After killing the two saints, Erebos and Eros, Tartaros and Gaia were no longer isolated from the power of heaven and earth, and the two who had re-ascended the throne soon returned to the saint realm.

At this moment, these two saints and the four sub-saints of the Terran race were all focused on Luo Nan’s body.

After all, in the end, this war can achieve such a big victory, and Ronan has great credit.

After all, when the four Asans of the Terran race sent Lonan to Asgard in the nine planes of the World Tree, the purpose was only to prevent the Asa God Clan from alliing with the guys in the Nile God Domain.

However, Ronan exceeded the task, not only did not let the Asa God Clan ally with the gods of the Nile God Domain, but even pulled the Asa God Clan to his own camp!

This time, if it were not for the timely arrival of Thor and Odin, Tartaros and others would not have dared to easily start the final battle without occupying an absolute superiority in combat strength.

It was precisely because of the appearance of Thor and Odin that this final battle came ahead of schedule, and it was because of their great victory that they achieved such a huge victory!

“Luonan, this time we can win, you must be a great achievement!”

Tartaros said to Lonan, shaking the scepter in his hand slightly, “For this reason, I can promise to help you with an all-out attack from now on, for no reason!” ”

Hearing this, Luo Nan’s heart also flashed a trace of joy.

Tartaros, even among the saints, is an extremely powerful being.

In exchange for such a powerful being’s chance to help, it was a huge benefit to both him and the Terrans!

Therefore, at the moment, Lonan also bowed his hand to Tartaros, as a thank you.

When the four Terran saints on the side heard this, they also nodded with great satisfaction, and they were happy that Ronan could get such a promise.

After all, in today’s chaotic world, one more friend is always more than one enemy.

After Tartaros finished speaking, the father and son of Odin and Saul, who had been around, also came to Lonan.

Odin was huge, standing in front of Ronan and looking up and down, and there were stars flickering and disillusionment in his wise eyes, as if all kinds of reincarnations were constantly happening.

“I heard Thor say that the reason why I was able to wake up so quickly is because of your credit, and I owe you a favor!”

“The God King is serious, it was just a show of hands, and besides, the heart of the Frost Giant is useless to me, worthless.”

Lonan shook his head.

But Odin waved his hand to stop it: “Although that thing is useless to others, it is an indispensable thing for me to wake up, and if you really want to say it, you saved my life!” ”

“Yes, since I woke up, I have searched for the Heart of the Frost Giant, but I have found nothing, and if you don’t take it out, Father does not know when he will wake up!”

Saul, who was next to him, also said.

Listening to the words of the two people in front of him, Luo Nan was not good enough to say anything more.

“If this is the case, why don’t we form an offensive and defensive alliance here and face the crisis in the future?”

Originally, this should not have been said by Luo Nan, after all, if we really wanted to talk about identity, among the Terran races, there should also be five Terran sub-saints as the masters.

But in this situation, both Tartalos and Odin admit that they owe Lonan a debt of gratitude, so Ronan is the best person to raise this point.

Today, Odin has come only to repay the favor, and the exchange of interests between the Terrans and Tartaros and Gaia is only the simplest exchange of interests, which is not an offensive and defensive alliance at all, but can only be said to be a very loose cooperative relationship.

But once an offensive and defensive alliance is formed, the meaning is completely different.

Advancing and retreating together is the most basic thing, and it is absolutely impossible to easily escape.

It can be said that once an oath is made under the avenue and an offensive and defensive alliance is formed, the most reliable allies can be gained.

Of course, at the same time, there will be more responsibility.

If you have difficulties, allies must help each other, then allies have difficulties, and you naturally must also help!

Therefore, when choosing allies, you must be very cautious.

At the same time as Ronan made this suggestion, Tartaros and Odin fell silent at the same time.

After glancing at Gai Yan on the side and exchanging his thoughts, Tartaros’s eyes flickered, and it was difficult to make a decision.

Not to mention Odin and Thor.

At this moment, the three forces are weighing the pros and cons in their hearts.

After a long time, the flash in Odin’s eyes finally stopped, and then he said directly: “I agree with Lonan’s proposal, everyone will add a three-way offensive and defensive alliance to jointly deal with the upcoming crisis!” ”

Odin was the first to speak, much to the surprise of Lornan.

After all, among the three forces, it can be said that the one who is most alien to him is the Asa God Clan.

Odin was the first to agree, which he naturally did not expect.

After Odin spoke, Fu Xi was also the second to stand up: “I also agree with Lonan’s proposal!” ”



“I agree!”

After the voice of the Fu Xi Clan fell, the other three sub-saints here also voted their opinions.

As for the Chao Clan who is still stationed in the Pangu World and has a nest in the future, it is difficult to consider it.

However, according to the Terran previous habit of major event resolutions, as long as the three sub-saints agreed, it was basically a definite matter.

At this moment, the four sub-saints had already agreed, and even if they had an opinion, it would be useless.

After the Terrans made a statement, Tartaros still frowned and thought, and it was difficult to make a decision.

Unlike the Pangu World and the Nine Planes of the World Tree, after this war, the internal worries of the Olympus World have been completely resolved, and there should be no possibility of war in a short period of time.

And once you join this offensive and defensive alliance, the war will probably not stop.

This is the root cause of Tartaros and Gaia’s hesitation!

Both Odin and the Terran A-Sage were obviously aware of this, so instead of urging, they waited quietly.

After all, this is a decision that concerns the fate of the three great worlds! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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