When he encountered the oncoming black spear, the golden body of the Jizo King Bodhisattva suddenly collapsed.

The unbroken golden body, which had been proud of the bodhisattva of Jizo King in the past, was directly shattered at this moment as if it were shaped by earth and stone.

The bodhisattva of the former Jizo King, in front of this sudden black spear, has become a mud bodhisattva in the true sense!

This scene directly made Wei Datian and the Fu Ren Clan on the side widen their eyes.

I don’t know what exactly existed, but the blow it sent out could directly penetrate the body of a Jizo King Bodhisattva.

Moreover, you must know that among the Buddhas, Yasheng’s defensive ability is very amazing.

Whether it is the ancient Buddha of the lamp or the Buddha of Rulai, the life-saving kung fu is first-class.

And even under such circumstances, the body of the Jizo King Bodhisattva was still directly pierced, which showed how terrifying and terrifying the power of this spear was!

And just after the body of the Jizo King Bodhisattva was pierced, a large amount of Nether Qi poured into the body of the Jizo King Bodhisattva from the black spear.

Feeling the influx of this nether aura, the Jizo King Bodhisattva was stunned, and then a strange color flashed on his face.

He had been cultivating in the eighteenth layer of hell for thousands of years, and he was already very familiar with the Nether Qi.

It can even be said that even if you look at the entire Pangu World, there are few people who are more skilled in mastering the Nether Qi than the Bodhisattva of the Tibetan King.

“If this hidden person attacks me in other ways, I may really suffer, but if I use the Nether Breath, trying to hurt me is like a dream!”

The Bodhisattva murmured in his heart, and then activated the elemental force in his body to resist the netherworld breath that invaded his body.

In Jizo King Bodhisattva, with his mastery of the Nether Breath, it must be extremely easy to expel the Nether Breath that has invaded his body.

However, after trying for a while, the Jizo King Bodhisattva was shocked to find that the nether qi that had invaded his body could not be taken out at all, as if it were a trick of the tarsal bone.

As a result, the face of the Bodhisattva King of Jizo suddenly changed dramatically!

Immediately afterward, he could clearly feel that the essence in his body was being swallowed up by the nether force that poured into his body, as if swallowed by a whale.

And his originally robust body also weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This kind of result made the Jizo King Bodhisattva unable to accept it at all!

“Help me!”

The Bodhisattva King of Jizo was terrified and shouted at Wei Daotian.

When Wei Datian saw the appearance of the Bodhisattva of the Jizo King, he naturally knew that Jizo must have encountered a huge crisis, and he also wanted to come to the side of the Jizo King Bodhisattva at the moment to assist the Bodhisattva.

However, just as Wei Datian’s body was moving, a figure suddenly turned, and then a flash of fire wrapped Wei Datian around it, leaving Wei Datian without a land at all!

It was the Fujin Clan, who had been defeated and retreated before, who finally found an opportunity to take a shot!

Although it is not clear to me that this sudden appearance of the sharp black spear is the hand of whom.

But the Fu Ren Clan knew one thing, since the other party saved himself, it must be a friend rather than an enemy!

Since this was the case, he naturally wanted to help this friendly army to stop Wei Datian, so that Wei Datian would not be able to support the Bodhisattva of Jizo.

If this sudden and unknown friendly army can really kill the Bodhisattva of Jizo, then they will be able to win this battle easily!

On this side, Wei Daotian had already been stopped by the Fu Ren Clan!

On the other side, the Bodhisattva King of Jizo was already in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Not only could the terrifying Nether Force not only fail to take it out, but even with an even more ferocious attack, it constantly invaded his body!

It can be said that if no one can help him, his life will not exist for long, and it will be completely swallowed up by this nether force!

Thinking of this, the Jizo King Bodhisattva no longer had the slightest fighting spirit in his heart, and immediately wanted to run away.

The Bodhisattva King of Jizo knew very well in his heart that now he should not say that Wei Datian was already entangled in the Fu Ren Clan.

Even Wei Datian could get away from the correction of the Fu Ren clan. Coming out of the entanglement and coming to the rescue may not be able to help yourself.

The strength of this nether power was simply not something that the sub-saint level could exorcize.

He can’t do it, and neither can Wei Daotian!

At present, the only way for the bodhisattva to live is to go to a saint as soon as possible and ask him to help him.

Looking at the entire Pangu world now, Sanqing is at war with Amitabha Buddha, and the remaining saints are only Nuwa Niangniang and Bodhi Laozu.

It was a pity that since she was first canonized, Lady Nuwa had never participated in any battles in the Pangu World, and even sealed the dojo so that no one could see it, and the Bodhisattva King of Jizo could not expect it at all.

“Now, I must go to find Bodhi Grandmaster as soon as possible, hoping that the Grandmaster can read on the incense of that year and save my life!”

The Bodhisattva of the Jizo King murmured in his heart, and the movement under his feet was even faster, rushing towards the Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain on the edge of West Niuhe Zhou.

However, just after Jizo King Bodhisattva rushed out less than a thousand miles away, an arm suddenly stretched out from the void. Out of it, a finger pointed in front of the Xiong of the Jizo King Bodhisattva.

This arm appeared extremely abruptly, without any warning at all.

At the same time that the Jizo King Bodhisattva found this arm, the finger was already in front of his own xiong.

The next second, the Jizo King Bodhisattva only felt his body slam into a thud, and the Yuan Force and others in his body seemed to be trapped in a stagnation between the two of them, unable to mobilize a single bit.

Immediately afterward, he could feel the sky as if it had turned into a huge millstone, crushing his body.

And his own sub-saint-level flesh, facing this crushing without the slightest ability to resist, only a few moments later, it was covered with fine cracks.

The gaze of fear spread rapidly through the eyes of the Bodhisattva King of Jizo.

Until after two breaths, the body of the Jizo King Bodhisattva and his soul directly shattered!

A generation of sub-saints, this is the fall! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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