After hearing that Amitabha’s cultivation power had reached such a terrifying level, the Fujin Clan and the Xuanyuan Clan immediately decided to relocate their Terran races!

In the beginning, the reason why the five Terran saints entered the Olympus world to help Gaia and Tartaros win the unusual battle was to win a holy position.

The difference between a race with and without a throne is considerable.

For example, today, Amitabha’s cultivation has reached another level above ordinary saints, and is only one step away from creating saints.

After leaving the Pangu World, the cultivation combat power is at the level of saints, if it is in the Pangu World, I am afraid it will be even more terrifying, it is very likely that even if the Terran race defects to the Taoists, the Daoist Sanqing, who has already centrifuged the force, may not be able to stop Amitabha!

So at this time, the only way to move the Terrans to the Olympus world is to move first.

The Flintstones now possess the Holy Seat of the Olympus World, and as soon as they enter the Olympus World, they are truly saints!

At that time, even if Amitabha Buddha dares to chase after the Olympus world, he will only be a saint to a saint, although he may not be able to win, but he will certainly be invincible.

Just do it, at the moment, the Flintstones are ready to take a group of Terrans to the Olympus World first.

The Xuanyuan Clan went to contact several other Terran sub-saints, and then migrated the living forces within the group together!

When the two sub-saints asked about Lonan’s plans, Ronan decided to return to the nine planes of the World Tree.

After all, even without Buddhism, the time left for everyone is only fifty years.

If he wanted to survive, Luo Nan would have to cultivate the Five Saints Breaking Technique in these fifty years, completely raise his life level to one level, and reach another realm beyond the saints.

And this saint does not refer to an ordinary saint, but to a creation saint who is still half a step away from Amitabha Buddha!

Once that level is reached, Lonan’s strength will also be unafraid of Amitabha!

After hearing Luo Nan’s decision, the Fu Ren Clan and the Xuanyuan Clan did not have any opinions, nodded at the same time, and then looked at Luo Nan with expectation: “Today’s dangerous situation, we can only rely on you!” ”

“Whether the Terrans can continue or not is up to you, Ronan!”

After nodding at the two sub-saints, Luo Nan did not stay long longer, and directly fled into the void and headed towards the nine planes of the World Tree.

At Ronan’s current speed, it didn’t take long to reach the spatial node leading to the nine planes of the World Tree, and then passed!


The great battle between Jotunheim, the Asa Gods and the Frost Giants has been going on for half a month.

Half a month ago, reinforcements from both sides were also entangled with the saints of both sides. No one can completely bite the other side down.

But in the midst of this stalemate, Luo’s figure suddenly descended into the space.

Although Odin Sol and the others were engaged in fierce fighting, the divine mind also covered the surrounding space at any time.

When they found out that Ronan had returned first, Thor and Odin’s faces were filled with joy.

With the more Luonan, their combat strength is much ahead of the other side!

And more importantly, Luo Nan’s combat strength is far from the average Yasheng, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest Yasheng. 、

Normal Yasheng, in the face of the end of Lonan’s only being killed, the only difference is how much time it can last.

After Ronan appeared, he didn’t say much to Sol Odin, but directly stepped forward and came to the Frost Giant Ya Sheng’s body. 、

Immediately after, Ronan pointed out.

Above this finger, there was a powerful force from thousands of years ago, enough to shatter everything!

The Frost Giant Ya Sheng felt this breath, and a look of fear flashed on his face, wanting to avoid.

However, the huge body that he usually prides himself on has become the biggest flaw at this moment, and he can’t avoid it in the face of Luonan’s sharp formula!


A roar suddenly sounded above the battlefield, and then, the huge body of the Frost Giant Ya Sheng flew out directly backwards, like a huge cannonball, and then went out, and the huge impact force even shattered the space layer by layer!

Seeing this scene, whether it is Thor or Odin, they can’t help but take a breath of cool air.

Thor and the Frost Giant Yasheng fought for half a month, and did not gain half an advantage, naturally knowing the strength of the other side.

But it was this existence that was comparable to his own, and he was actually repelled by a finger, which made Thor smirk darkly.

Fortunately, he was not an enemy of Luonan, otherwise none of the saints would have survived.

After one finger repelled the Frost Giant Yasheng, Luo Nan did not miss the opportunity to beat the falling water dog, and the manic attack fell on the Frost Giant Yasheng like a fierce storm.

Suddenly, the skyline roared continuously.

And that Frost Giant Ya Sheng, in the midst of Ronan’s fierce attack, was gradually defeated, and the injuries on his body were getting worse and worse!

“The Spear of Hades!”

After just half a pillar of incense, the black spear containing the power of chaos in Luo Nan’s hand directly penetrated the Xiong cavity and head of the Frost Giant Ya Sheng.

“Ding, kill the Frost Giant Ya Sheng, is evaluating the experience gained…”

“Ding, get experience has been written!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v311!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v312!”


“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v316!”

Killing a Frost Giant Yasheng directly increased Lonan’s level by six levels.

This level increase also made Ronan very satisfied.

However, after killing this Frost Giant Yasheng, Ronan’s action had no intention of stopping, and his eyes shifted directly to the Heavenly Giant who was fighting with Odin in the distance!

This incomparably huge Heavenly Giant was none other than Mimir, the ancestor of the Frost Giant.

However, today’s Mimir is just a remnant of the body, and the real Mimir has long disappeared in the long river of history!

“Since it is already gone, let it pass away in peace!” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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