Super Race Three, can bring Luo Nan four hundred times the combat strength bonus, plus Luo Nan after breaking through into the Quasi-Saint Realm, cultivation strength has been greatly improved compared to before, at this moment with Super Race Three, how strong the combat strength is simply unimaginable!

After taking a deep breath, Luo Nan did not hesitate any and took a step directly into the void.

With Luo Nan’s current cultivation behavior, escaping into the void was more fluid than before breaking through the quasi-saint realm, and at this moment, even if the saint or even the saint himself came, he might not be able to feel Luo Nan’s movement in the void, let alone capture Luo Nan’s tracks.

After escaping into the void, Luo Nan’s huge divine thoughts spread out in all directions.

I quickly figured out where I was now.

“The place where I am now is not far from the land of death!”

As the words fell, Lonan tore through the void and appeared directly in the world of Olympus.

And at this moment, he was in the same position as he had fought against Agios Osiris before.

However, at this moment, Osiris’s figure had disappeared, apparently thinking that he had killed Lonan, so he left safely.

“I don’t know what kind of expression you’ll look like when you see me again!”

Horn Lonanzui flashed a sneering smile and chased directly after the residual breath of Osiris.


On one battlefield, the Terran strongmen are fighting the gods of the Nile God Domain.

In both camps, there was no quasi-saint-level strongman, and the highest was only the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

In terms of numbers, although there are more gods on the Nile God Domain side, the strong human side has mastered these various magical formations.

Under the blessing of these formations, the combat strength of the Terran strong is much higher than that of the Nile God Domain side, which can just make up for the disadvantage in quantity, and even on the whole, there are still some advantages!

At this moment, after a period of fighting, the Terran side has been able to suppress the gods of the Nile God Domain, as long as the Terran side is given enough time, it will inevitably be able to win this war.

However, just when the Terran side had vaguely occupied the advantage of the war, a black shadow suddenly appeared directly above the battlefield.

The moment this black shadow appeared, a cold hum sounded directly.

Immediately afterward, all the Terran strongmen seemed to be hit by the giant hammer at the same time, directly spitting out blood and reaching out to hit it hard!

Just a cold hum made the vast majority of Terran strong people lose their ability to fight!

“It’s Lord Osiris!”

“Lord Osiris killed that abominable Terran, and we won!”

The Nile god, who had been beaten down, saw Osiris appear, and a smile of joy appeared on his face.

The opposite, on the other hand, is on the Terran side, at this moment, each face is difficult, into a deep despair.

“It’s A-Sage, it’s A-Saint of the Nile God Realm!’

“Ya Sheng actually appeared in the middle of the room, and we were finished!”

“Although Luo Xian is strong, he can’t be Yasheng’s opponent, I’m afraid he has already encountered an accident…”

Suddenly, the entire human race was in a miserable state.

And Osiris was not ready to waste any more time, and a cold voice fell directly from the sky: “Kill the Terrans of the Pangu World!” ”


In the battlefield below, a series of shouts rang out in an instant.

All the Terran strongmen present had been seriously injured by Osiris, and most of them had lost their combat effectiveness.

Now to face the gods of the Nile God Domain, it can be said that there is no power to fight back!

“Kill these guys!”

With a roar, the gods of the Nile God Domain who had been suppressed and beaten were now like salted fish turning over, and they were about to target the Terran strongmen.

But just as they were about to move, a cold voice suddenly sounded: “Do you want to do something to my Terran race, have you asked me?” ”

At the same time as the words sounded, whether it was Osiris in the sky or the Nile God Domain deity in the battlefield below, it was all a slight shyness.

However, the Terran strongman, who originally had a desperate face, had a renewed glow of hope in his eyes.

“It’s that guy, he has obviously been killed by me, even his soul has been torn to pieces, why would he…”

Above the sky, Osiris gritted his teeth, unable to believe what was happening before his eyes.

And just when Osiris was shocked, a huge change had taken place in the battlefield.

Those Nile gods who were preparing to strike at this Terran strongman only felt the space around them, as if they were frozen in an instant at this moment.

Immediately afterward, an irresistible oppressive force came directly from the surrounding space.

This oppressive force from the expansion of space is simply not something they can resist.

Almost without any ability to resist, a series of blood flowers had already bloomed in the battlefield.

The tens of thousands of gods in the Nile God Domain had been wiped out by Luonan almost in the blink of an eye!

This is Luo Nan’s strength after breaking through to the Quasi-Saint Realm!

Breaking through the quasi-holy realm, it was not only Luo Nan’s cultivation that was improved, but also Luo Nan’s control of space had also made great progress!

At this moment, with Luo Nan’s mastery of space, Super Race Three could easily kill tens of thousands of gods with precision!

“Bastard, what did you do!!”

But Ronan’s move made Osiris in the sky almost crazy!

The tens of thousands of Nile gods on the battlefield below were all the absolute elite of the Nile God Domain, and they were killed by the Lonan Coefficient for a while, which was definitely a great blow to the Nile God Domain!

Such a blow made Osiris feel a little unbearable!

“Chaos, I will kill you!”

Osiris roared in anger, and then rushed directly to Luonan, with a mighty attack, directly towards Luonan and the other Terran strongmen.

Obviously, Osiris was not just trying to kill Ronan at this moment, but wanted to kill the Terrans below to calm the anger in his heart.

But how could Ronan possibly make him happy?

Corner zui flashed a sneering smile as Ronan’s hands stretched out directly. With a stroke of the front, the tens of thousands of strong people around them disappeared and were dragged into the void by Luonan…

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