face also changed color suddenly, and he immediately blurted out: “You use the power of the Great Brahma again!!!” ”

Yes, Lonan was able to use the power of Amitabha Buddha because of the use of the power of the Great Brahma!

Today, the power given to Amitabha Buddha by Brahma has been seized by Ronan using the technique of fishing for the moon in the well.

And now, Lonan is using these two-thirds against one-third of Amitabha’s body! _

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