“Were you involved in that incident?”

Hearing Sun Wukong’s inquiry, Bodhidharma’s face darkened slightly, and then he said slowly, “That incident was not my wish, but I was also involved.” ”


Sun Wukong then asked.

Grandmaster Bodhi was silent for a moment, “Because I owe a favor to the Introduction, I need to repay it, and after the repayment I have nothing to do with Jieyin…”

At this point, Bodhidharma’s voice paused slightly, and then he continued, “If this favor had not been returned in the first place, it would have brought great calamity to the Pangu world now.” It was at this point that I was involved in that matter. ”

“I have failed you in this matter!”

Bodhidharma sighed.

Sun Wukong heard the words and frowned for a moment before asking, “What kind of calamity are you talking about?” ”

“The cultivation of the introduction has already been one step ahead of us, touching the threshold of the creation saint, a person can be an enemy of the Sanqing, and now he has come to invade with the gods of the outer realm, if I am mixed into it, the Sanqing will die.”

“And Sanqing itself is the embodiment of Pangu’s qi, if the three of them die, Pangu’s mark left in this world will be one point less!”

Hearing this unheard of news, Sun Wukong’s expression also flashed a trace of confusion, and he couldn’t believe what he heard.

He never imagined that his original trip to the west would actually involve such a thing.

Even Sanqing is in danger of falling!

“But isn’t there another Hongjun Daozu above those three Qing’s heads, and those three guys are going to be killed, and Hongjun Daozu doesn’t care?” Sun Wukong asked.

Bodhidharma’s eyes closed slightly, and he moved but wanted to stop talking, obviously knowing the reason, but it was difficult to speak.

It was as if above the firmament there was a pair of eyes watching him.

After a long time, Bodhidharma could only sigh, “I can’t say it, you need to realize it yourself.” ”

Sun Wukong nodded his head, and he was not entangled in this matter, but finally got up from the ground.

“The reason why I came here was to ask the truth from the master’s mouth, and now that I have asked it, I have to tell the master some words.”

Sun Wukong flashed a hint of intolerance between his looks, but finally he firmly said: “There is no great righteousness in the heart of Old Sun, although the master had unavoidable hardships at the beginning, but just as the kindness you owe to Amitabha Buddha has been repaid, according to the kindness owed to you, it is also finished!” ”

“I’m here today just to call out the last Master.”


After the words fell, the figure of Sun Wukong disappeared directly into the main hall, leaving only Bodhi Laozu sitting on the futon alone, sighing leisurely.


Outside the Heavenly Garden, in the long-term low-level combat power struggle, the Heavenly Garden’s combat strength was greatly damaged, and the defensive circle was gradually reduced, and finally it was forced to a corner of the Heavenly Garden.

However, in this corner, no one can go deep into it.

Only because this corner was shrouded in a large array, and the four immortal swords hanging from the big array were exactly the first great array of the famous Zhenpan Ancient World, the Immortal Sword Array!

At this moment, outside the Immortal Sword Array, many gods led by the Burning Lantern Daoist were located here, looking at the sword array in front of them and did not dare to go deep into it.

“Ah, light the lamp, when will Amitabha Buddha come, we have been waiting here for a long time!”

Emperor Shitian glanced obliquely at the lamp and said.

The rest of the saints also looked at the burning lamp at the same time.

In the face of the eyes of many sub-saints, the lantern frowned without a trace: “You are so advanced in cultivation, but you don’t even have this bit of cultivation and cultivation skills?” ”

The sound of the burning lamp fell, and many sub-saints were delayed at the same time.

But before they could say a word, a Buddha’s light suddenly illuminated the four directions!

Immediately afterward, the huge Amitabha Buddha appeared in the field of everyone’s vision…

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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