In the face of Kong Xuan’s attack, Zhen Yuanzi’s face changed involuntarily, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Although Zhen Yuanzi is not weak, he is still far from Kong Xuanlai.

When Kong Xuan was still in the Spirit Mountain, he was already known as the first quasi-saint in the Three Realms, and was comparable to the Buddha of Rulai, and his strength was quite strong.

Now that he had obtained and fused half of the Fengzu Origin Essence Blood, and even more half of his feet had stepped into the Yasheng Level, how could Zhen Yuanzi resist it?

What’s more, the multicolored divine light behind Kong Xuan was even more powerful!

Brush everything up, no joke!

No matter from the perspective of divine power or his own cultivation, Zhen Yuanzi was not Kong Xuan’s opponent!

Now, Kong Xuan’s back is based on the five-colored divine light, turning into the essence of the extension. Out of the sharp claw to split Zhen Yuanzi, if Zhen Yuanzi is hit, he will definitely fall into a serious injury ending!

And more importantly, in the face of Kong Xuan’s current attack, Zhen Yuanzi simply could not dodge!

Because around him, he was already enveloped by the five-color divine light, and no matter which direction he tried to escape, he would eventually fall into the five-color divine light!

This status quo made Zhen Yuanzi’s brow frown involuntarily, and a touch of loss appeared on his face.

In the end, he still had no way to organize Kong Xuan’s offensive…

If he loses in Kong Xuan’s attack, then the final result is that this side of the defensive line is also conquered by the foreign language gods!

Once the Daoists were defeated, the gods of the outer realms occupied nearly half of the Pangu world, and what would happen to that result, Zhen Yuanzi did not dare to think.

And just when Zhen Motoko was desperate, the whole day. Suddenly, there was a shock.

Then Kong Xuan’s rapidly descending claws were directly hovered in the middle, as if they were mosquitoes imprisoned by amber!

This scene made Zhen Yuanzi and Kong Xuan all stunned!

“What’s going on?”

If Zhen Yuanzi was still just surprised, then Kong Xuan, who was fixed in shape at this moment, could be said to be afraid!

Half of his feet had already stepped into the sub-saint level, looking at the entire Pangu world, and cultivating to be higher than his hands could count them.

Among these limited numbers, there are only a few who can directly immobilize him and make him unable to move!

And these few people almost have the ability to kill him with their backhands!

“It is impossible, the Daoist saints and those few Terran sub-saints should have been surrounded by Amitabha Buddha with extra-territorial gods, absolutely impossible to appear here!”

Kong Xuan panicked in his heart, he had great ambitions, he wanted to use the essence of Fengzu Origin to break through the limitations of the quasi-saint in one fell swoop, become a true sub-saint, and even become a saint who overlooked all beings from above!

Therefore, Kong Xuan cherished his name very much, and in order to achieve his goal, he did not hesitate to be sent in Buddhism for tens of millions of years, and if he died now, all his previous efforts would be in vain!

Therefore, at this moment, the five-colored divine light behind Kong Xuan was also the right to urge it, breaking the fixation effect around him.

After the fixation effect ended, Kong Xuan’s figure directly flashed and headed for the distance.

Instead of looking for trouble for Zhen Motoko, he chose to escape!

Although it was still unclear who had previously fixed himself, Kong Xuan clearly understood one thing, and if he did not flee, he would undoubtedly die!

Unfortunately, for Kong Xuan, even if he chose to escape as quickly as possible, he still couldn’t change his fate!

Because not long after the start, a thin figure was already in front of Kong Xuan’s escape path!

Looking at Fang Mu who appeared in front of him, Kong Xuan’s pupils contracted violently, and the shocked color on his face flashed away, and he couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s actually you!” “_

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