The three sub-saints of the Fuxi, Xuanyuan and Shennong clans returned to the Pangu World with the strong men of the human race.

The Flintstones retreated in the Olympus world, preparing to storm the Holy Throne.

For a moment, Ronan was idle.

Of course, with Lonan’s nature, how could he live idle?

If nothing else, just the end of the Great Avenue Robbery after that fifty years, the Void Countercurrent destroyed everything, and it overwhelmed Luo Nan a little breathlessly.

If you can’t break through the Saint Realm before that, then not only will you not be able to protect the Pangu World, but even you will turn into fly ash in the Void Countercurrent and fall completely!

Although he has Saiyan blood, he can come back from the dead.

But Ronan also did not want to be in the constant cycle of death in the void countercurrent, which was something that did not make any sense at all.

Moreover, more importantly, Ronan knew that his Saiyan bloodline was originally given by the Dao.

Since it is a disaster, it will naturally leave a glimmer of life!

And all those who have been blessed by the Avenue and become the “players” in this robbery are the glimmers of life left by the Dao.

However, what the avenue left behind was only a vitality.

It is not an easy task to truly turn death into life.

And if it is still not done before the end of the Great Avenue, then the vitality given by the Avenue is likely to be reclaimed.

At that time, Lonan, who had lost the characteristics of Saia’s bloodline, was no different from ordinary gods.

Therefore, no matter what, Luo Nan could not sit idle, and he had to prepare for breaking through the realm of saints!

To practice the Five Sacred Immortals, one needs to attain the Noble Positions of the Five Worlds.

There is only one saint in the Heavenly Imperial World and the Nile God Realm, and this kind of world is almost impossible to conquer.

After all, in order to defeat the saints, it is necessary to have the help of the saints of the same world to completely isolate the power of heaven and earth and forcibly pull the saints off the throne.

For a world where there is only one saint, this method is obviously unreliable.

And after eliminating the Nile God Domain and the Heavenly Imperial World, there were only five worlds left in front of Lonan!

Olympus World, Pangu World, Great Brahma World, Heaven and the Nine Planes of the World Tree!

Today, although the throne of the Olympus world was handed over to the Flintstones first, in the end, if Ronan needed it, the Flintman Clan would definitely give it to it.

Therefore, among the five holy positions needed to cultivate the Five Sacred Birth Breaking Techniques, Luo Nan had now predetermined one.

As for the other four, another way will have to be found.

But Ronan also knew in his heart that the Holy Throne was now the most important thing for him.

After all, even if there is a holy position, you must first elevate yourself to the sub-holy realm before you are eligible to sit on it.

Otherwise, even if you get the holy seat, you can only look at the dry eyes.

Therefore, improving the combat strength as soon as possible has become the first goal of Luonan now!

“If you want to improve your cultivation realm, you need experience, and if you want to gain experience, you need to have war!”

Lornan knew this very well in his heart, so after Sol Odin’s invitation, he did not hesitate to leave the Olympus world and go directly to Asgard in the nine planes of the world tree!


At the heart of Asgard is a palatial palace, far more extravagant and domineering than the Temple of the Gods on Mount Olympus and the Celestial Treasury.

This palace is the golden palace where the Asa clan lives!

In the Golden Palace, Thor and Odin looked at Lonan who appeared in front of them, and the expression on their faces was somewhat unnatural.

Although Odin’s awakening is inseparable from Lonan’s help, Odin is also very grateful to Ronan.

But now that their great war with the Frost Giants was about to begin, the human race that had formed an offensive and defensive alliance with them had actually sent only one quasi-saint over, which was inevitably too perfunctory.

You know, they supported the Terrans before, but Odin himself was quite sincere.

So now, I am also quite dissatisfied with the status quo that only Lonan came.

The expressions of Odin and Thor were written on their faces, and Ronan naturally knew that the two people in front of him were dissatisfied with only their own appearance.

Of course, Odin and Thor’s idea, Ronan can also understand.

Therefore, at this moment, in the face of Odin’s and Thor’s dissatisfaction, Ronan did not try to explain it in words, but directly pointed at Thor!

This finger, the divine power surged, but it did not really rush to Thor.

Because, this is just an invitation!

When Thor and Odin saw this scene, there was a flash of surprise in their eyes, and they did not expect that Ronan would dare to invite the battle.

They didn’t know that Lonan had suppressed Osiris before, and in their eyes Lonan was just a quasi-saint.

The quasi-saints challenged the saints, which seemed impossible to them at all.

But the seriousness on Lonan’s face now made Thor and Odin feel a little unusual.

After the father and son looked at each other and nodded at each other, Thor got up from his seat and came to Ronan.

After a few moments of silence, the figures of the two men rioted at the same time.

With a wave of his palm, Luo Nan’s divine power like a flood of waves rushed towards Thor.

And Thor slapped his palms in the air, and suddenly lightning flashed and thundered, and a huge ball of lightning suddenly appeared.

After the ball lightning appeared, it instantly turned into a collapsing giant beast and collided with the torrent of divine power in the sky.


A loud noise resounded in the Golden Palace Hall, and the entire Golden Palace Hall trembled faintly because of the impact of this thunder beast and divine power. Shake it up.

Odin, who was sitting on the throne of the gods, saw this scene and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

I never imagined that Luonan, who was just a quasi-saint cultivator, could actually play an equal with Thor!

Although Thor did not use full strength, but the opposite of Lonan, it seems to be quite relaxed!

This scene made Odin a little difficult to accept.

After all, this situation of the quasi-saint playing Ya Sheng, in his long memory, had never appeared before! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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