Asgard, before the Golden Palace!

At this moment, a large number of gods wearing gold armor are gathered here in pairs!

Directly above, Thor, wielding the hammer of the god of thunder in his hand, he marched towards the gods of the Asa god clan below, and carried out a general mobilization in front of him.

Finally, with Thor’s order, a large number of Asa gods rushed out of the Golden Palace like a torrent, crossed the plane through the rainbow bridge, and headed for Jotunheim, where the Frost Giant was located!

“It’s time for us to go.”

Looking at the many divine armies charging forward, Thor said to Lonan on the side.

Ronan nodded, Odin had already taken a step ahead, and as a saint, he could use the power of heaven and earth, and it was only a thought to want to reach anywhere.


Jotunheim, covered in a field of ice and snow.

When Ronan first came to the Nine Planes of the World Tree, he had come to Jotunheim, where he met Houyi, killed a quasi-saint, and captured the Divine Arrow to help Houyi ascend to the quasi-saint realm.

Now that he is back in the old place, the strength of Lonan himself is not the same as before!

If nothing else, when he was in Jotunheim, Ronan’s cultivation was nothing more than the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm.

Now, his cultivation had reached the quasi-holy level.

Under the blessing of Super Race Three and the Battle Saint Law, its own combat strength was no weaker than that of the Sub-Saint Level.

Even the slightly weaker Yasheng would be beaten to the ground by Ronan!

At this moment, in the center of Jotunheim, a large number of magnificent frost giants had gathered here in piles.

At a glance, the number is not more than tens of millions, it is simply terrifying!

And these nearly ten million Frost Giants, at this moment, the breath mixed together, gathered into an incredibly large Frost Giant shadow, standing between heaven and earth.

The immense size of Jotunheim even has a tendency to be broken by this shadow.

Even though they were not close to each other, when Ronan and the others descended on Jotunheim, they saw the terrible giant standing in the distance.

When Thor and Odin saw this, their brows were all wrinkled, and those originally mighty Asa gods below, after seeing the appearance of this giant’s shadow, also seemed to recall some painful memory, and their hearts trembled at the moment. Shivering, all of them have a sense of fear!

The spread of this fear swept through the entire unit in an instant, causing the charge of the battle front to slow down involuntarily.

After discovering this, Odin’s hands shook and he let out a loud cry in his mouth: “Roar!!!” ”

A stream of golden light, accompanied by Odin’s roar, spread out from Odin’s hand in a ring.

If you stand below and look up, you will surely arrive at this moment, the sky has been filled with countless golden rings.

However, after the golden ring swept through the body of the Asa God Clan below, it did not cause any damage to the body of the Asa God Clan, but instead stimulated the blood and killing intent in the hearts of the Asa God Clan!


“Kill all those hateful long-haired giants!”

“The Asa gods are fearless!”

A loud cry sounded in the middle of the battle, and the original fear disappeared in an instant!

After doing all this, Odin said to Thor, “The Yumir projection is handed over to me to deal with, and Bestra is handed over to you!” ”


Thor heard this and immediately rushed forward with many of the warriors of the Asa Divine Clan, rushing towards the location of the Frost Giant.

Lornan, on the side, was also quite surprised after hearing Odin’s words.

The Frost Giant Yumir, whose name Lonan has also heard of, can be said to be a very famous god among the nine planes of the World Tree!

He was the first frost giant born in the chaos at the beginning of the formation of heaven and earth, and his birth time far exceeded that of the ancestors of the Asa God Clan, not to mention Sol Odin and others.

Moreover, the nine planes of the World Tree today were themselves created from Yumir’s body!

In other words, the vast majority of the gods in the nine planes of the World Tree are actually superior to Yumir’s body.

“It turned out that the shadow was a projection of Yumir, no wonder it was so huge. But fortunately, Yumir has fallen for an unknown number of years, otherwise if he were really here, I am afraid that no one would be able to cope with it! ”

Ronan looked into the distance and murmured.

After that, Odin’s voice sounded again: “Little friend of Luonan, you should just be on the sidelines, mainly beware of the help of the Frost Giants, I am afraid that they have also invited foreign help!” ”


After Ronan arched his hand at Odin, his figure flashed, and he also instantly fled into the void, disappeared in the same place, and rushed into the battlefield!

The two sides have already accumulated hatred for countless years, so after meeting, there is no need to say more, and they directly fight.

A large number of divine power collisions made the whole of Jotunheim tremble faintly, and the rumbling sound was incessant.

And above the sky, the battle between Odin and Yumir’s shadow is even more terrifying!

Whether it is Odin or Yumir, every shot is bound to be accompanied by the extinction of space, and the sun, moon and stars turn into powder!

This level of combat can no longer even be described as a battle, but should be called destruction!

Destroying everything around them.

On the other side, Thor, who holds Thor’s hammer, will be slightly inferior in battle with the frost giant Aj. St. Bestra.

However, the battle between the two sub-saints was also terrifying.

In the hidden void, Luo Nan watched all this coldly, on the one hand, he was guarding the possible reinforcements of the embankment, on the other hand, he was also looking for opportunities to fight for a hit.

Nayumir Ronan did not consider it for the time being, so the main goal was still to focus on Bestra’s body.

However, before Ronan could find a chance to strike, the reinforcements on the Frost Giant’s side, hidden in the shadows, had already moved!

Only to see a quaint green lamp, suddenly coming from afar, as if across space, directly appeared in the battle front!

When he saw this green lamp, Luo Nan’s eyes also flashed a touch of surprise: “Burning the lamp ancient Buddha?!!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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