The appearance of this kind of change made Yuan Shi Tianzun suddenly stunned, and the fear on his face could not be concealed at all!

“My repair! How could it be… I can’t control the power of heaven and earth! ”

The only difference between a saint and a saint is that a saint sits on the throne and can control the power of heaven and earth.

But now, the First Heavenly Ancestor has been cultivated into a soaring Amitabha Buddha, and one finger has been temporarily removed from the throne.

And in leaving that position, Yuan Shi Tianzun was just a top sub-saint.

With the cultivation realm of Amitabha Buddha now after performing the mysteries, even if the saint is in front of him, he will definitely not be able to please him, let alone be a mere sub-saint.

At the same time as Yuan Shi Tianzun was shocked, Amitabha Buddha’s fingers had already directly crossed the shackles of space and pointed at the top of Yuan Shi Tianzun’s head!

The next second, Yuan Shi Tianzun only felt an irresistible and terrible force, which suddenly poured down from above his head and directly poured into his body!

This terrifying powerful energy wantonly destroyed Yuan Shi Tianzun’s body, causing Yuan Shi Tianzun to quickly spew out a mouthful of scarlet blood in his mouth, and his face turned pale in an instant.

This scene naturally surprised the Taishang Laojun and the Tongtian Sect Master on the side.

“Master and disciple!”


Two exclamations came from the mouths of the Taishang Laojun and the Tongtian Sect Master almost at the same time.

The next second, the two of them shot at Amitabha Buddha at the same time, trying to stop Amitabha, naturally they couldn’t really watch Amitabha Buddha defeat Yuanshi Tianzun!

If there was any accident in the Yuan Shi Tianzun, then their fate would not go anywhere.

It can be said that now the three of them are basically grasshoppers tethered to a line, one wins and one loses!

However, just after Taishang Laojun and the Master of the Tongtian Sect chose to strike, they were shocked to find that their magic spells, after just approaching the distance of less than a hundred meters from the original Heavenly Sect, were like being blocked by an invisible wall, and they could not break through at all!

That is to say, they simply could not directly help Yuan Shi Tianzun at this moment!

Unable to make a plan, the Master of the Tongtian Sect and the Taishang Laojun looked at each other, and soon they had a sharp heart and a sharp heart at Amitabha Buddha at the same time, ready to surround Wei and save Zhao with one hand, forcing Amitabha Buddha to choose to return to defense, in order to reduce the pressure on Yuan Shi Tianzun at this moment.

In fact, not only the Taishang Laojun and the Tongtian Sect Master thought so, but also the Four Emperors who were now hidden in the eyes of the Immortal Sword!

Therefore, in the Tongtian Sect Master and Taishang Laojun against each other, the terrifying sword qi that swept through this Immortal Sword Array also changed the previous chaos, and all of them rushed towards Amitabha Buddha!

Suddenly, terrifying energies surrounded the Buddha!

If it was Amitabha Buddha before, he might have frowned and felt a little troubled when he saw this scene.

But Amitabha, who had now performed the ultimate arcane technique, obviously did not have this worry, looking at the energy coming from all directions, his eyes were full of disdain!

The next second, Amitabha Buddha let out a loud cry in his mouth, and this drink was like thunder, making the entire Immortal Sword Array tremble differently, and the four emperors hidden in the eyes of the array were also all spitting out blood, obviously not lightly injured!

And the Taishang Laojun and the Tongtian Sect Lord, although they were not injured too much with the help of the power of heaven and earth, their bodies were also forced to retreat from a long distance, and they were simply unable to support Yuan Shi Tianzun!

After doing all this, Amitabha’s fingers finally pressed down again, causing Yuan Shi Tianzun’s head to explode directly in an instant.

Along with the explosion of the skull, the neck of the Yuan Shi Tianzun, and even above the body, there were also a series of fine cracks.

And as time went on, the speed of this crack spread more and more, and in an instant, it was densely packed with the whole body of the Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Then, accompanied by a deep drink from Amitabha Buddha, this fine crack instantly expanded.

In the body of Yuan Shi Tianzun, it was as if a very terrible force had been activated and directly exploded.

The aftermath of that impact gushed out along the cracks in Yuan Shi Tianzun’s body, but it also held up the cracks more and more, and finally accompanied by a loud noise, directly exploded!

A shower of blood sprinkled down and filled the entire Immortal Sword Array, and the figure of Yuan Shi Tianzun completely disappeared in this blood rain.

A generation of saints has fallen!

The sudden demise of Yuan Shi Tianzun had caused a huge change in the faces of both Taishang Laojun and the Master of the Tongtian Sect.

How could they never have imagined that Amitabha Buddha had actually become so strong that he could easily kill Yuan Shi Tianzun!

And being able to kill Yuan Shi Tianzun would naturally be able to easily kill both of them.

Thinking of this, the faces of the Taishang Laojun and the Tongtian Sect Master couldn’t help but appear a touch of deep despair!

This feeling of despair, they have not experienced for an unknown amount of time!

And just when the desperate mood was haunting the Second Sage, Amitabha Buddha, who had killed the Yuanshi Tianzun, had also shifted his gaze to the Taishang Laojun and the Tongtian Sect Lord.

“Brother and Master, it seems that the two of us will not be spared today.”

Taishang Laojun looked bleak, shook his head and sighed, and his tone was full of loss.

Although the eyes of the Tongtian Sect Master on the side were full of unwillingness, he also knew that what Taishang Laojun said was true.

In the face of such a strong opponent, they really have no chance!

“I didn’t expect that the three of us would end up with such a fate…”

The Tongtian Sect Leader zui Corner flashed a bitter smile, but there was a flash of madness in his eyes, and he was obviously not ready to sit still.

Even if he knows that he is powerless to resist, if he does not resist and tie his hands, it is not his heavenly character!

Therefore, the look of the heavens also suddenly condensed, and then directly rushed to Amitabha Buddha, and there was a determination to know that there was no doubt that he would die, but still calmly went to death!

When the Taishang Old King saw this, there was a flash of struggle between his looks, but he did not rush forward like Tongtian.

Compared with a holy throne that he could not keep, it seemed to him that his own life was obviously more important.

With a long sigh in his mouth, Taishang Laojun casually tore through the space and fled directly into the endless chaotic void, without a trace…_

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