347 fought a vicious battle

After Ronan saw this scene, his brow was also slightly wrinkled.

The Spear of Hades can be said to be an extremely powerful magic move.

But now this magic magic could not achieve any effect in the face of Osiris, who was a saint.

The most powerful point of the Spear of the Dark God is to use the Nether Death Qi to devour the life force of the target, so most of the targets, once hit, will basically die.

However, as the lord of the underworld of the Nile God Realm, Osilishi is also a sub-holy realm, and his mastery of the Nether Death Qi is still above Luonan.

Therefore, when Ronan used this Spear of the Dark God, it had no effect.

However, Ronan only frowned slightly at this and did not care.

The Spear of Hell can’t do damage to Orisis, so what?

His attack method was not only the spear of the god of the underworld!

This trick doesn’t work, it’s a big deal to change a trick!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan’s figure directly flashed, and the chaotic force in his body was mobilized again, containing two space-time black holes above his hands.

These two space-time black dots were several times more powerful than what Ronan had cast before.

The space-time black hole that had killed the quasi-saint in the previous second was all performed by Luo Nan purely with his own cultivation.

But at this moment, he had already mobilized the chaotic power in his body!

Under the blessing of the power of chaos, the power emitted by the space-time black hole in his palm will surely be even more shocking.

After Osiris sensed the terrible breath, there was also a little caution between his eyebrows.

The next second, Osiris let out a loud roar, and then tens of millions of black lights flew out of his body.

These tens of millions of black rays spread over a range of hundreds of miles around, all of them condensed into the appearance of Osiris, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false at a glance!

At the first thought, thousands of bodies were born, and this was the combat power of Yasheng!

These thousands of doppelgangers suddenly launched an attack on Luo Nan at the same time, and then the overwhelming and terrible attack poured directly into Luo Nan from all directions.

When Ronan saw this, his brow furrowed slightly, and the next second he held aloft the space-time black hole in the center of his palm.

After the space-time black hole was lifted up by Luonan, it immediately broke away from Luonan’s palm, and then moved in the wind, instantly turning into a circle of tens of meters.

And those divine forces that were tilting towards Luonan actually fell into this space-time black hole and were completely engulfed by it, and they also did not cause any damage to Luonan.

“Osiris, it seems that you are no more than that!”

Ronan sneered, although he had just had any effect on Osiris, but Osiris’s attack, he could also dodge.

It can be said that in the first confrontation, the two were completely five-and-five, and neither of them took any advantage of the other!

This is naturally an acceptable thing for Lonan.

But for Osiris, it was completely unacceptable!

After all, when it comes to cultivation as a realm, Osiris is definitely far superior to Ronan.

In the case that the cultivation realm was enough to crush Luo Nan, but in the first confrontation with Luo Nan, he fought a five-to-five open, which was almost to lose his face!

You know, he is one of the nine pillar gods of the entire Nile God Domain, and the other party is just a no-name pawn in the Pangu World, if this is all five or five, then doesn’t it prove that the gods of their Nile God Domain are all garbage waste?

Thinking of this, Osiris couldn’t help but get angry, and then thousands of figures moved at the same time, once again attacking Luonan.

Lonan, who was in the center of Osiris’s thousands of figures, after seeing this scene, his eyes couldn’t help but flash for a moment, and then his figure disappeared directly in place.

With Lonan’s mastery of space now, this spatial change has long been no secret, and it is quite easy to cross.

Hiding in the turbulence of time and space at this moment, Osiris immediately lost his goal.

Although Osiris was a saint, he was not proficient in space one, and even his understanding of space was not as good as that of some quasi-saints.

And this has become his biggest disadvantage when facing Ronan now.

He just couldn’t catch any trace of Lonan!

Finding that Ronan’s figure had disappeared in front of his eyes again, Osiris’s brow was also tightly frowned, and then a huge divine thought immediately spread out in all directions, hoping to find out Lonan’s traces from the turbulence of space.

And just as Osiris was rummaging, the space behind him suddenly rippled, and then an arm appeared directly.

Above that arm, there was a little green glow, directly behind Osiris.

Ossilis, who thought that Ronan had escaped into the turbulent flow of space in order to escape, could not have imagined that Lonan would dare to sneak up on him, and at this moment, unexpectedly, he did not find the trace of Lonan at the first time.

It wasn’t until the powerful monster-breaking finger pointed at the vest that I realized it.


Upon realizing this, Osiris’s mouth immediately exploded.

At the same time as this cheer sounded, a powerful shock suddenly appeared behind Osiris, and it was heading towards the role of Lonan.

But at the same time as Osiris unleashed a powerful impact, Lonan’s form had disappeared again.

At the same time that Ronan disappeared, his figure seemed to be haunted, and actually appeared in front of Osiris, and the finger that had not fallen for a long time was also directly in front of Osiris’s xiong!

As soon as he pointed it out, the chaotic power in Luo Nan’s body surged at this moment, and dozens of chaotic forces gathered together, condensing into a destructive force far beyond all the divine powers that Luo Nan had cast before!

And this terrible power, which could not be expressed by rain and smoke, also poured into Osiris’s body.

“Bang bang bang!!”

A crackling sound suddenly sounded in Osiris’s body.

Osiris’s body exploded with black smoke, as if it were on the verge of disintegration.

Obviously, Luo Nan had unleashed dozens of attacks of chaotic forces in this breath, and even he could not easily withstand it.


With a soft cough, Osiris spat out a touch of scarlet blood in his mouth.

And this also made Osiris’s eyes instantly red! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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