After thinking about this, Emperor Shitian did not have the idea of breaking open the dark space, but instead waved the vajra pestle in his hand, scattering the Dao Dao golden light, trying to repair the dark space, trying to restore his dark space to its original state.

Seeing Emperor Shi Tian like this, there was no fluctuation on the face of the Ziwei Emperor, and after the zui corner flashed a hint of laughter, he also began to mend the entire dark space.

His task was only to stop Emperor Shi Tian, otherwise Emperor Shi Tian would be mixed into the battle between the saints.

Now that Emperor Shi Tian was willing to stay in this dark space with himself, Emperor Ziwei naturally did not have any opinion.

Soon, the damaged dark space was restored to its original state in the repair of the two men.

And the next second, Emperor Shi Tian and Emperor Ziwei collided with each other again and began to bombard each other!

However, this time, both of them had a tacit understanding to control the power of the body, so that this power would not leak out, so as to affect the dark space around them.

Suddenly, the muffled sound continued one after another, and both Emperor Shi Tian and Emperor Ziwei began to suffer injuries in the midst of one bombardment after another.

At the same time that these two people were fighting, the other three members of the Four Emperors of the Taoist Family also found their respective opponents and began to fight.

Suddenly, within the entire Immortal Sword Array, there were already four saints and eight sub-saints fighting each other.

Logically, once this level of power is released, it is likely to directly shatter the entire world and fall into the endless chaotic void together.

However, now, under the shroud of the Immortal Sword Array, such a powerful power only made the Immortal Sword Array faintly tremble. Shivering, there was no sign of shattering at all.

Moreover, from within the Immortal Sword Array, from time to time, the terrifying sword qi of the Dao Dao was also scattered, which was enough to make the alien gods who were stopping outside inhale cool air, and without the quasi-saint level, they did not dare to get close to it at all!

And even the true quasi-saint level might not dare to go deep into this Immortal Sword Array.

After all, the internal sword qi was much more terrifying than the outside.

When you really go deep into it, it can be said that even if you are a quasi-saint, you will undoubtedly die, and there is no way to live!


When the Battle of the Heavenly Court was going on, in the remote place on the north side of the Heavenly Garden, the two figures were facing each other above the sky.

On the one hand, it was a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a straw coat.

On one side, there is a short old man with a face like dry wood and a slight rickety.

These two people were none other than Wei Daotian and the Fu Ren Clan, who had been fighting for a long time.

The stalemate between the Fu Ren Clan and Wei Datian’s men in the great battle left both of them with varying degrees of injuries.

“I heard earlier that the sub-strength of the Pangu World Terran race is extraordinary, and now I try it, it is really not ordinary!”

Wei Daotian’s hoarse voice came out, and a pair of rats stared closely at the Furen Clan at the place, in which the fierce light flickered, but the deepest part of his gaze hid a trace of jealousy that was difficult to hide.

On the cultivation realm, although it was the same sub-saint level, Wei Daotian was a little stronger than the Lingren Clan.

However, the cultivators did not allow Wei Daotian to take advantage of the professors of the He Fu Ren Clan.

Although the cultivation realm of the Fu Ren Clan was slightly inferior to Wei Daotian, its true combat effectiveness was not weak in the slightest, and it only belonged to the Fu Ren Clan’s unique non-extinguishing fire, which brought great trouble to Wei Daotian.

This kind of trouble, even if Wei Daotian cultivated to occupy an advantage, he could only fight with the Fu Ren Clan, and it was difficult to give up!

At this moment, in the face of Wei Daotian’s words, there was no expression on the face of the Fu Ren Clan, and only four characters were spat out of his mouth: “You are not bad!” ”


In the face of such an evaluation by his opponent, Wei Daotian let out an ugly laugh in his mouth.

However, the next second, Wei Daotian’s face became solemn: “Fu Ren Clan, I admit that you have good strength, with a lower cultivation realm than me, but you can fight with me without any difference, it is really not easy!” ”

“Unfortunately, that’s the end of it!”

“Really? Then try again! ”

For what Wei Datian said, the Fu Ren Clan did not care, after all, with Wei Datian’s combat strength, it was not an overnight thing for the two to want to divide the victory or defeat.

Moreover, Ya Sheng’s absorption of the surrounding Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi was extremely fast, and he could replenish the loss of the battle in the blink of an eye, so if he wanted to, the two could even fight endlessly for hundreds of thousands of years until the patience of either side was completely exhausted!

Now that Wei Daotian said that everything was over, the Fu Ren Clan didn’t care at all.

At least not by Wei Daotian alone!

However, in the next second, Wei Daotian spoke again in the stunned eyes of the Fu Ren Clan, “When do you still have to see when you want to come out and work with me to solve this guy!” ”

As the words fell, the face of the Flintlock Clan changed drastically.

He never imagined that there was actually another person hiding around, and he didn’t even notice it!

And just as the Fu Ren Clan immediately spread its divine consciousness and searched carefully in the surrounding space, a light sigh suddenly sounded.

“Hey, I didn’t expect that there would still be a day when soldiers would meet each other after all, so people…”

With this soft sigh, a figure sitting cross-legged appeared in mid-air.

The figure was thin, his skin slightly darker, his face tinged with sorrow, and his worn-out robes were stained with black and half-black, as if he had crossed the Styx River.

“Jizo King?!!”

Seeing this figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, the face of the Fu Ren Clan also flashed a touch of bitterness.

The King of Jizo is a very famous figure in the entire Pangu world.

He once promised to become a Buddha in one day without a clear day, and sat in the eighteenth layer of hell for tens of millions of years, and then finally peeked through to the sub-saint level.

It can be said that in the whole of Buddhism, except for the two masters, that is, the status of the lamp can be compared with the Jizo King.

As for Narulai and Maitreya Buddha, they also had to bow their heads when they saw King Jizo.

The Fujin Clan had also had some friendship with the Jizo King, but he didn’t expect that when he saw him again, he was already an enemy on the opposite side.

“King Jizo, do you really want to destroy the foundation of my Pangu world?”

The Flintlock gritted his teeth and angrily pressed his current friend.

However, the Jizo King only clapped his hands together and sighed, “The Tao is different, and there is no conspiracy.” This is the path I chose, so why say more? “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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