Just when a whole ten sub-saint-level strong people were waging a terrifying battle in this square world.

In another chaotic void, Ronan was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, stunned by the shadows that appeared in front of him.

Before, in order to deal with Osiris, Lin Feng used up the power of a hundred chaos in his body and cast the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger, hoping to be able to severely damage Osiris in one fell swoop.

But what Ronan did not expect was that when he actually did this, he actually summoned an incomparably powerful finger and directly killed Osiris.

Luo Nan naturally did not think that this was his own strength, after all, although his current combat strength was already countless times stronger than before the breakthrough, it was not easy to kill a sub-saint.

And what did all this was the shadow in front of Ronan’s eyes now.

After the demise of Osiris, Ronan was led by a familiar and wonderful force to this void and saw the powerful being in front of him.

Although it was only a shadow, Luo Nan could clearly perceive the terrible breath hidden in the other party.

It was the breath that could almost crush the sub-saints, the breath that could only be possessed by beings who transcended everything at the level of life!

“Who were the seniors?”

Facing the shadow in front of him, Luo Nan was confused in his heart and couldn’t help but ask out loud.

A few seconds after his questioning fell, the shadow in front of him did not make any movement.

This made Luo Nan’s brow frown, could it be that this shadow that appeared in front of him did not have any consciousness at all?

But just when he was about to lose patience, the shadow in front of him suddenly opened his mouth, followed by a thick middle-aged voice, which entered Ronan’s ears.

“The Great Desolation Prison Heavenly Finger that you cast is one of my ultimate learnings.”

That indifferent voice sounded, but it made Ronan’s heart shake a lot.

The Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger is his ultimate learning!!

Doesn’t that mean that the person in front of you is Wuzu?!!

For the appearance of Wuzu, Luo Nan could not be said to be particularly surprised.

After all, just a long time ago, he was beaten into the Endless Chaos Void because of Maitreya Buddha’s hand, and it was because he met the Beginningless Emperor that he was able to get away from the Endless Chaos Void.

Since the Beginningless Emperor could all be encountered, it seemed impossible to meet Wuzu.

However, looking at this slightly old shadow, Luo Nan really couldn’t associate it with Wu Zu, and could only say that it was far from the image in his heart.

“You seem surprised at how I look?”

The voice in the shadow sounded again.

Ronan nodded and admitted very dryly, “Indeed, you are older than I thought.” ”

“Old… Oh well…”

The shadow laughed a few times, but there was an unconcealed loneliness in the voice: “Young for me, it has been too long and too long ago, I can’t remember.” ”

Hearing this, Luo Nan’s brow also frowned slightly.

At this moment, in his heart, there were too many doubts.

Why did the Beginningless Emperor appear here in the first place, and why did Wuzu appear here now?

Why do these characters, who originally existed only in the novel, appear here one by one?

These problems have been crowded. Pressed against Ronan’s heart.

The last time he saw the Beginningless Emperor, Luo Nan didn’t have time to inquire, and now that he saw Wu Zu, Luo Nan naturally wouldn’t miss the opportunity to figure it all out.

Therefore, at the moment, he also asked directly to the shadow in front of him: “Wu Zu is surnamed Lin Mingdong, born in the Great Yan Dynasty of the Eastern Xuan Domain of the Heavenly Xuan Continent, and then soared to the Great Thousand Worlds?” ”


The shadow voice was calm, not half surprised.

Luo Nan’s brow frowned even tighter, if this information was true, it would mean that the Wuzu in front of him was the Wuzu in the novel on Earth.

And what is the connection between the two?

“Aren’t you surprised I know this?” Lonan asked.

“Not surprised.” Shadow shook his head.

Lonan asked, “Why?” ”

“The fact that you can know this shows that in your world, there are legends about me, which is a very normal thing.”

The shadow said lightly, “Although the world in which I live is far away from the big world you live in, and even the people of the Sacred Realm are difficult to cross, the magic of the Great Avenue cannot be clearly explained in a word.” ”

“The more powerful the being, the clearer the message recorded in the avenue. And in every big world below the avenue, there will be one person or several people who can feel this information by accident and then record these powerful information. ”

“Of course, perhaps even these people who record the information do not know that they have inadvertently perceived the information recorded by the Heavenly Dao, and will only think that it is their own fantasy.”

“You can know who I am, and obviously in your world, there are people who have felt my message.”

Hearing this explanation, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed a glimmer of clarity, and the long-standing doubts in his heart dissipated.

“It turns out that because of…”

Many of those writers on the earth, I am afraid, have inadvertently read the powerful atmosphere recorded by the Dao.

It is precisely because of this that those works are written.

But I’m afraid these authors themselves don’t know that the stories they write actually exist.

And those stories are not all their imaginations, but the memories of reading the avenue.

“But, among those records, you don’t seem to be that strong…” Ronan wondered.

“Oh, that’s because they are too weak, so the information they can read from the avenue is extremely limited, and they can only read a small fragment of our long life.” 」

Shadow shook his head and sighed lightly, revealing a trace of remembrance in his eyes: “Great Thousand Worlds, that was already more than 1,300 yuan ago.” ”

Will Yuan?

The first time he heard about this unit, Luo Nan was a little puzzled: “How long is the first yuan?” ”

“Of the several great worlds that you have gathered together now because of the amount of robbery, except for the two that world tree exists, the other worlds are less than a hundred yuan.”

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