“But there’s no other way to do it now!”

Luo Nan murmured in his mouth, and then his eyes froze, and he fled out of the dark space and directly killed Amitabha Buddha in the middle of the Immortal Sword Array!

In the Immortal Sword Array, the fierce sword qi roared across the sky, and the power of each one was terrifying, after all, this was a terrifying array constructed by the four ancient artifacts of the Immortal Sword, and it was also driven by the four top sub-saints as the array.

This is why Luo Nan is proficient in the Void Way, and can hide his body at the junction of the Void and reality, which can completely avoid these vertical and horizontal sword qi.

If a different Yasheng came in, even if it was a top-level sub-saint like the Xuanyuan Clan of the Flintlock Clan, the result would not be too good!

Luo Nan’s approach, naturally, attracted the attention of Sanqing and Amitabha Buddha at the first time.

And whether it is Sanqing or Amitabha, after discovering this, a thought also arose in his mind, that is, Luonan is crazy, right?

If you are not crazy, how dare you break into the battle center of the four saints.

What’s more, among these four saints, one of them was a formidable being that had already surpassed the level of ordinary saints and become a half-step creation saint!

When Amitabha Buddha saw Luonan rushing forward, the cold glow in his eyes flashed, Luonan’s growth rate had long caused Amitabha Buddha to be jealous, if there was a chance, Amitabha Buddha would absolutely not hesitate to completely kill Luonan and strangle this danger in the cradle.

Before it was because of the correction of Sanqing. Tangled, so Amitabha Buddha did not directly attack Luo Nan, who had broken into the Immortal Sword Array.

But now that Lonan dared to send it to the door himself, Amitabha Buddha had no reason not to accept this life!

“Since you are looking for your own death, then repair me to blame!”

Amitabha Buddha let out a cold hum in his mouth, as if it were thundering, and then stretched out his palm and grabbed it directly at Lonan!

For example, the Buddha, when he subdued the Heavenly Sage of Qiqi, only used one palm, and that palm was inherited from Amitabha Buddha!

Nowadays, the power of Amitabha Buddha’s palm is naturally not comparable to that of the Buddha.

The power of this palm had just been seen by Ronan not long ago.

In the previous hunt for the Burning Lantern Buddha, Lonan had been guarded by Amitabha Buddha, and then included in the world of Meru, and in the world of Meru, he met the Great Sage of Qi Tian, who had long been imprisoned in it.

If it weren’t for the secret of the roots of the world of Meru told by Sun Wukong, Luo Nan would not have been able to escape from the world of Meru so easily

Therefore, now in the face of this slap sent by Amitabha Buddha again, Luonan did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately prepared to dodge.

But just as Lonan was preparing to dodge. But the white-haired Taishang Laojun suddenly threw dust in his hand, and a large number of white whiskers curled towards the palm of Amitabha Buddha, blocking the palm.

However, with the strength of Taishang Laojun alone, it was obvious that there was no attack of the Midas Buddha to stop it.

So soon, Yuan Shi Tianzun and the Master of the Tongtian Sect also displayed their divine powers, and joined forces with Taishang Laojun to intercept the attack of Amitabha Buddha!

The three saints came out almost at the same time, so they stopped the palm of Amitabha.

Then, the voice of the Master of the Tongtian Sect suddenly sounded in Luo Nan’s ear.

“Why don’t you little boy hide outside and run in?”

“I was still very optimistic about you boy, but I didn’t expect to be a person who didn’t know the weight, hurry up and quit the Immortal Sword Array, this old vulture is not something you can deal with!”

The voice of the Master of the Tongtian Sect fell, and the voices of Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun also sounded in Luo Nan’s ears at the same time, to the effect of persuading Luo Nan to hurry up. Go, this is not a quasi-saint who can intervene!

Even if Ronan’s combat strength was far stronger than that of the general quasi-saints, and even stronger than the ordinary sub-saints.

However, in front of the saints who could control the power of heaven and earth, this strength was still not enough to see!

Luo Nan admitted that what Sanqing said was very reasonable, but he had no intention of retreating in his heart!

If he retreated, what would he do to gain experience and ascend to the sub-saint realm?

Therefore, Sanqing’s words did not make Luo Nan’s actions change even a little.

In Sanqing’s stunned gaze, a dark spear suddenly appeared in Luo Nan’s hand, and with the shadow of hell descended into the Immortal Sword Array, and then threw it at Amitabha Buddha.

This scene made Sanqing directly stunned, he didn’t expect that Luo Nan was actually bolder than they thought, and if he didn’t retreat, he would even dare to take the initiative to attack and provoke Amitabha!

“This guy… It’s just looking for death! ”

“If you anger the vulture donkey, the bald donkey can completely ignore the three of us and kill Lonan first!”

“With the strength of Amitabha Buddha, if you are bent on killing Luonan, even if the three of us join forces in this Immortal Sword Array, it will be impossible to stop it!”

Sanqing heard from each other, and their hearts couldn’t help but worry about Luo Nan.

After all, now the Taoists and the Terrans can be said to be strong allies, and Luonan is the brightest new star of the Terrans, and can even be said to represent the future hope of the entire Terran race.

If they died at the hands of this Amitabha Buddha, they would not be able to communicate with the five Terran sub-saints at all!

Unfortunately, now, Ronan’s attack has been attacked, and everything is already night!

“Hmm, with such power, you want to hurt me?”

Amitabha Buddha let out a cold hum in his mouth, looking at the oncoming dark spear, there was no fluctuation between his looks!

The spear of the god of the underworld, which made many sub-saints fear like a tiger, was nothing in the eyes of Amitabha Buddha!

With just a snap of a finger, the dark spear thrown by Luo Nan directly collapsed, and it could not exist at all, more than to say that it caused any injuries to Amitabha Buddha!

Seeing that Luo Nan could not strike a blow, Sanqing had expected it earlier, otherwise even if he knew that he might not be able to stop Amitabha’s revenge, Sanqing still shot at Amitabha Buddha at the same time.

Otherwise, you can’t watch Amitabha Buddha kill Lonan, right?

Sanqing’s movements, Amibuddha didn’t care at all!

Killing Sanqing is not an easy task for Amitabha Buddha.

So now rather than killing Sanqing, Amitabha Buddha was more concerned about Luonan’s trouble!

Therefore, the palm of Amitabha Buddha also shone with golden light again, pressing towards Luonan! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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