“How can it be so powerful! What the hell are you! ”

Suriya’s stunned voice instantly resounded throughout the pitch-black space.

Suriya’s shock was not without reason, after all, the guy in front of him at this moment was really more powerful than expected.

Logically, unless the saint used the power of heaven and earth, it was absolutely impossible for him to severely damage himself as a sub-saint level with a single blow.

But Surye knew very well that the guy in front of him was definitely not a saint, and even looking at the breath on his body, he was not even a saint!

The result of a guy who was not even a saint of Ya Sheng, actually hit himself hard, and this result was simply unacceptable to Suriyah.

But when Suriya was shocked, the movements of Ronan’s men did not pause for a moment, and one finger followed by another finger!

Suriya saw where he dared to sit still, and at the moment a golden mirror with a monochromatic pattern erupted from his mouth.

The golden mirror immediately levitated in front of Suriya’s body, and then released the golden rays of the Dao, completely enveloping Suriya’s body.

The next moment, Ronan’s second finger finally met the golden light in front of Suriyah.


With a loud noise, as if a red-hot soldering iron had gone deep into the water, the golden light immediately boiled up, and in an instant, it could no longer maintain its original shape, and it was directly plunged into collapse.

As the golden light dissipated, Suriya’s figure trembled involuntarily, while Ronan drove straight in, and his figure flashed directly to Suriyah’s body.

His hands clenched in the shape of claws, and there was a flicker of cold light on them, and he grabbed them directly at Suriyah.

Looking at the attack that Ronan followed, Suriyah’s face also flashed a trace of consternation, feeling a little fear for Ronan’s super combat strength.

The next second, Suriyah’s body trembled, instantly turning into a round sun, and shot towards Lonan.

Suriyah’s non-retreat and counterattack made Ronan’s eyes flash a hint of shock, but Ronan did not panic a little, and his hands shrouded in black light directly smashed into Suriyah.


When darkness and light met, a roaring sound suddenly sounded, followed by black and white ripples, spreading in all directions like waves of water.

Almost in the blink of an eye, cracks appeared in the blazing sun of Suriyah’s incarnation.

Beneath the pitch-black crack, there were fiery red lava-like lines, which looked like cracked flesh from a distance, and were extremely cruel.

And a terrible scream also came from Suriyah’s mouth and penetrated the entire dark space.

At the same time as the terrible scream sounded, Suri’s body directly collapsed, and pieces of flesh and blood turned into scorched black and fell off from the body, but before they fell to the ground, they had already turned into fly ash in mid-air and ceased to exist.

Although the various great periods of cultivation are different, in the end, they are still the same way, just because everyone is under the same path.

After entering the quasi-holy realm, the Yuanshen soul of any cultivator will merge with the physical body, so that the physical body will become a divine body, and only then can it step into the quasi-sacred realm.

As for the Yasheng Realm, the fusion is more thorough, so the damage to the divine body is equivalent to hurting the Soul Yuanshen at the same time, which is an extremely serious trauma for the Yasheng.

This trauma is even irreparable.

And now the festering of Suriya’s body was that the divine body was no longer able to resist the damage caused by Fang Mu.

If this continues, it won’t be long before Suriya falls directly.

Realizing the terrible outcome of this possible event, a thick fear also flashed between Suriyah’s looks.

The next second, a roar suddenly sounded from Suriyah’s mouth, and then, like Wei Datian, he tried to use the self-explosion to create a chance for his relics to escape.

However, this way of escape, Ronan has already seen it once, where will Suriya succeed again?

So when a roar occurred in Suriyah’s mouth and his body began to bulge, Lonan’s finger was directly pointed out.

One finger to the prison world!

Ronan’s finger did not contain much power, but it was enough to suppress Suriya’s body along with the surrounding time and space, forcing Suriya to exert any ability at all.

And in the instant that Suriya’s body had paused, a dark spear had already condensed in the palm of Ronan’s other palm.

This dark spear, which exudes a dark atmosphere, is undoubtedly the biggest nemesis for Suriyah.

Although Suriyah’s body was suppressed and unable to move, his consciousness was already clear.

After feeling the breath attached to the spear of the god of the underworld, a look of despair could not help but appear in Suriyah’s eyes.

Suriyah’s heart suddenly understood that his invasion of the Pangu World this time had already put himself on a dead end!

And it was in Suriya’s mind that this idea appeared in Suriyah’s mind, and the dark spear of Hades also pierced Suriya’s body.

A large amount of Nether Qi flowed down the wound and frantically poured into Suriya’s body, devouring Suriyah’s life.

After only a few moments, Suriyah’s body directly withered, and the breath of life gradually dissipated.

A generation of saints, fall again!

“Ding, kill the sun god Suriyah, gain experience has been written …”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase, the current level is 1v345!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase, the current level is 1v346!”

At the moment when Suriyah’s breath disappeared, a voice sounded in Ronan’s ear, which was the system’s prompt.

Suriya could not be regarded as a powerful Yasheng, and Emperor Shi Tian Wei Tian and others could not be guessed.

Although the experience that can be provided to Ronan after killing is also quite limited.

However, even this limited experience still raised Lonan’s level by two levels, and it was only four levels away from the dreaming sub-saint realm!

In addition to this Suriyah, at this moment, in this Immortal Sword Array, there were three other sub-saints waiting for Luonan.

As long as these three sub-saints were killed one by one, Luo Nan would definitely be able to directly break through to the sub-saint realm.

When the strength rises sharply, you can also go to find trouble with the Amitabha Buddha! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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