“Bastard, you said you wouldn’t kill me!”

The inability of his body to move made Wei Datian stunned and he couldn’t help but scream and drink.

However, Fang Mu’s response was unusually cold: “I only said that you didn’t say I killed you, but I didn’t say that you said I wouldn’t kill you!” ”

As the words fell, Fang Mu’s flickering cold fingers directly pointed at the relics where Wei Daotian’s soul was staying.


Just listening to a soft sound, the relics stored in Wei Datian’s soul directly shattered into fly ash and dissipated between heaven and earth.

And along with it, there was naturally Wei Daotian’s soul!

A generation of Yasheng once again fell into the hands of Ronan!

“Ding, kill Wei Datian, gain experience has been written …”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v341!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v342!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v343!”

The defeat of Wei Datian provided Luonan with a lot of experience, and also made Luonan’s level directly increase to 1v343!

You know, as long as the level is raised to 1v350, Luo Nan can leap from the current quasi-saint realm to the sub-saint realm.

Nowadays, Luo Nan is only a quasi-saint realm, and he can have a combat power that is almost equivalent to the level of a saint.

If he possessed the realm of the A-Saints, his combat strength would inevitably skyrocket again.

At that time, it may not be impossible to compete with the Amitabha Buddha of the half-step creation saint realm!

Thinking of this, Ronan took a deep breath, and then looked back at the center of the world, which was the direction where the heavenly court was located.

At this moment, at the heart of the ancient world, the great battle of the four saints had reached a white-hot stage!

“It’s time to come and have a look!”

After sighing in his mouth, Luo Nan took a step, and then his entire body disappeared directly into the void.


Inside the Heavenly Court, get rid of Wei Dao Tiantang. The entangled Flint Clan has come here.

At this moment, even if there was a sword array shrouded in the Immortal Sword, the battle of the four saints had already left the central area of the Pangu World in a thousand holes, and the gods from all walks of life around them were hundreds of thousands of miles away at this moment, and they did not dare to get close at all, for fear of being swept away by the aftermath, it would really be certain to die!

Originally, all the Yasheng Junsheng on both sides were doing one-on-one confrontations, and no one had the slightest advantage.

The Three Realms Gods outside this Immortal Sword Array were even more deadlocked, very glued.

However, the appearance of the Furyū clan has undoubtedly broken the peace.

Whether it was from the Great Brahma World or from the Heavenly Imperial Middle World, it could not be an opponent of a sub-saint.

Even if they joined hands, they would be vulnerable in front of the Fu Clan.

After a short moment, the alien gods outside this Immortal Sword Array had already been swept away by the Flintlock Clan.

After the extinction of these extraterritorial gods, the Fulins could only stop outside the Immortal Sword Array.

Once activated, this Immortal Sword Array will automatically attack any intruder, even the Flintlock Clan will not be spared.

And the four emperors such as the Ziwei Emperor were able to be in the Immortal Sword Array because the four of them were selected to become the four eyes of this Immortal Sword Array, which would have such an effect.

Moreover, even if the four of them were in such a whirlpool, they only dared to hide in the dark space constructed by that sword array, and if they rushed to show their heads, they would inevitably be seriously injured.

Therefore, at this moment, the Fu Ren Clan could only wait anxiously outside.

However, the wait of the Furyaki clan did not last long, and was broken by the arrival of a person.

And this person is none other than Lonan!

“Lonan, are you back?”

Seeing Luo Nan’s return, a hint of surprise flashed on Luo Nan’s face, and then he asked Luo Nan, “What happened to Wei Daotian?” ”

“I’ve already killed you!”

Luo Nan’s voice was indifferent, but the Fu Ren Clan couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, and his heart was even more amazed.

Tang Tang Yasheng all said to kill and kill, this Luo Nan, is really too strong!

After secretly sighing in his heart, the Fu Ren Clan secretly said that his original vision was really good.

If it weren’t for the good relationship with Luonan in the first place, how could the Terrans get such a powerful existence?

At this moment, outside the Immortal Sword Array, all the enemies had been swept away by the Fu Ren Clan, so Luo Nan’s gaze also moved directly to the Immortal Sword Array.

When the Fu Ren Clan found Luo Nan’s gaze probing into the Immortal Sword Array, he couldn’t help but be shocked and asked Luo Nan, “You don’t want to kill into that Immortal Sword Array, do you?” ”


Luo Nan did not hide his thoughts, now in this Immortal Sword Array, there were still four sub-saints of hostile forces, if these four people were killed in this way, Luo Nan estimated that he would almost be able to touch the threshold of the sub-saint realm.

And in this Immortal Sword Array, what made Luo Nan look forward to it even more was naturally Amitabha Buddha himself!

Ronan’s greatest advantage is not the various magic arts, but the Nasaiah bloodline!

As long as you are killed by a powerful being, you can gain a huge amount of experience.

Luo Nan had a vague premonition in his heart that if he wanted to break through to the sub-saint realm, he must find a breakthrough from Amitabha!

However, after hearing Luo Nan’s words, the look between the eyes of the Fu Ren Clan was suddenly tight, and it was obvious that there was some concern.

After all, now in that Immortal Sword Array, but with a whole four saints fighting a great battle, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a situation of nine deaths!

However, just as the Fu Ren Clan was preparing to dissuade Luo Nan, Luo Nan’s voice suddenly sounded: “Emperor Fu doesn’t need to say more, you don’t know my skills, this Immortal Sword Array and those four saints can’t kill me.” Moreover, I had a vague feeling that the opportunity to break through the sub-saint realm was in this Immortal Sword Array! ”

As soon as Fang Mu said this, a cloud of essence suddenly burst out from the eyes of the Fu Ren Clan.

The opportunity to break through Yasheng!

What Luo Nan’s breakthrough through the Sub-Saint Realm represented, the Flintlock Clan was naturally quite clear.

As soon as these words were uttered, the Fu Ren Clan naturally could no longer stop Luo Nan, so he could only say to Luo Nan, “Then you must be careful!” ”


Luo Nan nodded in response, and then without hesitation, he took one step and directly rushed into the Immortal Sword Array! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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