“Yuanshi, Lao Jun, I heard that you two old guys are going to die generously, so I’m here to take a look!”

Just when Yuan Shi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun both stood up at the same time and prepared to go to the battle, a magnificent voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterward, a middle-aged man in a dark robe quickly approached in the vision of the two and quickly came to the front of the two.


When the Taishang Laojun, who was the leader, saw the comer, a look of consternation flashed on his face, obviously he did not expect the Tongtian Sect Master to appear here, and his expression was quite surprised.

The Yuan Shi Tianzun beside him frowned, “Don’t you want to come down the well and join hands with the usher to send me two people to death?” ”

“Oh, you puppet, don’t make me as dirty as you think!”

Tongtian coldly glanced at Yuan Shi Tianzun and scolded very unceremoniously.

In the battle of the gods, he was killed by several saints working together, and finally intercepted the teachings and destroyed it, and even his own luck was greatly affected.

Therefore, the relationship between Tongtian and many saints is not too good.

Among them, the worst relationship is undoubtedly the Yuan Shi Tianzun!

Because in the original battle of the gods, Yuan Shi Tianzun was not only the main force that harmed the Tongtian Sect Lord, but also the biggest beneficiary.

Therefore, Tongtian was most dissatisfied with Yuan Shi Tianzun in his heart.

And this sentence of the Primal Heavenly Zun at this moment made the anger in Tongtian’s heart rise, if it were not for the presence of Taishang Laojun, he would have wanted to slap it.

Being scolded by Tongtian like this, Yuan Shi Tianzun also flashed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

After all, at the beginning, it was indeed he who was sorry for Tongtian, obviously he was a close brother of the master, he did not say anything to others, but he alone harmed Tongtian, which was indeed not very authentic.

Although the interception of the teachings was destroyed, it would not cause any substantial damage to Tongtian, nor would it have any impact on Tongtian’s holy position.

However, the qi fortune of Tongtian is tied to the interception of the teachings.

When the Sect of Interception was first destroyed, the qi fortune of the heavens was also greatly affected.

The damage to the Qi Yun directly led to Tongtian making any further progress on the path of cultivation.

But then again, after reaching the level of a saint, even if the luck is not damaged, there may not be progress.

Taishang Laojun and Nuwa one established a man, the world, one created a human race, all of them are great merits!

And the Terrans are now the protagonists of heaven and earth, Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Niang, which can be said to be incomparable in the Pangu World, but the two have not been in the past ten million years.

Most of the teachings under the Yuanshi Tianzun Sect entered the Heavenly Garden, and the luck was also quite exuberant, but tens of millions of years ago, what the Yuanshi Tianzun had cultivated, and now it is still what cultivation.

To put it simply, luck is abundant, but it only gives the saint the opportunity to continue to rise.

However, it is extremely difficult to continue to move upwards, and in any case, in the entire Pangu world, only the person who receives the Tao, that is, Amitabha Buddha, can still cultivate and improve in the process of sanctification!

Seeing the two disciples of Tongtian and Yuan Shi Tianzun, as soon as they met, they were-for-tat, and Taishang Laojun also sighed helplessly.

However, at present, he is also one of them, so there is some embarrassment on his face at the moment.

“Brother and Master, what are you here for?”

Although Taishang Laojun was not as blunt as Yuan Shi Tianzun, he was actually afraid in his heart, in case Tong Tianzhen came to fall into the well, then the two of them had little hope of victory, and it would be even more slim.

But when Tongtian heard the words, he was coldly humming: “Taoists must not be deceived!” The ushers wanted to lure demons from outside the realm to invade my Pangu world, how could I let him do as he pleased? ”

The sound of Tongtian sounded, making Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun both stunned, and then an incredible essence flashed in their eyes!

“Brother and Master, are you going to help us?” Taishang Laojun was pleasantly surprised, and he never expected Tong Tianzhen to come back to help.

The Yuan Shi Tianzun on the side was also wide-eyed, in disbelief.

Tongtian heard the words and hummed coldly: “You two should not be sentimental, the reason why I came here is not to save you two, you two in my opinion, it is better to die clean!” The reason why I came here is that I can’t watch my own world and be touched by outsiders! ”

When Tongtian said this, Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun seemed to remember something, and at the same time they fell silent.

This Pangu World, the reason why it is called Pangu World, is because he is Pangu to open up!

Pangu, as a founding saint, died of exhaustion after opening up the world, which shows how much his world has paid.

However, the three people of Taishang Laojun, Primitive Heavenly Sect Lord, and Tongtian Sect Master were incarnated by the spirit of Pangu after the fall.

In a sense, the three of them are Pangu!

“Master and brother can be righteous and abandon small vendetta, and the master and brother admire!”

Taishang Laojun threw his hand at the Master of the Tongtian Sect, and a trace of remorse flashed on his face.

The Yuan Shi Tianzun on the side was even more dry in his mouth, and finally he could only sigh: “Tongtian… I’m ashamed of you…”

“What’s the use of saying all this now? The enemy is going to hit the door! ”

Tongtian didn’t care about the remorse of Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun, and said directly, “How are you two going to resist those powerful enemies?” ”

“The Initiator is already one step ahead of us, and now the combat strength is quite terrifying, and it is completely possible to drag the three of us to the Sub-Saint Realm together with our own strength!” At the Yasheng level, although there are five human sub-saints to help, we are still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. ”

When Taishang Laojun said this, he looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun on the side with a worried look, and then continued: “Moreover, this is still based on the premise that the quasi-Tidao people do not shoot, if the quasi-Tidao people do not shoot… We are bound to lose. ”

Hearing that this situation was far worse than he expected, Tongtian’s brow couldn’t help but frown tightly.

“What is the probability of Junti shooting?” Tongtian asked to Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun.

The two looked at each other, and finally Yuan Shi Tianzun spoke.

“Ten million years ago, not only did the introduction and Zhun Ti disagree, but Zun Ti left the Spirit Mountain in a fit of rage and opened the Three Star Cave of the Oblique Moon on the edge of West Niuhe Zhou, incarnating as the Bodhi Old Ancestor to educate the world.”

“Whether he will help the ushers as you did for us, no one can say for sure!” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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